英语人>词典>汉英 : 立即访问 的英文翻译,例句
立即访问 的英文翻译、例句


instantaneous access
更多网络例句与立即访问相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When visitting this website, the user is guided instantly another baleful website.


After de Lesseps returned to France from his three month visit to where the canal would be built, he immediately started fundraising and propagandizing the campaign.


Tools that are used frequently and in conjunction with each other should be grouped together spatially and also be immediately available.


In 1977, Daoud promulgated a new constitution, decided to push? quot; have guided mixed economy "of the reforms, the political intention to distance itself from the Soviet Union. April 27, 1978, the Afghan People's Democratic Party President Taraki coup, the Soviet Union immediately recognized that this is A "People's Liberation Movement in the history of the great turning point." in May, the official Tass News Agency of Afghanistan to include a "socialist family members. December 4 to 7, Taraki Amin, Prime Minister, accompanied by Foreign Minister, visited the Soviet Union.


The most important weakness of the Turing machine in comparison real computers is that its memory is not accessible immediately: in order to read a distant memory cell, all intermediate cells must also be read.


New attention came to Milan Kundera after the fall of Communism; even after the instatement of a new regime, Kundera declined to go on proposed official visits to his native land, and chose not to revoke immediately the ban he had imposed on publication of his novels in Czechoslovakia.


The other houses are visited regularly every year by the abbots of the houses on which they immediately depend.


By the constitution published at the council of Vienne which begins Attendentes, there was given to the aforesaid diocesans full faculties to visit once a year the convents of nuns, in their dioceses, that are immediately subject to the apostolic see.

宪法在安理会发表的维埃纳开始Attendentes ,但考虑到上述diocesans全系访问一年一次修道院的修女,在他们的教区,是立即受到使徒见。

The decadence of the order was due to several causes, the first of which was the large number of monasteries, often-times situated in the most widely distant countries, which prevented the "Fathers Immediate" from making the regular visits to all the houses of their filiations, while some of the abbots could not assist every year at the general chapter.

在颓废的命令是由於几个原因,首先是大量的寺院,往往坐落在时代最广泛的遥远的国家,这使得&父亲立即&从决策的定期访问所有的房屋他们filiations ,而一些abbots不能协助每年一般的篇章。

In 1977, Daoud promulgated a new constitution, decided to push? quot; have guided mixed economy "of the reforms, the political intention to distance itself from the Soviet Union. April 27, 1978, the Afghan People's Democratic Party President Taraki coup, the Soviet Union immediately recognized that this is A "People's Liberation Movement in the history of the great turning point." in May, the official Tass News Agency of Afghanistan to include a "socialist family members. December 4 to 7, Taraki Amin, Prime Minister, accompanied by Foreign Minister, visited the Soviet Union.


更多网络解释与立即访问相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"有线新闻网"(CNN)在布什发表咨文之后,立即访问了在卡特里娜飓风灾害中损失惨重的纽奥良的市民反应. 据报道,该地居民对布什在咨文中对援助纽奥良市重建仅是寥寥数语很表不满,因为陆陆续续回到纽奥良的灾民,发现重建工作百废待举,

immediately following:紧跟着

immediate-access storage 立即访问存储器;快速存取存储器 | immediately following 紧跟着 | immensity 广大;无限;无限的空间

lazy loading:延迟加载

二、延迟加载(Lazy Loading) 实体加载时,其关联数据并不是立即读取,而是当关联数据第一次被访问时再进行读取,这种加载方式在第一次访问关联数据时,必须在同一个session中,否则会报session已关闭错误.


虚拟存储系统同样存在这些问题. (1)调入策略①最优(OPT)算法:选择不再使用或最远的将来才被使用的页,这是理想的算法,但难以实现,常用于淘汰算法的比较. ②随机(RAND)算法:随机地选择被淘汰的页,开销小,但可能选中立即就要访问的页.

visiting scholar:访问学人

在伊利诺及华盛顿大学美术系担任访问学人(Visiting scholar)后,于密苏里州Fontbonne大学取得美术硕士学位(MFA),毕业立即受该校聘用. 目前仍在该校任教.

