英语人>词典>汉英 : 筝 的英文翻译,例句
筝 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
zither  ·  zithers

更多网络例句与筝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Zheng is generally made of candlenut wood, has an oblong sound box with a curved top and strings with individual fret s which can be moved right and left to modulate the notes.


Zheng is generally made of candlenut wood, has an oblong sound box with a curved top and strings with individual frets which can be moved right and left to modulate the notes.


There is not much variety of scenery cither.


Results: It showed that (1) the main motivating factors were "to acquire experience in the sport","to relax and socialize","to satisfy curiosity", and "to kill time amid excitement";(2) the ten most popular sporting activities included walking, scuba diving, swimming, banana boat riding, hot spring, beach games, SPA, cycling, mountain climbing and car racing;(3) the sport tourism experiences sought were geared towards "natural environmental challenge" and "artificial environmental challenge" rather than "interpersonal contest" or "interpersonal combat". In terms of tourism resources consumed,"natural coastal experience" and "natural landscape experience were more favourable when compared to "manmade cultural/entertainment experience"."Manmade historic experience was not mentioned at all. Conclusion: The survey provided support that sport tourism environment and activity forms evoke different motivating factors.


It is a descendant of the old Egyptian harp, and is related to the psaltery, dulcimer and zither.


In addition to the guzheng art innovation, they also created an unprecedented new system Cheng's playing techniques and teaching methods, the new system created a koto repertoire and teaching repertoire.


In addition to the guzheng art innovation, they also created an unprecedented new system Chengs playing techniques and teaching methods, the new system created a koto repertoire and teaching repertoire.


The instrument Komiya plays in this CD is a 25 stringed "Sou", a modern solo instrument recreated from the traditional 13 stringed Sou.


In chapter 1, the paper overviewed the feature of Chaozhou guzheng, introducing other representatives of Chaozhou guzheng. In chapter 2, the paper studies Chaozhou guzheng melody formulated by Mr Xu, summing up its spectrum surface characteristics. In chapter 3, combined with the author's personal experience of learning with Mr Xu, in three different spectral mode of Chaozhou guzheng set by Mr Xu, From Playing by the right hand and composing by the left hand, specifying the actual performance characteristics.


The guzheng is tuned to a pentatonic scale, the 16-string zheng is tuned to give three complete octaves, while the 21-string zheng has four complete octaves.


更多网络解释与筝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


autogyro 旋翼飞机 | autoharp 自鸣 | autohypnosis 自我催眠




专辑以日本的雅乐为主线,根据演奏乐器的不同,泾渭分明的分成了三个部分:日本十三弦(koto),三味线(shamisen)以及蓧笛(shinobue)和能管(nokan). 中国自古在文化上对日本有着深远的影响,音乐自然也是.


日本(koto)是一种长型弹拨乐器,有筑紫、俗、十七弦、三十弦和二十弦等多种形式. 三味线是三根弦的长颈乐器,演奏者用右手持三角形拔子弹拨. 日本琵琶则是有四、五根弦的梨形琵琶,其三角形拔子通常比三味线的拨子大.

Koto Koto:日本十三弦筝

107 日本三昧线 Shamisen Shamisen | 108 日本十三弦 Koto Koto | 109 卡林巴 Kalimba Kalimba


3 肖乐乐 ninety-five | 4 余韵 ninety-four | 5 郭锦培 ninety-four


zirconium 锆 | zither | zitherist 演奏

Chinese zither:筝

trumpet n. 喇叭,小号 | zither n. 齐特琴 | Chinese zither


zither | zitherist 演奏者 | zithern 齐特拉琴


zitherist /演奏者/ | zithern /[乐器]/ | zizith /上衣的四角上的缨子/