英语人>词典>汉英 : 竞争 的英文翻译,例句
竞争 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
compete  ·  competing  ·  competition  ·  competitiveness  ·  contend  ·  contest  ·  cope  ·  emulation  ·  rival  ·  rivalry  ·  rivalship  ·  setoff  ·  strife  ·  struggle  ·  struggled  ·  vie  ·  war  ·  warfare  ·  rivalize  ·  warf  ·  competed  ·  competes  ·  contended  ·  contends  ·  contested  ·  contests  ·  coped  ·  copes  ·  rivaled  ·  rivaling  ·  rivalled  ·  rivalling  ·  rivalries  ·  rivals  ·  struggles  ·  vied  ·  vies  ·  warred  ·  wars  ·  competitions  ·  contentions

vie for · fall over each other
更多网络例句与竞争相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper is base on the research harvest about compete stratagem, Some eigenvector which reflect compete stratagem are advanced, there are price, affixation value and difference.


This article has discussed the new economical time general characteristic, proposed two core concepts which the expense value and the paragenesis evolution enterprise.


For ease of analyzing therelation of competition and social risks,the treatise proposes the two pairs of newconcepts;self-incurred loss and nonself-incurred loss in competition and compensableloss and non-compensable loss in competition.It maintains that the self-incurred lossand compensable loss in competition will generally lead to no social risks and,onlywhen the loss is nonself-incurred or non-compensable in nature,it will lead to socialrisks.


Its competitors竞争对手 at Pepsi just announced that they will stop sales of sugared drinks to schools worldwide.


The results of the present research are as follows, The correlation between physico-chemical properties of organic compounds and their competitive power was studied, and it was indicated that organic compounds preferable to form H-bonding with organic matter of sorbents have stronger competitive power; Sorption behaviors of ionizable organic compounds in different species and their competitive power were examined, and the results showed that phenols and carbonxylic acids with benzyl circle have much stronger competitive power in molecular species than in ionized species, because negative charges of anionic forms can depressed their adsorption on the surface of the sediment; in contrast, organic bases such as aniline and p-chloroaniline show weaker competitive power in molecular species than in ionized species, and this is because both species of the organic bases could adsorb strongly onto the sediment; there is a correlation between competitive power of organic pollutants in multi-solute systems and their sorption isotherm nonlinearity in single-solute systems, and organic compounds whose sorption isotherms is linear in single-solute systems hardly have competitive power in multi-solute systems; Competitive sorption effects in more than two-solutes systems was studied, and it was exhibited that mixture of two cosolutes each of which could suppress sorption of nominal solute onto the sediment had synergistically competitive sorption effect on the nominal solute; A method about incorporating sorption/desorption of organic pollutants into river water quality model was developed, and discussion about degree of sorption/desorption effect on model prediction for different organic compounds was made, which will provide theoretical basis and practical processes for setting up more accurate water quality model.


During the competition on the market, only the one who can make unexpectable moves can have the advantage of other rivals and become the focus of customer attention.


The result pointed out that the vertical distribution of foliage for each species was different,however,generally speaking,the foliage in upper crown (0.3CL) for broad-leaved species in natural secondary forest took a small percentage,about 10%;in middle or middle lower of the crown(0.4CL to 0.8CL) the branches here took the majority percentage of whole foliage,almost 60%to 75%;but in lower crown(0.8CL),there was about 10%of whole foliage.(5)The interspecies competition of trees in secondary forest was expressed by Hegyi competitioin index,and the active competitor was calculated by the competition zone radius and the tree position,DBH,and distance in the zone,it was not all competitors in tranditional calculation.The study introduced crown area overlap index to describe the crown competition between subject tree and its competitors,furthermore,the crown area was classified into 5 levels with a method of equal crown projection area,therefor,the resulting crown area overlap index showed more realities of existing stand conditons.(6)Based on the theoretics of multiply divide,the spatial strcture optimizing model of secondary forest stand selective thinning was developed by diversity mingling,aggregation index,competition index and crown area overlap index,also designed 10 constraint conditions which were related to forestry meanings,the objective function was solved by the implicit enumeration method with LINGO 9.0,using 0-1 integer programming.


In this respect, the study of how to make a competitive strategy development has become the main focus of industrialists and researchers.


Unfortunately at present the competition circumstances in China are not well-ordered, and activities of jugulating competition, limiting competition and unfair competition occur from time to time. The paper aims to make people fully understand these abnormal competition activities, and suggest effective methods of it, on the purpose of promoting the sufficient development of competition in the market economy and forming satisfactory competition order.


Status: Competition 现状:竞争 In 2005 the University of Guadalajara and the Municipality of Zapopan Jalisco, through the University of Guadalajara's Cultural Center Trust announced the International ideas and Conceptual Architectural Project for a Library Competition, a public library for 3,600 users and 2′000,000 volumes.

2005年,瓜达拉哈拉大学和市萨波潘哈利斯科,通过瓜达拉哈拉大学的文化中心信托宣布的国际建筑设计思想和概念图书馆项目的竞争,公共图书馆为3600用户和2'000 , 000卷。

更多网络解释与竞争相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

competitive advantage:竞争优势 有利競爭

competitive ability 竞争(能)力 競爭能力 Y | competitive advantage 竞争优势 有利競爭 Y | competitive association 竞争群丛,竞争种组 競爭性結合 Y


Anticompetitive stock acquisition 反竞争性的股份收购 | Anticompetitive 限制竞争的,反竞争的 | Anti-merger 合并控制

Anticompetitive practices:防止竞争措施 防止竞争措施

animal cruelty 虐畜罪 虐畜罪 | anticompetitive practices 防止竞争措施 防止竞争措施 | antitrust act 反托拉斯法案,发信托案 反托拉斯法案,发信托案


就是说,"竞争"有两种类型,即"竞赛"(emulation)与"竞争"(competition),我们积极地支持、赞赏后者. 前者"竞赛"是从"模仿、仿效"这一语义中派生的,是向着被给与的同一个目标和模式"追赶"的顽强竞争;而在后者"竞争"中,目标本身是多元化的,

monopolistic competition:垄断竞争

经济上的"垄断竞争"(monopolistic competition)概念,是美国经济学家张伯伦(Edwin Chamberlin)首先提出来的. [3] 但是由于笔者在移植过程中所作的改造,"政治垄断竞争"的概念已与原本的"经济垄断竞争"有很大不同. 因为第一,实行"政治垄断竞争"之后,

competitively:竞争地; 有竞争力地; 好竞争地 (副)

competitive 竞争的 (形) | competitively 竞争地; 有竞争力地; 好竞争地 (副) | competitiveness 竞争力; 好竞争 (名)

imperfectly competitive market:不完全竞争市场

不完全竞争市场(Imperfectly Competitive Market)可能是指: * 不完全竞争市场 (经济) 完全竞争市场 完全竞争市场 除完全竞争市场以外的所有的或多或少带有一定 垄断 因素的 市场 都被 称为不完全竞争市场.

competitive intelligence:竞争情报

"竞争情报"(Competitive Intelligence)顾名思义,是在市场竞争中应运而生、并在日趋激烈的市场竞争中发展起来的一个重要的情报分支,是传统情报学与现代企业战略管理、市场营销等学科结合的产物竞争情报是以合法和道德的手段,通过收集、整理、分析各类信息,

interspecific competition:竞争

在同种个体间发生的竞争叫种内竞争( interspecific competition ),在不同种个体间发生的竞争叫种间竞争( intraspecific competition ). 他感作用例子:北美的黑胡桃(Juglans nigra)抑制离树干25m范围内植物的生长,其根抽提物含有化学苯醌,

perfect competition:完善竞争

所谓的"完全竞争"或"完善竞争"(perfect competition)的理论似乎成为人们判断现实生活中竞争是否有效的模式,即如果现实生活中的竞争与"完全竞争"的判断模式不相符合,那么现实生活中的竞争就是不可欲的,甚至是有害的.