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精萃 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quintessence  ·  select  ·  selects

更多网络例句与精萃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Different extraction technology of natural VEand phytosterol from colza oil was developed for different fatty acid level and the technological parameters were optimized.

不同的脱臭馏出物脂肪酸含量差别很大,为充分利用其中的天然VE 和植物甾醇,针对脂肪酸含量低的菜籽油脱臭馏出物,采用酒精萃取天然VE 。

The maturity of the self develops when adults can really know kids, and help them distill who they are.


A pre-fermentation cold maceration (or "cold soak") involve an aqueous extraction, rather than an alcoholic extraction, and can extract colour, aromatics, fruitiness, and mouthfeel/width ("flesh"/"fat").


Founded in 1996,our company,shenzhen zeitgeist electronics co.,ltd is a professional manufacturer specializing in manufacturing temperature sensor 、thermistor、digital thermometer and hygrometer and componets for temperature controlling. Our products are applicable to home electrical appliance、medical treatment、automobile、electrical toy、consumer electronics and so on.


The results presented that ethanol extract from Alpinia speciosa K. root had antioxidant activity. Thus, ethanol extract from Alpinia speciosa K. root possess a broad application and exploitation for cosmetic industry.


The whole Of science is nothing more than are- finement Of everyday thinking.


Results suggested that Terminalia catappa leaves have no effect on cell viability of SCC-4 cells. The modified Boyden chamber assays revealed that a treatment of Terminalia catappa leaves significantly inhibited the cell motility/invasion capacities of SCC-4 cells.

在本实验中,利用 50%酒精萃取的榄仁树的叶之萃取物处理 SCC-4 细胞株,并利用 MTT assays 分析方法显示榄仁树的叶萃取物并不会影响 SCC-4 细胞的存活率,而当癌细胞转移时常常会伴随著细胞外基质的分解及细胞移动能力的改变,接著我们利用 modified Boyden chamber assay 发现榄仁树的叶萃取物具有抑制 SCC-4 细胞的移动与侵袭能力。

Plato's Timaeus posits the existence of a fifth element (corresponding to the fifth, remaining, Platonic solid) called quintessence, of which space itself is made.


The Eye Concentrate combines a triple concentration of Crème de la Mer's original Miracle Broth? with marine extracts and advanced botanicals to dramatically diminish the appearance of lines, wrinkles and undereye discolorations as it soothes, smoothes and softens.


The results from analysis of conjugated dienes and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance formation showed that aqueous extracts of black rice and black sesamin and ethanol extracts of black Jew's ear inhibited the oxidation of LDL.

我们发现,黑糯米和黑芝麻水萃取物及黑木耳的酒精萃取物会延迟脂质氧化过程的中间产物 conjugated dienes 的出现,且会抑制终产物 thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance 的产生,反映出黑糯米和黑芝麻水萃取物及黑木耳的酒精萃取物具有抗低密度脂蛋白氧化的能力。

更多网络解释与精萃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alcoholic extract:酒精萃取物

alcoholic determination | 定醇法 | alcoholic extract | 酒精萃取物 | alcoholic extraction | 酒精提取

Arnica Extract:山金车萃取

7.Cucumber Extract 小黄瓜精萃提取物 | 8.arnica extract 山金车萃取 | 9. Lavender Extract(薰衣草提取液)


世界卫生组织(WTO )研究指出,烟碱尼古丁(Nicotine)实际上是一种兴奋剂,是强成瘾药物,吸烟的成产瘾机理与吸毒完全一样,只是程序略轻而已. 台湾天然植物精萃研发中心程先生研究发现:常绿亚乔木果实(山楂、乌梅、菠萝、柠檬等)经高倍浓缩,


"百思图(BASTO)"------集"最佳(Best)、永恒(Abiding)、精萃(Select)、雅致(Tasteful)"于一身并"不断前进(Ongoing)"!这便是BASTO品牌的全新理念. 产品以浪漫的紫色为主,配以简约、明朗的外在型体和与众不同的内在气息,

a puny physique; puny excuses:瘦弱的体格;微不足道的借口

329、puny adj.小的, 弱的, 微不足道的 | a puny physique; puny excuses.瘦弱的体格;微不足道的借口 | 330、Quintessential adj.精萃的, 精髓的


四、引导组织再生术(GTR)治疗根分叉缺损我还要因本书日文版的出版而感谢东京精萃(Quintessence)出版公司总裁Ikk0 Sasaki先生. 感谢Hidetoshi Akimoto先生(Aki编辑公司)对绘图的编辑和临床照片以及图解所提供的有益建议.


quintessence 精萃 | quintessential 精萃的 | quintet 五重奏


quintessence 精萃 | quintessential 精髓的 | quintessential 精萃


quintessence /精萃/精华(物体)最纯粹的形体/典型/ | quintessential /精萃的/精髓的/典型的/ | quintic /五次/


沉稳木质调(白麝香、檀香木),与KAUPE精萃调理与照护都会生活造成的压力. C-镇静,(CALMING)蓝色蕾香精萃镇静舒缓刮胡后的刺痛或发炎证状. H-保湿,(HYDRATING)添加蕴含丰富矿物质量海藻的蓝色演湖水,能深层锁水保湿肌肤.