英语人>词典>汉英 : 突然提出 的英文翻译,例句
突然提出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
spring  ·  springs

更多网络例句与突然提出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A better idea springs from the weak force , which governs certain nuclear processes, including radioactive beta decay. In 1964, physicists found that the weak force is not quite symmetrical in its dealings with matter and antimatter, resulting in something known as CP violation .


On the background that frequent disruptions occur in the logistics,there is a kind of disruption,which is caused by the request changes of customers,such as,new requests by the new customers,requests cancelling,service in advance/lingeringly,and demand changes,and when they occur,not only the customers disrupted are not serviced according to the plan,but also the customers in succession to them are affected.


Although the 8th National Congress of the CPC has made new judgments to principal contradictions in the Chinese society, the Politbureau of the CPC and the Drafting Committee of the political report haven't discussed this issue before the 8th National Congress, and Mao Zedong and other main party and state leaders have not studied this question either, Liu Shaoqi's Political Report to the Eighth National Congress representing the CPC Central Committee in September 15, 1956 has not involved this theoretical question.


After making plans of the total promoting plans, suddenly zhang chong put forward new advice, he thought the selling format of the new year has changed, therefore the new method of pormotion should be initiated which nearly cancelled the work of everyone beforehand without any precedented examples, thus the risk would never be small.


Her head jerked back, and she raised suddenly tearless eyes to his.


He has a way of whipping out a reply just when you least expect it.


They lived together for some days, but suddenly, one day, the girl said to the boy that she wanted to get devoiced.


Just then, Tiffany, who cried first and the most, suddenly raised her hand.


Out of the blue, he tendered his resignation.


She suddenly interposes such an issue.


更多网络解释与突然提出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

broke broken:休息, 暂停, 破裂, 突变. 打破, 违犯, 折断, 削弱, 超过, 突变

blow殴打, 突然的打击 风吹, 吹气于, 叫, 喘气 blew blown | break休息, 暂停, 破裂, 突变. 打破, 违犯, 折断, 削弱, 超过, 突变 broke broken | bring拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼) 停下 brought brought

coup d'etat:政变

虽然在麦克马洪总统领导的保皇党突然发起的5月16日危機失败之后,只有极少数的保皇党员还期待王室复辟,但是由极右势力保皇党员挑起的持续骚动,以及对政变(coup d etat)的恐慌,导致了激进分子代表提出变卖王冠珠宝的计划.



Isabelle Adjani:伊莎贝拉.阿佳妮

约伊莎贝拉-阿佳妮 (Isabelle Adjani)的访问可不是件容易事. 在通了几次电话后,阿加妮提出要求更改采访时间. 一天,正下着雨,我走在街上,我的手机突然响了. "我是伊莎贝拉,没打扰您吧. "我说,当然不会. 她说,有个地方感觉不错,可以去那儿聊聊.


理查德原本有一个幸福的家庭,妻子玛丽(Marry)虽不美丽,却非常贤惠. 理查德的工作性质决定了他必须经常跟随桥梁建设工程,四处为家,经常夫妻分离. 当他的妻子为他怀上第三个孩子的时候,他突然提出离婚,要和比他小十几岁的女人同居.

Love On The Rocks:戀情告急

以下为 恋情告急(Love on the Rocks) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址. 在相当浪漫的情人节晚上,男人和女人吃著烛光晚餐,男的还挑剔著千二元一餐,菜式不如理想,女人突然提出分手. 男人以为自己耳朵有事,请她再说一次.


16 事实上,Anthony Wallace于1956年最早提出"复兴"(revitalization)概念时,就强调指出,"复兴运动是指这样一些努力,它们借用某种形式的宗教意识形态,来恢复或重建被突然中断或受到强大威胁的生活方式.

whiplash injury:挥鞭样损伤

文章摘要:挥鞭样损伤(whiplash injury)其定义为由后方或侧方撞击所致的颈部加速减速机制所造成的骨或软组织损伤,最初由Crowe于1928年提出,专指机动车追尾撞车对乘员头颈产生突然的过伸及过屈作用力,使颈部软组织承受过度应力而造成的损伤,




邀请 邀请(invitations)亲戚朋友参加某项活动可以当面提出,也可以用电话和信件通知. 在美国,接到参加正式宴会或某一晚餐的邀请时,不管是书面通知还是电话通知,被者一般得作出答复,让邀请一方知道你是否参加. 如果接受邀请之后突然发现不能如约前往,