英语人>词典>汉英 : 红灯 的英文翻译,例句
红灯 的英文翻译、例句


red light · red lantern · Red Lights
更多网络例句与红灯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This kind of images has made the city become a forest of cement and mechanical moving objects.Those who have created and are living in this atmosphere are,at the same time,enjoying the curiosities,strangeness,dissepiment and insecuritie .All these feelings are hard to be described in one scenario.This is no doubt the feeling of Feng jie,therefore he has adopted a kind of mural painting,used some images that are not interrelated and organized these pieces of memories into a container.Feng jie has a good skill to paint realitically,so he is able to express this kind of absurdness as truly as photographs.He can organize the reality like pieces of cards into an ordered space of images.


Cars to meet one on the street since his 007 Pound coaster girl drama, as if the race when flirting, both on the road back-to-back Tour Cart River, Jay Chou is not only the previous morning when the phrase from Jiang's "pre-train" during a row闯红灯also occupied locomotive grid, coupled with booming engine noise, frightened law-abiding mot


The arias Beijing opera the red lantern accompanied by piano successfully re-performed many times several decades after Cultural Revolution, resulting from the new centaury of the relaxed political and cultural environment For the purposes of evaluation of its art value, this paper analyzed the example music, records, books and journals, audio and video materials of the arias Beijing opera the red lantern accompanied by piano, had the historic environment and generation background revert to type and analyzed the music aria in detail.


If you want to cross the road when the lights are still red, he will hur..


On 16 Japanese media reported that Chiang's Shanghai stock due to the purchase of "red light industrial" stock losses have been red light industrial court news, I am a lawyer with the case After a telephone conversation to understand the situation, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions, in January 8, 1999 to my MTR Eastern Siping City, Jilin Province People's Court for a civil action for damages.


During valve is closing and will light constantly when valve is seated.


Will flash during valve is closing and will light constantly when valve is seated.


According to this phenomenon, this paper established game model for passerby and traffic officer by means of the basic principles of game theory. Two methods including pure strategy and mixed strategy will be introduced here. Based on the analysis, this paper found that there was no Nash equilibrium on pure strategy. And strengthening management on the traffic officer will reduce the probability of passerby running a red light. Furthermore, even though strengthening the penalty of the illegal passerby will make effect in short time. However, in the longtime, the phenomenon will go on and the traffic officer will be lazier at reverse.


Accident investigation, Dongyang City Department of Transportation regulations that闯红灯van driver, was primarily responsible.


Cars to meet one on the street since his 007 Pound coaster girl drama, as if the race when flirting, both on the road back-to-back Tour Cart River, Jay Chou is not only the previous morning when the phrase from Jiang's "pre-train" during a row闯红灯also occupied locomotive grid, coupled with booming engine noise, frightened law-abiding mot


更多网络解释与红灯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bei Rot:遇红灯时

befolgen 遵守,遵循 | bei Rot 遇红灯时 | der Zebrastreifen 斑马线

bei Rot:遇红灯时NEP无忧研修网

befolgen 遵循,遵循NEP无忧研修网 | bei Rot 遇红灯时NEP无忧研修网 | der Zebrastreifen 斑马线NEP无忧研修网

give a stop light to:开红灯

开工不足enterprises running under their production capacity | 开红灯give a stop light to | 开工典礼commencement ceremony

go through the red light:闯红灯

go through 通过,做完 | go through the red light 闯红灯 | go to one's head 让某人感到飘飘然,使某人充满自负

With the collar in place, a red light comes on:项圈安置好之后 红灯亮起

the domestication collar.|驯化项... | With the collar in place, a red light comes on,|项圈安置好之后 红灯亮起 | telling us that the zombie's desire for human flesh has been contained,|意味着僵尸对人肉的...

A: Look at the light. It is red:注意交通灯,是红灯

A: Great idea, Bob. 好主意,Bob. | 1. A: Look at the light. It is red. 注意交通灯,是红灯. | B: Stop. Don't cross the road! 停. 现在不要过马路.


10. ground crew 地勤人员 | 11. jaywalk 不遵守交通规则穿越马路;闯红灯 | 12. launch 发射;开始

A jaywalker:专指闯红灯的行人

Road hog 专指开车闯红灯的人 | A jaywalker 专指闯红灯的行人 | 4. Hurry and get changed! 快去换衣服. What for/为什么

red light:红灯

描述:获得15场"红灯"(Red Light)赛胜利. 描述:使用在"海滨车库"(Beaches garage)买来的车辆成功击毁15辆敌车. 描述:成功从"好莱坞车库"(Hollywood garage)运出15辆车. 描述:完成所有4个"时间挑战"(time trial)中的第1个任务.

The Missionary:霓红灯下的圣教士

the Crow 乌鸦 | the Missionary 霓红灯下的圣教士 | X-Men X战警(特别版)(双D5)