英语人>词典>汉英 : 粘质层 的英文翻译,例句
粘质层 的英文翻译、例句


cement layer
更多网络例句与粘质层相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of the research on shape of fish-head boudin and the difference between layer and matrix, and by means of the method of physical modeling, the author modeled different shapes of fish-head boudin, and came out the relationship between shape of fish-head boudin and viscosity ratio between layer and matrix, which can be called an experience rheological gauge.


On the basis of the research on shape of fishhead boudin and the difference between layer and matrix, and by means of the method of physical modeling, the author modeled different shapes of fishhead boudin, and came out the relationship between shape of fishhead boudin and viscosity ratio between layer and matrix, which can be called an experience rheological gauge.


Considering the gel layer and the endolymph of otolith organs as visco-elastic solid and fluid respectively, the Grant′s elastic model was modified.


The fixed-NH+4 capacity of all natural layers in lou soil was determined in this thesis,they were 482.2±10.4,1134.9±4.0 and 553.0±11.3 mg N/kg soil in overburden layer,claying horizen and loess parent material horizen respectively.

确定了土娄土各自然层的固定态铵容量,覆盖层、粘化层和黄土母质层分别为(482.2±10.4) mgN/kg、(1134.9±4.0) mgN/kg和(553.0±11.3) mgN/kg土。

In the late stage, every layer of keratoconus had pathological changes.


Adhered intension of passivation film: scrub film 2 to 3 second by soft rubber, then check scratch mark on the film.


The result indicated that suitable thickness of paddy soil is about 15cm,and for dry arable land it should not be lower than 20cm;The alluvial rivers parent material is the best one to influent the output,the rice fields is the worst with the parent material of slate ground,while the dry and plough land is the worst for its purple sand shale parent material;The paddy rice is best with the acid soil,and the dry crop is the best with the neutral soil;The obstacles horizon exist in 35.2%of the rice fields in research region,and many for middle or top digit obstacles.

结果表明,水稻土的适宜耕层厚度为15 cm左右,旱耕地适宜耕层厚度应不低于20cm;成土母质对产量的影响以河湖沉积物母质最好,稻田以板页岩母质最差,旱耕地以紫色砂页岩母质最差;水稻以酸性土最好,旱作以中性土最好;研究区稻田有35.2%的存在障碍层,且多为中、高位障碍,是影响水稻产量整体提高的主要因素;水稻和旱作都以壤土为最好,其中,稻作怕砂,旱作怕粘;水稻土适宜的容重为1.00—1.29 g/cm~3。

Several points can be concluded for the area from this paper study:(1) Hydrocarbon mainly occurs in the lower interval of bioclastic limestone and dolomitic limestone(the special lithologic interval ) in Es_1 Member,in which solution pores well developed;(2) Traps are mainly anticlines controlled by f.


The result showed that the spatial variability of the soil bulkinthis area was complicated and there was not a certain variation.The soil bulk density of loamy soil was(1.55±0.09)g/cm3,the soil bulk density of sandy soil was(1.43±0.16)g/cm3 and the soil bulk density of clayey soil was(1.54±0.07)g/cm3.The soil bulk density of the cross-bedding soil composed by sandy soil and clayey soil was(1.47±0.12)g/cm3.The soil showed a tendencyto be compacted.


The results showed compared with the native state the shear strength of rockmass under the saturation state decreased by 11.17%, cohesion force decreased by 16.09%, internal frictional angle decreased by 10.02%.(3) 3D-σFEM numerical simulation software is used to simulate the slope stability on the native state and saturation state. Compared with the nature state the displacement of the discontinuity and stress concentration in the saturation state is largened clearly, the results showed slope stability under the rainfall is weakened.


更多网络解释与粘质层相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


195,"alluvium","al ","冲积层(土),泥砂" | 196,"argillite","argl","厚层泥岩,泥质板岩,粘板岩" | 197,"breccia","brec","角砾岩,角砾的"

matrix solution:基质溶液

一、 基质溶液(matrix solution)的制备 贮库有多层的或单层的,用作多层的系统的贮库材料最好由相同的基本成分组成,其中可能包括聚合物、软化物、增粘剂、填料.


9.硬膏(plaster) 药物溶于或混和于粘着性基质中并涂布于裱被材料如布纸上而成. 硬膏粘贴于皮肤表面后,可组阻止水分蒸发,使角质层软化,有利于药物渗透吸收,且作用深入持久. 适用于慢性局限性浸润肥厚性皮肤病,而急性皮炎禁用.



psammoma body:砂粒体

若有乳头存在时,其被覆上皮与囊壁上皮相同,间质为疏松结缔组织,常呈水肿. 约1/3肿瘤可见砂粒体(psammoma body)散在于肿瘤的间质内. 砂粒体由小同轴的层迭结构组成,含有钙盐、粘多糖及铁,为伴有细胞变性的营养不良性钙化之结果.

cement layer:粘质层, 士敏土层

cement kiln dust || 水泥窑粉尘 | cement layer || 粘质层, 士敏土层 | cement lime mortar || 水泥石灰砂浆