英语人>词典>汉英 : 筹集的资金 的英文翻译,例句
筹集的资金 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与筹集的资金相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But that was before we raised money, the church and me, to send her to Augusta to school.


Morgan Chase had raised only about half of the $325 million, according to people familiar with the negotiations.


By March, DreamWorks and J.P. Morgan Chase had raised only about half of the $325 million, according to people familiar with the negotiations.


They also raised money to help people in disaster area.


The money will be administered by the United Nations and non-governmental organizations.


Of course the type of financing is not more, it can raise more funds.


ICBC and China's second- and third-largest banks have raised more than $40 billion in the past 12 months.


More disposals are possible: Rio has sold $2.5bn of assets already this year, raising almost as much as it did last year.


National Social Security Foundation shall be composed of the funds encashed from reductions of held State shares, the funds allocated from central budget, and the funds raised by other means.


The funds Mr Clinton managed to accumulate for Russia were too little, too late.


更多网络解释与筹集的资金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

equity financing:权益融资

主要是现金支付方式.2.外部融资外部融资是指收购企业通过外部渠道筹集资金进行并购支付.外部融资包括债务融资(debt financing)和权益融资(equity financing).(1)债务融资.债务融资指收购企业通过举债(issue debt)来筹集并购所需的资金,


其实,即便本市已经能够完成全部的削减预算计划,市府仍然在筹集资金(funding)上陷入困境. 市议员丝汀兹女士(KarenStintz)表示,市政经理的备忘录反映出本市财政中的严重不平衡. 所花的已经大大超过了所能获得的,所以不得不削减开支.

fundraising alternatives:筹集资金方案

event management 会展管理 | fundraising alternatives: 筹集资金方案 | coffee breaks 会间喝咖啡的时间;咖啡歇

Kit Kat:一种果饯 junk bond 垃圾债券,为筹集资金发行的高风险低价债券

16.vending machine 自动售卖机 | 17.kit kat 一种果饯 junk bond 垃圾债券,为筹集资金发行的高风险低价债券 | 34.kick back 放松,平静下来

municipal bond:市政债券

市政债券(Municipal Bond) 市政债券是由地方政府或其授权代理机构发行的有价证券,筹集的资金用于市政公用设施和社会非经营性项目的建设. 市政债券分为两大类:一种是一般债务债券,是以当地政府信用和税收能力作为还本付息的保证,


政府债券(Treasuries) 政府债券的发行主体是政府. 它是指政府财政部门或其他代理机构为筹集资金,以政府名义发行的债券,主要包括国库券和公债两大类. 一般国库券是由财政部发行,用以弥补财政收支不平衡;公债是指为筹集建设资金而发行的一种债券. 有时也将两者

raise money by selling Christmas cards:通过卖圣诞卡的方式来筹集资金

3. do some voluntary work 做一些志愿工作 | 4. raise money by selling Christmas cards 通过卖圣诞卡的方式来筹集资金 | 5. organize other fund-raising activities 组织其他的资金筹集活动

fund raising activities:筹措资金的活动;资金筹集活动

fund raising 基金筹措;资金筹措 | fund raising activities 筹措资金的活动;资金筹集活动 | fund raising activity 资金筹措活动;筹措资金的活动

fund raising activity:资金筹措活动;筹措资金的活动

fund raising activities 筹措资金的活动;资金筹集活动 | fund raising activity 资金筹措活动;筹措资金的活动 | fund raising capacity 筹措资金能力

fund raising capacity:筹措资金能力

fund raising activity 资金筹措活动;筹措资金的活动 | fund raising capacity 筹措资金能力 | fund raising cost 筹集成本;基金筹集费