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磁性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

magnetic performance · magnetic property
更多网络例句与磁性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that there is a linear correlation between magnetic susceptibility and density. Take 1.6 g/cm^3 as a boundary value, the magnetism of high density coal and low density coal was opposite. The diamagnetism property of low density coal weakens and the paramagnetism of high density coal enhances along with the size reduction of fine coal. The magnetic field intensity influences the magnetism of coal.

研究表明:比磁化率同密度间存在线性相关关系,以1.6 g/立方公分为界,高、低密度级煤分别呈顺磁性和逆磁性,且随煤粉粒度的减小,低密度级煤的逆磁性减弱,而高密度级煤的顺磁性增强;磁场强度对煤的磁性有一定影响。

The machine applies Faraday magnetic conductivity principle for the first time, utilizes the difference between oxygen of air andnitrogen, paramagnetism of oxygen and diamagnetism of nitrogen principles and adopted high-performance rare-earth permanent-magnet material, which creates 18 proprietary technologies that take polyoxier and helimagnetizer as core.


Paper in magnetic patterns, pulp to join jiseizai powder, when paper pulp and magnetic powder is closed at magnetic Board shapes implantation magnetic anti-false paper, magnetic powder be 200 screen, and it should also be stain.


Paramagnetism usually contributes only a few gammas to the magnetic field at the earth's surface.


Making the production of magnetic refrigerator advertising gifts, advertising gifts magnetic photo frame, magnetic puzzle advertising gifts, advertising gifts magnetic bookmarks, advertising gifts, such as magnetic Scratch Pad.


The journal publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of biomagnetic research and technology, including Study of biological, medical, environmental and related systems and processes involving magnetic nano- and microstructures, and paramagnetic molecules; study of the effects of magnetic fields to biosystems; construction of magnetic biocompatible, biodegradable and biomimetic systems; application of basic biomagnetic research in biosciences, biotechnology, environmental technology and related areas.


Result 1 Magnetic nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles modified with antisense oligodeoxynucleotide of human telomerase reverse transcriptase induced HL-60 tumor cells to apoptosis, we could see typical morphologic change of apoptosis cells: karyopyknosis, chromation"s condensing and aggregation in nuclear, forming crescent-shaped or annulus structures to lean on edge of cell nucleus"s membrane and posing apoptosis body by Atomic Force Microscope, Fluorescence microscope, transmission electron Microscope 2 There was a significant difference compared with control group(p.01), inhibition ratio had significant positive correlation with medication dosage and time ;during 0.8-8μM dosage amplitude, inhibition ratio accrescenced by dosages increasing. However, the inhibition ratio would decrease when dosage over 8-80μM.

结果 1 磁性纳米粒子、修饰有端粒酶反义寡核苷酸的磁性纳米粒子诱导HL-60细胞发生凋亡,原子力显微镜、光学显微镜、荧光显微镜和透射电镜下均观察到HL-60细胞呈现典型的凋亡细胞的形态变化:细胞核固缩,核内染色质浓缩、凝聚、形成新月形或环状结构紧靠在细胞核膜边缘,并形成凋亡小体。2 磁性纳米粒子、修饰有端粒酶反义寡聚脱氧核苷酸的磁性纳米粒子对HL-60肿瘤细胞的生长和增殖有明显的抑制作用,与对照组相比有显著性差异(p<0.01),在剂量为0.8-8μmol/L范围内,抑制率随剂量的增加而增加,当剂量超过8μmol/L时,抑制率反而下降;3 磁性纳米粒子、修饰有端粒酶反义寡聚脱氧核苷酸的磁性纳米粒子可增强p53基因的表达活性,引起DNA降解损伤,反向调节细胞周期活动,促使细胞从G0期进入G1期,抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。4 修饰有端粒酶反义寡聚脱氧核苷酸的量子点能通过内吞作用进入HL-60肿瘤细胞的细胞核,可以在细胞内进行定位和促进HL-60肿瘤细胞的凋亡。

The main magnetic bookmark, magnetic WordPad, magnetic darts, magnetic bottle opener, magnetic phone book, magnetic clasp, magnetic toys, magnetic refrigerator, the compass, magnetic stationery, magnetic jewelry, magnetic key chain, magnetic linkage, magnetic buttons and various magnetic gift.


Experiment results indicate that the magnetic fluid flux has a direct relation with the magnetic field under the effect of traveling wave magnetic field. The bigger the magnetic field is, the more the flux is, when the structure of the magnetic fluid travellig pump and the saturation magnetization of magnetic fluid are constant. The volumes of the magnetic fluid from the travelling wave pump increase from 1.9 ml to 3.1 ml, when the magnetic field intensity increases from 25 900 A/m to 40 000 A/m. In addition, the change rate of the magnetic fluid decreases with the increase of the magnetic field due to the effect of magnetic field on magnetic fluid viscosity. The bigger the saturation magnetization of the magnetic fluid is, the more the flux is.

结果表明,行波磁场作用下的磁性流体流量与磁场的强度有直接关系:在磁性流体行波泵结构和磁性流体饱和磁化强度相同的条件下,磁场强度越强,其流量越大;当磁场强度从25900A/m增加到40000A/m时,单位时间内从行波泵内流出的磁性流体的体积由1.9 ml增加到3.1 ml;随着磁场强度的不断增加,磁性流体流量的变化率由于磁场对其粘度的影响而减小;而磁性流体的饱和磁化强度越大,其流量也越大。

As the temperature of such materials rises to the Curie point, the thermal energy of the atoms becomes sufficient to overcome the coupling energy and the material behaves paramagnetically.


更多网络解释与磁性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diamagnetic:[物] 反磁性的 <单词词性>反磁性体

assassin 暗杀者, 刺客 | diamagnetic [物] 反磁性的 反磁性体 | prohibited degrees 禁婚亲等

diamagnetic susceptibility:反磁性磁化率

diamagnetism 反磁性 | diamagnetic susceptibility 反磁性磁化率 | diamagnetic substance 反磁性物质

landau diamagnetism:蘭道反磁性= 朗道抗磁性

Landau damping 蘭道阻尼= 朗道阻尼 | Landau diamagnetism 蘭道反磁性= 朗道抗磁性 | Landau level 蘭道能階= 朗道能級

perfect diamagnetism:完美逆磁性 =完全抗磁性

perfect conductor 理想導體 | perfect diamagnetism 完美逆磁性 =完全抗磁性 | perfect gas 理想氣體= 完全氣體

ferromagnetic substance:铁磁性物质

ferromagnetism 铁(II)磁性;亚铁磁性 | ferromagnetic substance 铁磁性物质 | ferrohemoglobin 亚铁血红素


物质產生磁性是因为量子效应的物理现象,在一般应用中以铁磁性(Ferromagnetic)材料最具重要性,在週期表上106 个元素中仅有Fe,Co,Ni 3 个元素及稀土族的Gd 在室温时具有铁磁性之表现,而这前3 个元素和稀土元素互相结合或与其他不具有铁磁性表现之元素互相结合,

magnetic material:磁性材料=>磁性材料,磁性体

magnetic mate rial wet forming hydraulic press 磁材湿式成型液压机 | magnetic material 磁性材料=>磁性材料,磁性体 | magnetic matrix transducer 磁阵式传感器


当原子间距离足够大时,A值很小时,交换作用已不足于克服热运动的干扰,使得原子磁矩随机取向排列,于是产生顺磁性(Paramagnetism)(1)郎之万(Langevin)顺磁性 包括O2和N2气体、三价Pt和Pd、稀土元素,许多金属盐以及居里温度以上的铁磁性和亚铁磁性物质.

magnetic dial gauge:磁性千分表,磁性指示表

magnetic device || 磁动器件,磁性器件 | magnetic dial gauge || 磁性千分表,磁性指示表 | magnetic dielectrics || 磁介质

magnetic dial gauge:磁性百分 ==> 表,磁性千分表

magnetic dial gage ==> 磁性度盘式指示器 | magnetic dial gauge 磁性百分 ==> 表,磁性千分表 | magnetic difference of potential ==> 磁位差