英语人>词典>汉英 : 种植 的英文翻译,例句
种植 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crop  ·  culture  ·  cultures  ·  grow  ·  plant  ·  planted  ·  planting  ·  culturing  ·  grows  ·  plants

更多网络例句与种植相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of the late two years,in order to find out a kind of dental implant ing materialwhich would possess both the very good properties of biological compatibility,the chemical compatibility and the mechanical compatibility,an animal experi-mental preselection was accomplished by our research team with six kinds of im-planting material chosen from four main sorts of oral implant ing material(met-al,ceramic,high polymer and carbon),As the result of the Preselection,thematerial……bio-ceramic was chosen by ...


Stability of implants was measured by rfa regularly.results there was no significant difference between both groups about stability at all periods and histomorphometry, but isq, bic and ba of experimental group were higher than control group, and isq recovered more quickly in experimental group after loaded.conclusion dual threads design contributes to assure the initial and secondary stability of implants, which is particularly important in poor density bone.

结果 两组种植体在各时期的稳定度差异均无显著性,但在每一时期实验组种植体的稳定度均较对照组高,实验组种植体在负重后稳定度恢复较快,负重3个月后实验组的骨-种植体接触率和种植体周围骨面积均较对照组稍高,但两者差异无显著性。结论双梯形螺纹种植体有利于保证种植体的初期和后期稳定性,应用于低密度骨质优越性会更加明显。

Planting system of grain oil-bearing and fresh crop, planting index, per unit area yield, gross output, planting way and crop rotation system of the whole Tibet in different period, as well as the planting situations of agricultural districts of river valley such as Lhasa, Lhoka, Shikaze,etc. were analyzed. The main agricultural district of Tibet at present were summarized:(1) Crop composition and distribution is unreasonable;(2) The intensive cropping development is slow;(3) The planting mode is single.


The result showed that the effect on soil fertility quality not notability; the effect on the flue-tobacco yield have notable different under different green manure, and wheat 、cabbage and cole higher than CK, horsebean is lowest. Planting green manure can ameliorated quality, and cole treatment was more harmony in chemic component, and than was cabbage.


Through the photographic technology of fisheye lens and achieved the space image of cotton canopy structure distributing at different condition, and setupped cotton canopy structure base after image analysis. The experiment results indicated that the adaptability of different varieties to plant density is different, reasonable plant density is benefit to the raise of varieties product, and Xinluzao10 is better at high density(225000plant/ hm2) condition and Xinluzao12 is better at mid-high density(150000 plant / hm2) condition. For different nitrogen, Xinluzao10 is better at right nitrogen application amount(600 kg/ hm2) condition and Xinluzao12 is better at mid-high amount(900kg/ hm2)condition. For different irrigation, Xinluzao6 and Xinluzao12 is better at limited drip irrigation amount(1500 m3/ hm2) condition and Xinluzao8 Xinluzao13 is better at right drip irrigation amount(3000 m3/hm2) condition.

利用鱼眼镜头照相技术获取了不同处理棉花冠层分布空间图象,对图像进行处理分析,建立了棉花冠层图像库及分析诊断指标,研究结果表明,不同品种对种植密度适应性不同,合理的配置种植密度有利于品种的产量潜力的挖掘,高密(225000plant/ hm2)条件下选择新陆早10号、中高密(150000 plant / hm2)条件下选择新陆早12号栽培种植较为适宜;对于不同氮肥用量,适量氮肥用量(600 kg/ hm2)条件下选择新陆早10号、中高氮肥用量(900kg/ hm2)条件下选择新陆早12号较为适宜;对于不同灌水量,限量滴灌(1500 m3/ hm2)条件下选择新陆早6号、12号种植较适宜,适量滴灌(3000m3/hm2)条件下选择新陆早8号、13号种植较适宜。

Under the help of 3D molding software,doctors can use DCT to obtain a visual 3D mode of the Alveolar bone,which facilitate implant placement、previse the Prognosis、and restoration. In this way ,doctors make implant placement and the restoration more safely and more efficiently and perhaps finish the implant therapy in only one vist .


Computer guided noninvasive implant: we use Three-Dimensional Computer Tomography for dental use to the pvease location. Under the help of 3D molding software,doctors can use DCT to obtain a visual 3D mode of the Alveolar bone,which facilitate implant placement、previse the Prognosis、and restoration. In this way ,doctors make implant placement and the restoration more safely and more efficiently and perhaps finish the implant therapy in only one vist .


The zygoma fixture plays a role in transmitting the occlusal force substituting the zagomatic process brace. The deformation tendency of the implants is identical, the displacement of bending is not obviously observed. The displacement of the zygoma fixture near the zygoma is greatly decreased to zero.


To discuss the effects of press-fit surgical technique , implant dimensions and implant thread shapes on the primary stability of immediately loaded implant using the 3-dimensional finite element analysis with the models of the immediately laded implants.


Results:When wide-diameter implant or two-implant were used to replace single mandibular molar, the stress of implant-bone interface was much lower than that of standard-diameter implant restoration. Comparison between wide-diameter implant and two-implant replacement showed that the former created lower stress. The difference was more obvious under oblique loads.


更多网络解释与种植相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

multiple cropping:多熟种植

多熟种植(multiple cropping)指的是在一块地上种植两种或几种作物,是作物种植在时间与空间上的集约化,它包括复种和间套作两个方面. 前者以充分利用时间为目的,后者则侧重于空间的利用. 补充说明 我国以占世界10%的耕地养活了世界22%的人口,


在6,000多年中国已经种植很多的粮食. 而且用陶瓷装着运送到其他国家. 说明,这个国家的土人早在4,000多年前就已经会种植(cultivate) 粮食. 问support? (这些陶瓷里的rice不在那个时期中国会种植的rice范围之内)

endodontic implant:根管内种植体

种植体 carbon implant | 根管内种植体 endodontic implant | 穿粘膜种植体 transmucosal implant

permanent implant:永久性种植体

粘膜下种植体 submucosal implant | 永久性种植体 permanent implant | 螺旋种植体 spiral-shafted implant

tuber planter:块根种植机 马铃薯种植机

cement stone 可作水泥原料的任何岩石 | tuber planter 块根种植机 马铃薯种植机 | narcose [医]昏迷的, 昏睡的

planting design:种植设计

planting conditions 种植现状 | planting design 种植设计 | planting requirements 种植要求

underwood planting:林下种植

2.0439 背景种植background planting | 2.0440 林下种植underwood planting | 2.0441 路边种植roadside planting

endosteal implant:骨内种植体

骨内种植体(endosteal implant)是将种植体植入颌骨以支持义齿,是目前临床应用范围、数量最大的一类种植体. 该种植体根据外形和类型的不同,需要采取不同的手术方法和手术器械植入. 骨内种植体常见有:叶状种植体、圆柱形种植体、螺旋种植体、锚状种植体、穿下颌骨种植体及升枝支架种植体等.

submucosal implant:粘膜下种植体

钉板型种植体 staple implant | 粘膜下种植体 submucosal implant | 永久性种植体 permanent implant

subperiosteal implant:骨膜下种植体

口腔种植体按其种植在人体颌骨不同的组织层次和部位分为4类,即骨膜下种植体、黏膜内种植体、牙内骨内种植体、骨内种植体. 骨膜下种植体(subperiosteal implant)是指位于骨膜下,骑跨在牙槽嵴和骨基表面呈网架状的种植体. 该种植体具有较长的应用历史. 早在