英语人>词典>汉英 : 简单明了 的英文翻译,例句
简单明了 的英文翻译、例句


lie in a nutshell · simple and clear · put in a nutshell
更多网络例句与简单明了相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A good teacher should have the ability to shed light on the abstract and complex problems so that students can easily understand them.


The easy way to make this clear is to leave a apace, like this


Quest Improvements: We're adding new quests in "The Fissure of Woe" and Post-Searing Ascalon, and updating many of the quests in Pre-Searing Ascalon to make it more straightforward for players to gain entrance to the Academy.

任务改进:我们在"The Fissure of Woe"和崩坏的Ascalon世界里新增了一些新的任务。同时,也更新了一些崩坏前的任务,使得他们更有连惯性更容易了解,让新玩家能够简单明了的取得进入Academy的权利。

Furthermore, The frequency-domain relationship between the electric flux density and the electric field is managed with the Z transform, which is of frequent use for digital filtering and signal processing. The optical pulse propagating in nonlinear and dispersive media is analyzed with Z transform, which is simpler than with auxiliary differential equation method.


Keep the belay station simple and well-organized.


This article has demonstrated that risk assessment need not be a black art, understood only by insurers, but can be a straightforward, logical and useful process.


Nice of you to boil it down for us.


The structure of the bridge is briefness, the approach of the force passing is clear, and the period of the construction is short.


When Christo Javacheff (b.1935) used huge pink plastic cloth to surround the green small islands in the big sea, this kind of talk no doubt became as simpler and more perspicuous as Anselm Kiefer (b.1945)'s putting straws on bituminized waste.

当克利斯托(Christo Javacheff b.1935)用巨大的粉色塑料布包围大海中的绿色小岛时,这种交谈无疑变得更简单明了。正像安塞姆·基弗(Anselm Kiefer b.1945)把稻草放在沥青堆成的废墟上一样。

Eliot is more enterprising than they, ause almost in so many words he assails the philosophical or cosmical principles under which we form the usual images of reality, naming the whole phantasmagoria Waste Land almost as plainly as if he were naming cosmos Chaos.

因为8 Tt t 8。 com 他费了同样的口舌来攻击我们 sSBbWw 赖以构成现实生活常见 ssbbww 形象的哲学的或者 wwW.ssbbwW.coM 宇宙论的原则,他简单明了的把变幻无常的称为荒原,几乎跟把宇宙称为&混沌世界&一样简单。

更多网络解释与简单明了相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在上述的例子中,尽管灯塔报似乎在社区关联(community affiliation)的维度上失去了公信力,但从简单明了的"可信性(believability)"角度来说,它仍然保持了公信力.


分类(浏览)检索(Browse)一般按照人为设定固定类目收录相关信息,检索时只需按照类目层层递进,遂层深入即可得到相关信息. 一般有按主题或字顺的方式组织分类. 其优点是简单明了,无需任何检索基础知识都能检索到相关信息,


其他品牌名称如"佳能"(CANON)、"美能达"(MINOLTA)的含义则不言而喻. 2.简单明了、积极向上且便于记忆:好的品牌瞬间便可以给人留下深刻的印象,并且经久不会忘却. 例如"可口可乐"不仅描绘了饮料的滋味,同时也表达了消费者享用这种饮料时的快活心情;

chromatic scale:半音音阶

这种由"do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do" 构成的音阶叫作"自然音阶"(diatonic scale)(而由12个音组成的音阶叫作"半音音阶"(chromatic scale). 透过这种简单明了的讲解,我们说明了作曲家用12个音进行创作的原理.

Connect with the audience:联系听众

4.5 Be aware of your audience 了解听众 | 4.6 Connect with the audience 联系听众 | 4.7 Simplify and focus 简单明了,重点突出

diatonic scale:自然音阶

这种由"do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do" 构成的音阶叫作"自然音阶"(diatonic scale)(而由12个音组成的音阶叫作"半音音阶"(chromatic scale). 透过这种简单明了的讲解,我们说明了作曲家用12个音进行创作的原理.

Electra complex, plain and simple:恋母情结 如此简单明了

She's just angry she lost her daddy.|她只是很生气 因为失去了... | Electra complex, plain and simple.|恋母情结 如此简单明了 | Damn. This girl's gonna make detective in no time.|该死 这女孩儿马上就要变成...

lie in a nutshell:简单明了, 易于解决; 一言可尽

in a nutshell 简言之, 概括起来, 一言以蔽之 | lie in a nutshell 简单明了, 易于解决; 一言可尽 | put sth. in a nutshell [喻]用几句话说明某事, 用一句话概括起来

Junkerdom:德国贵族地主, 德国贵族地主之精神或政策

Junkerdom 德国贵族地主, 德国贵族地主之精神或政策 | spherical capacitor 球形电容器 | in words of one syllable 用浅显明了的话说, 简单明了地(说)...

It's pure and simple:这很简单明了

I swear it's true (You know I'm gonna be there) 我发誓它是真的(你明白,我会在你身旁) | It's pure and simple 这很简单明了 | I'll be there for you 我会为你在此守候