英语人>词典>汉英 : 突发事件 的英文翻译,例句
突发事件 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与突发事件相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in company with the development of city economy and social in china,the menace that public accident makes people's life and property is increasingly severity.positively answering and scientifically disposing public accident,so that forming emergency supervision with unified command,homogeneous function,rapid response and high duty,advancing the ability of insuring public safety and disposing public accident,is key job that government entirety abode function enhance society supervision and public service,is an importance mission for constructing chime social.the paper analyses the present situation and importance of the public accident emergency supervision technical support system construction in ningbo.


Positively answering and scientifically disposing public accident,so that forming emergency supervision with unified command,homogeneous function,rapid response and high duty,advancing the ability of insuring public safety and disposing public accident,is key job that government entirety abode function enhance society supervision and public service,is an importance mission for constructing chime social.


The research on important paroxysmal event and its report is more,and the newspaper core competence research have been developed.But,only the research combining the important paroxysmal event with the newspaper core competence is infrequency.


Based on the Inclan research,the paper improves the prior distribution of variance parameter and the solution of maximum likelihood estimate for high efficiency in calculation.


Afterhand, by the client management to strenthen hotel's ability to manage crisis


The suddenness and complication of the unexpected accidents and the actualities of the present determines the necessities of our conjunctural management toward the unexpected accidents.


Under this background,this paper refers to the concept of SISE and analyzes the world relevant research and practice state. Furthermore, this paper initiatively uses the theory of early-warning management in the field of SISE and builds up the function system, management organization, management object, operation procedure and the proces...


This article tries to start with the relation between the SISE and the government, in term of the organization image management, then propose some suggestions how carry on the government image managements in SISE, from the five aspects of the decision-making, the prestige, the culture, the brand and the personnel management.


Article 8 After a major emergency in the insurance asset management tokes place in an insurance institution, the insurance institution shall send to the CIRC a timely report on a major emergency that has caused or is likely to cause a loss of the insurance assets exceeding 50 million yuan or exceeding 0.1% of the total assets of this institution based on the initial prediction and appraisal results.

第八条 保险机构发生保险资产管理重大突发事件后,应当根据初步预测及评估结果,及时将已经造成或者可能造成保险资产损失超过5000万元或者超过该机构总资产1‰的重大突发事件,上报中国保监会。

From the government image in thunderbolt's function, the government image the challenge which and the impact receives in the thunderbolt, as well as how to grasp the crisis to reverse the disadvantageous aspect, remoulds the government new image three aspects in the crisis to elaborate the government how in the thunderbolt does process grasps the opportunity, promotes government's image during processing thunderbolt's.


更多网络解释与突发事件相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bummer beat:[名]新闻记者对突发、灾难事件所做的采访

Euro:[名]欧元(欧洲统一货币) | bummer beat[名]新闻记者对突发、灾难事件所做的采访 | yada-yada-yada[名]胡说八道

Deal with contingencies:处置突发事件

出入平安 Safe trip wherever you go | 处置突发事件 Deal with contingencies | 传销 pyramid sales; multi-level marketing

In Case of Emergency:突发事件

财富骑士The Knights of Prosperity | 突发事件In Case of Emergency | 丑女贝蒂Ugly Betty


一个完整的突发事件处置过程称为突发事件管理 (Emergency Management),即有组织地分析、规划、决策、以及分配可用资源,以减轻(Mitigate)突发事件所造成的影响、备战(Preparedness)、应急(Response)突发事件、恢复(Recover)正常秩序.

Most of our scrambles are flash events. We rarely see premeditation anymore:突发事件占大多数 预谋犯罪已经很少见

A Red Ball. Crimes of passion have no premeditation, so t... | Most of our scrambles are flash events. We rarely see premeditation anymore.|突发事件占大多数 预谋犯罪已经很少见 | People have gotten the ...

quirk: n.1:怪癖 2.俏皮话,遁辞,模棱两可 3.突发事件,形势的急转

ceremonious: a.1.礼仪的 2.正式隆重的,拘泥于礼节的 | quirk: n.1.怪癖 2.俏皮话,遁辞,模棱两可 3.突发事件,形势的急转 | belie: v.证明...为虚假,与...抵触,违背

Superhighway accidents:高速公路突发事件

交通事故黑点:traffic accidents black-spots | 高速公路突发事件:Superhighway accidents | 道路交通事故:Road accidents

Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unvoidable:不为琐事所困扰; 不为突发事件或不可避免之事烦恼

11. Tranquillity.宁静. | Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unvoidable.不为琐事所困扰; 不为突发事件或不可避免之事烦恼. | 12. Chastity.贞洁.

We should be prepared for all eventualities:对一切突发事件要做好应急准备

It was difficult for us to decide which road to take... | We should be prepared for all eventualities.^对一切突发事件要做好应急准备. | He is always ready to give the shirt off his back to anyone who i...

to establish a dialogue mechanism in response to economic and financial eventualities:建立应对经济和金融突发事件的紧急对话机制

forge ahead with the new gr... | to establish a dialogue mechanism in response to economic and financial eventualities 建立应对经济和金融突发事件的紧急对话机制 | to enhance substantive cooperation in t...