英语人>词典>汉英 : 穗枝 的英文翻译,例句
穗枝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与穗枝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inflorescence a terminal open panicle with elongate central axis; branches capillary, subdivided, each branchlet tipped by a short raceme; racemes with 1–5(–8) spikelet pairs, often reduced to triads of 1 sessile and 2 pedicelled spikelets, basal homogamous spikelet pairs absent; rachis internodes and pedicels slender, with a median translucent stripe between thickened margins.

花序一顶生开阔的的圆锥花序具拉长主轴线;分枝发状,再分,通过一短总状花序的每小枝端部;总状花序具1-5(-8)小穗对,通常退化至三人小团伙的1无梗和小穗2 pedicelled,基部同性花对无;节间的轴和花梗纤细,有在加厚的边之间的一个中间的半透明的条纹。

The number of compound leaves, the number of leaflets and the total leaf area of bearing branches had highly significant positive monomial correlation with panicle width and volume.


After orthogonal test analysis of three factors, three levels and 27 kinds of compositions,the causes of the putridity of the Rugosa rose fresh cuttings were investigated.

通过三因素三水平 2 7种组合的正交试验和分析,认为插穗腐烂病的发生是由于难生根的离体保加利亚玫瑰嫩枝插穗的抗性弱、空气和土壤的高温高湿条件所造成的;分析还表明土壤因素对保加利亚玫瑰嫩枝扦插腐烂病影响最大,其次是插穗因素和浸穗试剂,并据此提出感病率较低的 4种组合类型。

The result indicates that the main influence factor on rootage of Photinia serrulata was hormones kind,and the next came cuttings types and cutting substrates.Hormone concentration had the least influence on cutting rootage.


Panicle open, 10–30 cm; branches in distant whorls, capillary, flexuous, 5–15 cm, mostly unbranched, tipped by a raceme; racemes 2–5-noded with 7–13 spikelets, sometimes branched with up to 40 spikelets, disarticulating at maturity, one spikelet of a pair sessile, the other pedicellate; rachis internodes and pedicels slenderly clavate, margins ciliate, hairs 0.7–1 mm. Spikelets 4.5–5 mm; callus hairs ca. 1 mm; lower glume lanceolate, thinly pilose, veins smooth below middle, scaberulous above, apex acuminate; upper glume ciliate on margins, acuminate or emarginate and mucronate; lower floret sterile, palea reduced; upper lemma 2-lobed to middle; awn 5.5–8 mm.

圆锥花序打开,10-30厘米;在远轮生方面的分枝,发状,,5-15厘米,多数不分枝,被总状花序端部; 7-13小穗2-5有节具的总状花序,40小穗的有时分枝具可达,成熟时脱节,一对无梗,另一个的一小穗;棍棒状的轴节间和花梗slenderly,边缘具缘毛,头发0.7-1毫米小穗4.5-5毫米;胼胝体毛约1毫米;披针形,稀疏具柔毛的下部的颖片,脉平滑的中间以下,在上面微糙,先端渐尖;在边缘上具缘毛的上面颖片,渐尖的或微缺和短尖;不育的下部小花,退化的内稃;上面外稃2裂的至中部;芒5.5-8毫米花粉囊2-3毫米。

Two supernumerary spikelet lines and two normal-spiked multispikeletlines of common wheattriticum aestivum L.


Culms forming large clumps, erect, 10–50(–120) cm tall, 3–35 mm in diam. Leaf sheaths mostly longer than internodes, smooth; leaf blades linear, flat or inrolled upward, 10–45 × 0.7–1.5 cm, smooth, apex fine, hard, upper blades usually patent; ligule 2–3 mm. Racemes racemosely arranged, 2–6(–12), 7–23 cm, stiff, erect or slightly spreading; spikelets closely overlapping; rachis terminating in a hard bristle up to 5 cm. Spikelets 12–21 mm, pubescent; lower glume 2/3–4/5 as long as spikelet, acute; upper glume lanceolate-oblong, as long as spikelet, acute; lemma lanceolate-oblong, ca. 1 cm, keel scaberulous, pubescent, entirely or in upper half; palea slightly longer than lemma.

形成的秆大丛生,直立,(-120)厘米高,多数叶鞘3-35毫米直径长于,平滑;叶片线形,公寓或向上, 10-45 * 0.7-1.5 厘米,平滑,先端细,硬,上面的叶片通常开展;安排的2-3毫米外消旋体总状分枝的叶舌,2-6(-12),7-23厘米,硬,直立或者稍开展;小穗接近重叠;轴终止在一难的硬毛可达5 厘米小穗12-21毫米,青春期;更低的颖片2/3-4/5倍于小穗,锐尖;上面颖片披针形长圆形,倍于小穗,锐尖;外稃披针形长圆形,约1厘米,微糙,青春期的龙骨,完全或者在上半部;稍微的内稃长于外稃。

Inflorescence a raceme with 2 or 3(–6) spikelets, rarely a panicle with many spikelets, peduncle, axis, branches, and pedicels slender, glabrous, scabrous or pubescent along longitudinal angles, branches usually subtended by a scaly bract at base. Spikelets ± compressed at maturity, several to many florets; rachilla disarticulating below fertile florets, extended beyond palea of uppermost floret, internodes flattened or concave on side facing floret.


Panicle dense, narrowly oblong in outline, 10–22 cm; branches 2–5 cm, branchlets many, short, pilose in axils; racemes 2–4-noded with 7–11 spikelets, disarticulating at maturity, one spikelet of a pair sessile, the other pedicellate; internodes and pedicels 2–2.5 mm, slender with expanded tips, densely ciliate.


At the top to 1. 52 at the bottom of panicles.


更多网络解释与穗枝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hard wood cuttage:硬枝插穗

嫩枝插穗:soft wood cuttage | 硬枝插穗:hard wood cuttage | 变色菌:Wood staining fungi


杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)山月桂属(Kalmia)的约7种常绿灌木. 全部产於北美、西印度群岛,有一种更广布於北半球. 叶有短柄,对生、互生或轮生,叶缘光滑. 花美观,通常呈碗状,有5裂瓣,粉红色、紫色、淡紫色或白色,成穗著生於枝顶或叶腋.

Malus prunifolia:海棠 果

海棠果(Malus prunifolia)扦插繁殖的试验结果表明,嫩枝扦插效果好于硬枝扦插,并且母树年龄是影响其扦插生根的重要因子. 母树年龄为2年生时,生根率达95%以上. 本文在此试验的基础上,对嫩枝和硬枝插穗中内源植物激素水平进行了测定.


(1)圆锥花序(panicle)或称复总状花序. 在长花轴上分生许多小枝,每小枝自成一总状花序,如南天竺、稻、燕麦、丝兰等. (2)复穗状花序(compound spike)花轴有1或2次分枝,每小枝自成一个穗状花序,也即小穗,如小麦、马唐等.


特征:孢子体多为二叉分枝,小型叶延生起源又称为拟叶,常螺旋状排列,有时对生或为轮生,有或无叶舌,孢子囊有厚壁,单生于孢子叶(sporophyll) 腋的基部,或聚生于枝端或孢子叶球(strobile),或称为孢子叶穗(sporophyll spike).


黑穗醋栗(Ribes nigruml L.)为醋栗科(Grossulariaceae)茶藨子属植物. 落叶灌木,高 1m. 枝灰褐色,节上刺粗壮,常三出,长约1cm,节间无刺,叶互生或簇生于短枝上,近圆形,3~5半裂或浅裂,裂片有钝齿,基部心形或阔楔形,宽2~6cm,两面有疏毛,


短穗鱼尾葵(Caryota mitis Lour.) 槟榔科(棕榈科)(Palmaceae) 一般特性:小乔木,高5-8米,有吸枝,故聚生成丛. 叶:长1-3米,羽状复叶,淡绿色,叶柄和鞘被粃糠状鳞片;小叶薄而脆,长10-17厘米,侧生的近截头状至斜截头状,内缘不及一半有齿缺,


4.刚竹属(毛竹属)(Phyllostachys) 秆散生,圆筒形,在分枝的一侧扁平或有沟槽,每节有2 分枝. 约50 种,大都分布于东亚,以我国为中心. 700 余种. 1.稻属(Oryza) 圆锥花序顶生;小穗两性,两侧压扁,含3 小花,仅1 花结实,其余2 小花退化仅存极小的外稃,

soft wood cuttage:嫩枝插穗

木材工业:Developing Wood Industry | 嫩枝插穗:soft wood cuttage | 硬枝插穗:hard wood cuttage