英语人>词典>汉英 : 破裂的 的英文翻译,例句
破裂的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cracked  ·  gappy  ·  plosive  ·  rent  ·  ruptured  ·  fracted  ·  renting  ·  rents

更多网络例句与破裂的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The articled associates with the case study that injected harshness to auxiliary shaft sidewall in the early course of disruption, analysed the destructive reason of sidewall and introduced the constructive technology and experience of using the injected method to cure sidewall disruption in the early course.


It is shown in this research that:① The acoustic emission phenomena of rock discontinuously occur under the effect of temperature.

试验研究表明:①随着温度升高,岩石的声发射现象是间断发生的;②花岗岩存在一个开始发生热破裂的门槛值温度,其值为120 ℃左右;③试验温度范围内花岗岩热破裂的声发射现象可分为5个阶段,即岩石原生裂隙整合阶段、热破裂前声发射静默阶段、热破裂声发射阶段、大规模热破裂后声发射静默阶段、二次热破裂开始阶段。

The multi-fracture propagating during the unstable propagation accounts for the phenomena of furcation at the ends of earthquake faults.


The authors adopted the software of finite element to simulate rock tension fracture, gave the breakdown of extensional criterion, selected the round, arch wall, rectangle, trapezoid and hemicycle as the simulation models and obtained the tension fracture forms of different shape chambers.


objectiveto investigate the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic duodenal rupture.methodthe clinical data of 13 patients with traumatic duodenal rupture hospitalized from may 1991 to december 2008 were retrospectively analyzed,and the material cause was automobile accident mainly.resultsin these 13 patients,after hospitalization,6 cases were diagnosed in 3 hours,4 cases were diagnosed in 24~72 hours,and 3 cases were diagnosed after 72 hours.three cases with duodenal cleft repair,2 cases with duodenal ostomy,2 cases with duodenum and jejunum roux-en-y anastomosis,1 case with duodenal diverticular surgery,1 case with meliorative duodenal diverticular surgery,1 case with duodenal broken ends closure and anastomosis of stomach with jejunum,1 case with duodenal distal closure and anastomosis of duodenal local with jejunum,and 2 cases with resections of pancreas duodenum.after the operation,6 cases (46.2%) appeared some complications of wound infection,duodenal fistula,digestive tract hemorrhage,pancreatic fistula,abdomen infection and so on.two cases (15.4%) died from multiple system organ failure and septic shock.conclusionthe early diagnosis and correct operation style selection are the keys for duodenal rupture.

目的:探讨外伤性十二指肠破裂的诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾分析外伤性十二指肠破裂患者13例临床资料。结果:入院后3 h内确诊6例,24~72 h内确诊4例,72 h后确诊3例。3例行十二指肠裂口修补,2例行十二指肠造瘘,2例行十二指肠空肠roux-en-y吻合,1例行十二指肠憩室化手术,1例行改良十二指肠憩室化手术,1例行十二指肠两断端关闭、胃空肠吻合,1例行十二指肠远端关闭、近端与空肠端侧吻合,2例行胰十二指肠切除术。术后6例(46.2%)出现切口感染、十二指肠瘘、消化道出血、胰瘘或腹腔感染等并发症,2例(15.4%)患者死亡,分别死于多器官系统衰竭和感染中毒性休克。结论:早期诊断与正确的术式选择是成功救治外伤性十二指肠破裂的关键。

Xie also provided the day of collapsing which he have caculated: It maybe collapsed at 2012, He said as predictor .the spume aways break out one day .no exception .any message to postpone it coming will exert further bed effert on it.


Operation is the principal treatment for traumatic hepatorrhexis, non-surgical treatment is just applicable for simple light hepatorrhexis.


Exploring the basic pathophysiological mechanisms of aneurysm formation and rupture will have great benefit to the aneurysm therapy. Monocytes, fibroblast and T lymphocytes are the main inflammatory cells in the walls of the unraptured and raptured aneurysms.


Proceeding from the thought of blasted fragments having the fractal characteristics, the calculation of blasted fragment sizes was related to the mechanism of blasting in jointed rock masses by the new concept of "rock mass fracture ratio" presented and , thus, the model of damage mechanics for blasting in rock masses was established, which reflects the blasting essence of both rock masses breaking along joint planes and rock breaking.


By means of 10m spatial resolution SPOT images themajor rupture zone can be revealed distinctly, meanwhile, 1m spatial resolution IKONOS images display the fine structures and kinematical characteristics of the surface rupture of the earthquake.

应用高分辨率卫星影像进行地震地表破裂带解译,10m分辨率SPOT卫星影像能够清楚地反映出地震地表破裂主破裂带的形迹, 1m分辨率IKONOS影像能反映出地震地表破裂的精细结构及运动特征。

更多网络解释与破裂的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


8-13% 破裂的(Cracked) 暴击减少3% 驯猪者(Pig Tamers) 最小伤害减少3-4 猎猪者(Pig Hunters) 最大伤害减少6-9 蛇(Snake) 等级4以上最小伤害增加1最大伤害增加1-2 天鹅召唤者(Swan Summoners) 等级12以上最小负伤率增加1% 驯蛇者(Snake Tamers) 最小伤害增加1 女神的(Goddess) 武器 str+10,

cracked:声音嘶哑的, 破碎的, 破裂的

best total of points 最好成绩, 最低积分 | cracked 声音嘶哑的, 破碎的, 破裂的 | Chinese checkers 跳棋

cracked ice:破裂的冰块

50 豪猪是消防队员 PORKY THE FIREMAN | 51 破裂的冰块 CRACKED ICE | 52 小猫咪成为战利品 PUSS N BOOTY


rupturecircle 破裂圆 | ruptured 破裂的 | rupturedchromosome 破裂染色体

ruptured aneurysm:破裂的动脉瘤

*34. abrasion擦伤 | 35. ruptured aneurysm破裂的动脉瘤 | 36. decomposed or skeletonized(尸体之)被支解或成为骷髅


Can you spare me five minutres?你能抽出五分钟和我谈谈吗? | 17.scraggly 散乱的,未梳理的,不整齐的,不平坦的,破裂的 | 18.scrawny 骨瘦如柴的,皮包骨的(指人或动物)含贬义


chasmal 深陷的 | chasmic 破裂的 | chasmophyte 石缝中植物


仪花;檥花 Lysidice rhodostegia Hance | 破生的;细胞破裂的 lysigenous | 破生通气组织 lysigenous aerenchyma


rupicolous 住在岩石中 | rupturable 可破裂的 | rupture 破裂


unblown edition 非增压型,非增压式(柴油机等) | unburstable 不爆裂的,不破裂的(例如汽车轮胎) | UNCD uncoded 未编码