英语人>词典>汉英 : 立场 的英文翻译,例句
立场 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
footing  ·  position  ·  positioned  ·  stand  ·  standpoint  ·  positions  ·  stands  ·  standpoints

更多网络例句与立场相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is in fact a natural requisite of On the Concept of History, a stark and clear political standpoint in itself, only that it has been blurred in the name of academism.


ADAs position, published in the July issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, represents the Associations official stance on vegetarian diets


The concept of "Black and White Realism" is not a concept of art language model of chromatics, but an expression of a standpoint that show clear attitude to the harsh reality.


As we ask and answer a why-question, we always presuppose a background-theory-framework, Which is a convention made by the questioner and explainer, A convention is a reasonable decision, but what kind of convention is made will be context-dependent.


And then prove their own opinion or reconstruct the meaning of the message. The audience have the premeditate position for the media.

Stuart Hall提出阅听人对信息的解读有三种立场,分别为:主流霸权立场、协商性立场与对抗性立场

This dissertation consists of three parts, which stereoscopically reveal Beicuns novel creation from the angle of expressing divinity. Chapter One proceeds from the culture fact that Beicun has been converted to Christ to review his course of tracking down deiform solicitude, then establishes and determines the nature of his speech-standpoint as an intellectual, a pioneer-writer and a Christian, the three of which reach an internal unity in seeking the meaning of survive and ultimate value.


The dominant research on Chinese Koreans in Japan can be dividedly into: the Ethnic Identity and National Identity perspectives.

现在在日本进行着的对中国朝鲜民族的研究中,主流的研究方式分为:&从民族的角度研究朝鲜民族&的Ethnic Identity的立场和&从国民的角度研究朝鲜民族&的National Identity的立场(权香淑《在中国的'朝鲜族'的研究序说》亚细亚研究VOI.47、NO.3、2001年7月*我认为,像这样分两个立场来研究朝鲜民族问题,应该是今后的研究课题。

A foldable lever assembly is pivotally connected to the carriage and to the pivot arms and assures a fully extended position and a folded position which correspond to a position of engagement of the rake with the screen and a position of disengagement of the rake with the screen, respectively.


The D 玲 was broken with fresh and clear political consciousness over 20 centuries, the motion frame of female writing, become a special existence, in her creations process, political position and rank position melt mutually to living mutually, but the politics of D 玲 participate enthusiasm, is condemned for the imperfection of female position, is returned the knot as the body of"male qualities" more now, deviated from the female guarded securely by feminism in include the political realm of and the male's overall equal and original and early concept.


According to the 1972 Japan-China Joint Communique , the Government of Japan fully understands and respects the position of the Government of the People's Republic of China's position that Taiwan is an inalienable territory of the People's Republic of China, and it firmly maintains its stand under Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation [1] , which states The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine.

&根据1972年日本与中国的联合公报,日本政府充分理解和尊重政府的立场,对中国人民共和国的立场,即台湾是不可分割的领土的人民共和国的中国,它坚定地保持了其立场,根据第8条的波茨坦公告 [ 1 ] ,其中国家&的条款,在开罗声明应当进行和日本的主权,应仅限于该群岛的honshū,町, kyūshū,四国等小离岛,因为我们确定。

更多网络解释与立场相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm just saying I might be forced to the verge of making a stand:我只是说我也许被迫表明我的立场

A fucking Nazi Julie Andrews.|他妈的纳粹茱丽.安德鲁斯 | I'm just saying I might be forced to the verge of making a stand.|我只是说我也许被迫表明我的立场 | A stand?|立场?

Commonality standpoint:民间立场

"无立场":Non-standpoint" | 民间立场:Commonality standpoint | 叙事立场:Narration Standpoint

hold one's ground:坚守阵地 坚持立场[论点, 要求]

hit theground [美俚]倒塌 崩溃 出狱 | hold one's ground 坚守阵地坚持立场[论点, 要求] | keep one's ground 坚守阵地坚持立场[论点, 要求]

Politically correct:政治立场正确

46. mind your own business 别多管闲事 | 47. politically correct 政治立场正确 | 48. politically incorrect 政治立场不正确

position paper:立场文件

各国代表团将针对每一个议题各提交一份立场文件(Position Paper)立场文件使各国代表团了解别国政策态度的主要公开资料. 立场文件初稿:9月30日;立场文件终稿:10月15日. 通过各国的谈判和协商,决定提交决议草案的代表队在10月18日之前提交本国起草的决议草案.

standfast n.1:固执的态度 2.坚定的立场 a.坚定的,固定的

stance n.姿态 | standfast n.1.固执的态度 2.坚定的立场 a.坚定的,固定的 | standpoint n.立场,观点


①"相信"与"理解"(understanding)的紧密关系不亚于"相信"与"表明立场"(standing)的关系,这是因为"表明立场"与"理解"是不可分的. 正是从这种意义上讲,>中那句关于"相信"与"奉行"的希腊语译法("如果你不



Narration Standpoint:叙事立场

民间立场:Commonality standpoint | 叙事立场:Narration Standpoint | 逍遥义:the Standpoint of Freedom

take a stand against:采取某种立场反对

647. on the pot在现场, 在出事地点; 或 立即 | 648. take a stand against 采取某种立场反对 | take a stand for 采取某种立场支持...