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程度较大的 的英文翻译、例句


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Each countries have made different regulations for the judicial supervision of commercial affairs. Anglo-American Law System are greatly defferent from Continental Law System. Countries with Anglo-American Law System often endow with more rights of supervision and intervention to the courts, however, in the Continental Law System countries, the courts usually dont intervene in the work out of the arbitrament. But with the development of the arbitration, the court has change its participant degree from more supervision and less support to limited supervision and positive support.


Hot diet, hot tea, dryrigidityfood, pickledvegetables, fast hot diet, cigaretter smoking, alcoholic drinking, family history of esophageal cancer had great loading in the first common factor; the second common factors were lower body mass index, education, occupation, economic income; the third common factors were inhabitancy landform, polluted water drinking; the forth common factors were battercake, pickledfoods, tinpot vinegar, mildewedfoods; the fifth common factors were tea drinking, greenness vegetables fruit, bean products and garlic and gingers and the sixth common factors were upperalimentary canal diseases, chronic oesophagus inflammation, pharyngitis, stomatitis and decayed tooth.

结果 34项影响因素间存在6个主要公因子,其中,第一公因子上因子载荷较大的有喜烫食、烫茶、干硬食物、口味重、热食且快、吸烟、饮酒、及家庭关系、脾气性格、家族史,第二公因子上因子载荷较大的有BMI、文化程度、职业、经济收入,第三公因子上因子载荷较大的有居住地形、饮水污染,第四公因子上因子载荷较大的有煎饼、腌制品、醋、发霉食物,第五公因子上因子载荷较大的有饮茶、蔬菜、水果、豆制品、姜、大蒜,第六公因子上因子载荷较大的有消化道病史、慢性食管炎、咽炎、口腔溃疡、龋齿。

The degree of twist distortion increases with pretilt angle.


There were three isozyme (AMY1, AMY2 and AMY3) at the locus of amylase in Qinghai Merino, moreover, there were two genotypes of AMY2A and AMY2O at the AMY2. Monomorphism was tested at the locus of AMY in Gansu Alpine Merino. The degree of genetic variability estimated by Nei's expected average heterozygosity for the 6 blood protein loci was relatively higher in Gansu Alpine Merino and in Qinghai Merino than that in others, which indicated that there are higher genetic variations and richer genetic diversity in Alpine Merino.


Background: We hypothesized that patients with cerebral infarction on preadmission warfarin have less severe neurological deficits on admittance, less severe neurological deficits 1 week after the onset of cerebral infarction and a larger improvement as to neurological deficits within 1 week of acute cerebral infarction.


Beijing, Guangzhou and other cities dependent on the performance of the real estate industry greater degree bodied estate inevitably be affected.


The integrative ability, organizing ability, communicative ability of trainings was deficiency. Fourthly, the power of social physical educators in Guangxi universities was so weak that it couldn't satisfy the need of specialty development. For example, the number of special teacher and the practicing ability of teachers are deficiency. The teachers that master special theoretic well and have practicing experience are deficiency especially. Fifthly, social physical practice base have not been building in Guangxi universities. And the necessary equipments of gymnasium are deficiency at the same time. Sixthly, the whole sports technology levels of new social physical students are low and hard to fit for social needing. Seventhly, the professional ideology of students is not stable enough. For example, the special concept and cognition of students are dim. The attitude for learning is not right. The most of students want to or have trend to change their profession after graduating. Eighthly, the ability of students fostered by social physical education in various Guangxi universities has a gap with the ability that students should hold for adapting the need of Guangxi employer. The special technical levels of social physical students are weak. Ninthly, in investigation of social physical personnel being demanded by Guangxi area employers, we found that few social physical personnels were demanded by business unit, the state-operated factory and mining enterprise because of being influenced by economical environment. And the more social physical personnels were demanded by social physical directors, fitness centers and each kind of sports association and so on.


Was injured slightly at ρ 0.1 mg/L at 17℃; when the concentration of AE was 1.0 or 10.0 mg/L, the injured degree increased, but Pistia stratiotes L.

结果表明:在 17℃下,ρ 0 。1mg L的AE对大薸的伤害程度极微;ρ为 1.0、10 。0mg L时,大薸受到较大的伤害,但能逐渐恢复正常生理活动;ρ为 2 0 。0、5 0 。0mg L时,由于伤害程度大,超出了酶的修复能力,组织逐渐坏死。

The results show that space finite analysis results are close to test ones, bottom chords suffer axial force and large in-plane bending, and the max stress is nearby each middle internode. The max stress of node crossbeams occurs in No.2 bottom flange, and that of internode crossbeams happens in ones lying in the middle of every internode. The concrete slab is in tension at the longitudinal direction, and also suffers bent at vertical loads. The degree of completely-composite model taking part in the combined actions is about 55%, while that of semi-composite model is 42%-43%. The combination of concrete slab and bottom chord increases the degree of floor system taking part in the combined actions, lightens the burden of bottom chord, and reduces out-of-plane bending of node crossbeams especially the ones near bridgehead. Stress and displacement of main truss can be evaluated by a equivalent plane rigid frame in preliminary design, and effective stiffness of bottom chords are composed of original ones and concrete slab, and the concentrated load from deck can be translated into uniform load.


Hot diet, hot tea, dry rigidity food, pickled vegetables, fast hot diet, cigaretter smoking, alcoholic drinking, family history of esophageal cancer had great loading in the first common factor; the second common factors were lower body mass index, education, occupation, economic income; the third common factors were inhabitancy landform, polluted water drinking; the forth common factors were batter cake, pickled foods, tinpot vinegar, mildewed foods; the fifth common factors were tea drinking, greenness vegetables fruit, bean products and garlic and gingers and the sixth common factors were upper alimentary canal diseases, chronic oesophagus inflammation, pharyngitis, stomatitis and decayed tooth.

结果 34项影响因素间存在6个主要公因子,其中,第一公因子上因子载荷较大的有喜烫食、烫茶、干硬食物、口味重、热食且快、吸烟、饮酒、及家庭关系、脾气性格、家族史,第二公因子上因子载荷较大的有BMI、文化程度、职业、经济收入,第三公因子上因子载荷较大的有居住地形、饮水污染,第四公因子上因子载荷较大的有煎饼、腌制品、醋、发霉食物,第五公因子上因子载荷较大的有饮茶、蔬菜、水果、豆制品、姜、大蒜,第六公因子上因子载荷较大的有消化道病史、慢性食管炎、咽炎、口腔溃疡、龋齿。

更多网络解释与程度较大的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


对于这种"平均主义之谜",有"公平心理"及"利他主义"(altruism)等解释. 但进一步的实验研究表明,实验程序和处理等非经济相关因素具有较大的影响,在许多情况下,被试的行为能够反映较大程度的理性与策略考虑,


较低的中高挥发分的烟煤煤内部的孔隙率大含水高不粘结常含有较 多的丝炭组分 1.28 弱粘结煤(weakly caking coal) 变质程度较低的中高挥发分的烟煤焦化时只产生少量胶质一般不能单独结焦 1.29 天然焦(carbonite) 煤层中的煤因受岩

chit fund:银会

马多夫的案件,就有如六七十年代新加坡的银会(Chit Fund)风暴,很多受害者都是为了贪图利息而参加,结果是损失惨重,影响的层面大得惊人. 但是,银会的受害者主要是教育程度较低的受薪阶级,马多夫的客户则多是为富人理财的大银行.

More information:详细信息

more derived 派生程度较大的 | More Information 详细信息 | more recent version 较新版本

More information:周详信息

more derived 派生程度较大的 | More Information 周详信息 | more recent 较新的


橄榄油的等级很大程度上是根据提炼方式划分的. 最高级的橄榄油只经过一次的冷压,而那些'精炼'过的(refined)通常是品质较次的,通常通过加热、使用化学剂、漂白等工序.

Gekko swinhonis:无蹼壁虎

无蹼壁虎(Gekko swinhonis)是一种中国特有的地方性物种,栖居于中国的黄土高原、黄淮平原、以及长江以北的广袤区域. 来自不同采集区域的无蹼壁虎个体在形态上有着较大的差异,主要显示在疣鳞的分布和粒鳞的粗细程度的不同. 无蹼壁虎所在的广袤区域中,


等足目(Isopoda)囊虾总目的1个较大的目. 约有1万多种. 它们的体形变化较大,多数身体背腹平扁,头部短小,盾形,与胸部第1节或前2节愈合. 无头胸甲. 腹部较胸部短,分节可能清楚或存不同程度愈合,最末腹节与尾节愈合. 胸部附肢均无外肢,



weakly caking coal:弱粘结煤

煤(meager coal) 变质程度最高而挥发分最低的烟煤不具有结焦性 1.27 不粘结煤(non-caking coal) 变质程度较低的中高挥发分的烟煤煤内部的孔隙率大含水高不粘结常含有较 多的丝炭组分 1.28 弱粘结煤(weakly caking coal) 变质程度较低的中