英语人>词典>汉英 : 空位 的英文翻译,例句
空位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
room  ·  vacacy  ·  rooms

a vacant or unoccupied seat · bit bare · vacant position
更多网络例句与空位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was shown that the improvement of electric properties in 1%Eu-PZT can be attributed to Eu donor doping, which decreases the concentration of defects such as oxygen vacancies and holes, while the degradation in fatigue and leakage current properties shown in the films with more than 1mol% Eu dopant results from the apparently dominant acceptor doping, which increases the concentration of oxygen vacancies and holes.


The results show: the strongest bond is the Al-Al bond in the segregated cell without containing vacancy, where the Al atomic covalence radius is greater than that of Li atom in the cell; while the strongest bond is the Al-Li bond in the segregated cell containing vacancy, and the Al atomic covalence radius in the cell is less than that of Li atom. Since the difference of electronagativity between the Al and Li atoms is obvious, it is inclined to formed the Al-Li segregated cell of short range order structure in the condition of vacancy present. The short range order structure containing vacancy is probably the embryo or precursor structure of the metastable phase δ′(Al3Li). Because the strongest covalent bond in the Al-Li-vacancy segregated cell in alloy formed in quenching is the main strength reason for supersaturated solid solution of alloy. The bond net of succeeding precipitation of δ′(Al3Li) has the picture of anisotropic Al-Al bonding and the bond intensity enhanced. Since the δ′(Al3Li) is coherence with matrix, the bond net strength is enhanced by the precipitation of δ′(Al3Li) and so strengthen the alloy.

计算结果表明:不包含空位的偏聚晶胞的键络最强键为Al—Al键,其中Al原子的共价半径较Li原子的共价半径要大;而含空位的偏聚晶胞的最强键为Al—Li键, Al原子的共价半径要比Li原子的共价半径要小;在空位存在的情况下,由于Al原子与Li原子的电负性相差明显,促使Al和Li原子结合,倾向形成Al-Li短程序结构偏聚区,这种含空位的短程序结构很可能就是δ′(Al3Li)亚稳相的前兆结构和生长胚胎;由于Al-Li-空位有序偏聚晶胞的Al—Li键络比基体键络要强许多,因此,淬火过程中合金生成的Al-Li-空位偏聚晶胞对合金过饱和固溶体起主要强化作用;后续析出的δ′(Al3Li)亚稳相键络各项异性显著,键络强度明显提高;由于Al3Li与基体共格,其大量均匀弥散析出起到提升基体整体键络强度,同样对合金产生强化作用。

The results show: the strongest bond is the Al-Al bond in the segregated cell without containing vacancy, where the Al atomic covalence radius is greater than that of Li atom in the cell; while the strongest bond is the Al-Li bond in the segregated cell containing vacancy, and the Al atomic covalence radius in the cell is less than that of Li atom. Since the difference of electronagativity between the Al and Li atoms is obvious, it is inclined to formed the Al-Li segregated cell of short range order structure in the condition of vacancy present. The short range order structure containing vacancy is probably the embryo or precursor structure of the metastable phase δ'(Al3Li). Because the strongest covalent bond in the Al-Li-vacancy segregated cell in alloy formed in quenching is the main strength reason for supersaturated solid solution of alloy. The bond net of succeeding precipitation of δ'(Al3Li) has the picture of anisotropic Al-Al bonding and the bond intensity enhanced. Since the δ'(Al3Li) is coherence with matrix, the bond net strength is enhanced by the precipitation of δ'(Al3Li) and so strengthen the alloy.


Based on the bond energy model of nanoparticles and the relationship between cohesive energy and vacancy formation energy, the expressions for the vacancy formation energy and the vacancy density of nanoparticles have been derived.


Unlike most of the existing tools such as ELAND which only perform ungapped alignments allowing at most two mismatches, ProbeMatch generates both ungapped and gapped alignments allowing up to three errors including insertion, deletion and mismatch.


The association defect formed by donor and acceptor was the obstacle of the electromigration of the Oxygen vacancy and the electron. The valence variation of MnO〓 during the sintering and reoxidation process can improve the insulation resistance effectively.


This work offers a large number of data which can be used to analyze and compare with experiment values in the future.It bulids a theory platform for the later research of elements.Positron annihilation in several carbon allotropes has been studied.The results show that:Positron mainly annihilates in the interspace between layers in the single crystal of graphite.


There are two other apexes presented in the ESR spectra after illumination by Xe light, which are likely to be VSi and VCCSi.


The analyses of electronic structures shows that the catalytic reactivities for H2 adsorption of the different surfaces are dependent on the numbers of s orbital bonding electrons around Fermi level for the uppermost layer metal atoms which interact directly with H2. It is easy to form vacancy for hydrogen atoms next to iron atom, which indicates that hydrogen atom cannot be escaped, but it is difficult to from vacancy for hydrogen atoms next to magnesium atom, which indicates that hydrogen atom can be escaped. Hence it is thought that the change of dehydrogenating properties of MgH2 with or without a little iron addition attributes to the weakened bonding between magnesium and hydrogen.


The main creating aspects are finding and clarify such a fundamental physical process that the grain boundaries emit vacancies under compressive stress to induce solute non-equilibrium grain boundary dilution and absorb vacancies under tensile stress to induce non-equilibrium grain boundary segregation, formulizing the structural equations and the composition equations in force equilibrium in grain bounary region to describe this physical processes and the kinetic equations for non-equilibrium grain boundary segregation under tensile stress, calculating the modulus in grain boundary region from the expermental data of grain bounday segregation using the structure and coposition equations and calculating the diffusion coefficients of vacancy-solute atom complexes using the kinetic equation simulating the experimental results of grain boundary segregation.


更多网络解释与空位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney corner:我看到烟囱旁有一个空位

Spirit, tell me, will Tiny Tim...?|鬼灵,告诉我,小添添会... | I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney corner...|我看到烟囱旁有一个空位 | ...and a crutch without an owner.|还有一付没有主人的拐杖




interregnum 空白期间 | interregnum 空位期间 | interrelate 使相互关连

Interregnum of about one month:大约一个月的空位期

270-275 Aurelian 奥勒良 | 275 Interregnum of about one month 大约一个月的空位期 | 275-276 Tacitus 塔西佗

null bit string:空位串

null balance voltmeter 补偿电压表 | null bit string 空位串 | null built-in function 零内函数

null bit string:空位元串

"空阵列","null array" | "空位元串","null bit string" | "空字符串","null character string"

run plays:找空位

Crash boards 全场紧逼 | Run plays 找空位 | Zone usage 区域防守

no-place predication:空位述谓结构

neuron神经元 | no-place predication空位述谓结构 | object宾语

Would you like to sit in smoking section, non-smoking section or whatever comes open first:侍者:你们要抽烟区还是非抽烟区,或是有空位就行

Just two persons.汤姆... | Would you like to sit in smoking section, non-smoking section or whatever comes open first?侍者:你们要抽烟区还是非抽烟区,或是有空位就行? | We prefer non-smoking section.汤姆:...

lattice vacancy:晶格空位,晶体空位,点降空位

lattice type wave filter 格子(型)滤波器 | lattice vacancy 晶格空位,晶体空位,点降空位 | lattice vibration 晶格振动