英语人>词典>汉英 : 种族 的英文翻译,例句
种族 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
phyle  ·  race  ·  stirps  ·  raced

更多网络例句与种族相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Zhaitan's undead armies surged from the sea, hungry for the destruction of the five races of Tyria: the charr, a ferocious race of feline warriors; the asura, magical inventors of small size and great intellect; the norn, towering shapeshifters from the frigid northern lands; the sylvari, a mysterious young race of visionary plant folk; and the humans, an embattled but resilient people.

Zhaitan 的不死族军队因此而浮现在了海面上,它们非常渴望吸食泰瑞亚大陆里的五个种族的生物。 charr ,一个凶猛的兽人战士种族;阿修罗,身形瘦小但是拥有大智慧神奇的发明者;norn ,从寒冷的北方高耸的 shapeshifters 土地上崛起;sylvari ,一个能够遇见未来的年轻的神秘种族;还有人类,一个在处境艰难的时还能绝地逢生的种族

The br in g in g of people of different racial or ethnic groups in to unrestricted and equal association,as in society or an organization;desegregation.


The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association,as in society or an organization ;desegregation.


Integration: The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation.


Integration: The bringing of people of different racial orethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as insociety or an organization; desegregation.


Despite all of this, autobiography remains a useful tool for ethnological research: such personal reminiscences and impressions, incomplete as they may be, are likely to throw more light on the working of the mind and emotions than any amount of speculation from an ethnologist or ethnological theorist from another culture.


"Biracial:Of, for, or consisting of members of two races."


This doctrine has broadened the application of the Fourteenth Amendment to other,nonracial forms of discrimination,for while some justices have refused to find,any legislative classification other than race to be constitutionally disfavored,most have been receptive to arguments that at least some nonracial discriminations.sexual Discrimination in particular,are "suspect"and deserve this heightened scrutiny by the courts.


In the emic approach, the goal is to describe behavior in one culture or ethnic group in terms that are meaningful and important to the people in that culture or ethnic group, without regard to other cultures or CETethnic groups.

CET-6, 2002.6, Passage 1, Paragraph 2 着位法的目的是描述某一种文化或者一个种族中对其有意义或重要的行为,着位法的目的是描述某一种文化或者一个种族中对其有意义或重要的行为,而不必涉及其他文化和种族他文化和种族

This part has included to some classical maps introductions,but this partial main bodies are the single campaign introductions.Captured the book to involve played in the campaign in 4 races 36chapter of singles some extremely to have the depth and the valuetactical strategy. Each duty introduced the detailed elaboration inorder to obtain each step which this duty the victory you should do.Moreover, captured the book to provide each campaign detailed map, hassectioned out each important place in the above and falls the Tibetgoods position.


更多网络解释与种族相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apartheid economy:种族隔离经济

*apartheid 种族隔离 | *apartheid economy 种族隔离经济 | *apartheid in sports 体育领域种族隔离

ethnic purity:<英>种族纯化;ethnical:人种的,种族(特有)

ethnic marriage:少数民族婚姻?; ethnic name:种族名称 | ethnic purity:种族纯化;ethnical:人种的,种族(特有) | ethnically:人种上,民族上; ethnicity:种族划分

ethnically:人种上; 种族上 (副)

ethnical 人种的; 种族的 (形) | ethnically 人种上; 种族上 (副) | ethnicity 种族地位; 种族渊源; 种族特点 (名)


种族因素的定义是:种族性"(ethnicity)来源于希腊语"ethnos",意思是民族或人民. 种族因素是与种族或以共同特征和习惯而聚集的大规模人群相关的因素. 应注意,因其文化和遗传学的含义,使种族性(ethnicity)这一定义比人种(racial)有更广泛的意义.

Race and Ethnicity:种族和种族特点

journalistic ethics 新闻道德, | race and ethnicity 种族种族特点, | advertising 广告,


genoblast /成熟性细胞/ | genocidal /种族灭绝/集团屠杀/ | genocide /种族灭绝/种族清洗/

Racial Prejudice:种族偏见

racial mixture 种族混合 | racial prejudice 种族偏见 | racial unconscious 种族潜意识

race psychology:种族心理学

race prejudice 种族偏见 | race psychology 种族心理学 | race relation 种族关系


种族集团ethnicgroup | 种族立场race-base | 种族灭绝genocidalgenocide


(a) " 种族"(race)就某人而言,指该人的种族、肤色、世系、民(d) "种族群体"(racial group)指藉参照种族、肤色、世系、民