英语人>词典>汉英 : 笔直的 的英文翻译,例句
笔直的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
direct  ·  erect  ·  ramrod  ·  straightforward  ·  straightly  ·  directs  ·  erected  ·  erects  ·  ramrodded  ·  ramrodding  ·  ramrods

更多网络例句与笔直的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has hungry ,black eyes that look straight at the dormouse.


I figured it would be easier that way, I'd have more control, and I could drill a hole straight in.


And walked straight ahead to the grassy field.


Hitching up his trousers , carefully , as if afraid of destroying a ''.


Awl gas lock is angry implement next noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch that can be used at fine pink segregator are in charge of or the canal answering pink of meal segregator and


It's a kind of going-all-out tree, with a straight trunk and straight branches.


In addition, the paper for beating degree, firmness and filling, sizing, and so on, with the crimpness, self-crimping to marketizing of paper, of course, not all of the paper self-crimping occurs.


In addition, the paper for beating degree, firmness and filling, sizing, and so on, with the crimpness, self-crimping to marketizing of paper also focuses on the papermakig process.


A sentinel at each end of the bridge stood with his rifle in the position known as "support," that is to say, vertical in front of the left shoulder, the hammer resting on the forearm thrown straight across the chest - a formal and unnaturai position, enforcing an erect carriage of the body.


With straight trunks and branches, white poplars aim high.


更多网络解释与笔直的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sharp bends:尖锐/笔直的折弯

Flammable 易燃的 | Sharp bends 尖锐/笔直的折弯 | Flat 消光/哑光的

erect posture:笔直的姿势

He is a great penmanship.他可真是个笔杆子. | erect posture笔直的姿势 | fry煎

The traitor in strait straight forwardly told me the traits of the bait:笔直往前的海峡里的跟踪器告诉我们诱饵的行进路径

711. The superstitious man put the priorit... | 712. The traitor in strait straight forwardly told me the traits of the bait. 笔直往前的海峡里的跟踪器告诉我们诱饵的行进路径. | 713. The Oriental is pro...

uprightly:笔直地, 正直地

pabular 可食的, 食品的, 饲料的 | uprightly 笔直地, 正直地 | the Garden of the Gods 奇岩园地带(在美国 Colorado Springs 市附近)


upstand 竖柱 | upstanding 姿势笔直的 | upstart 傲慢自负之人


upstand /竖柱/ | upstanding /正直/直立的/姿势笔直的/良好的/ | upstart /暴富者/暴发户/傲慢自负之人/暴富的/

It's the most well-disciplined,effective army in the world:这是一支世上最训练有素、效率最高的军队

a well-disciplined approach严谨有序的方法 | It's the most well-disciplined,effective army in the world.这是一支世上最训练有素、效率最高的军队. | 3.upright adj.(1)standing straight up垂直的;笔直的

The poplars stand upright in the field of the north:白杨树笔直地挺立在北方的旷野上

upright a.直立的,竖立的,垂直 的;正直的,诚... | The poplars stand upright in the field of the north. ;白杨树笔直地挺立在北 方的旷野上. | Mother has told me to be an upright person since I was a little gi...

inside a perfectly straight line:心里藏着一个完美的笔直的路线

people moving all the time人们无时不刻在行动 | inside a perfectly straight line心里藏着一个完美的笔直的路线 | don't you wanna jest curve away你不会开玩笑地迂回吧

The specimen's pelvic girdle and spine:这个尸身的骨盆和脊椎

this is outside my purview as a coroner.|这超出了 我一个验尸官的能力 | The specimen's pelvic girdle and spine...|这个尸身的骨盆和脊椎 | are curved and upright|是弯曲和笔直的