英语人>词典>汉英 : 砂砾 的英文翻译,例句
砂砾 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gravel  ·  grit  ·  graveling  ·  graveled  ·  gravelling  ·  gravels  ·  gritted  ·  gritting

land waste
更多网络例句与砂砾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the subaquatic alluvial fan environment,the study of well-logging data was an important part.


The paper elaborates the construction of underwater cofferdam which is based on gravels.


In the past, it's generally considered that the esker is only developed in continental glacier area; it's made up of sand that's carried by the ice water in glacial tunnel.


Due to biggrain size and high hydraulic conductivity, gravels and gravelly soils were once thought to be unliquefiable.


The soil is dominated by gravel, and the vineyard is composed by gravel and clay facing Gironde River is the best vineyard in Margaux.


The study has indicated that the adsorption capability of nitrobenzene transporting in silt medium is better than that in sand medium.


Natural sand and gravel is plentiful in our country, but in most time it is used in sub-base. In order to make use of the resource and control the cost, The paper introduced lime-ash fly stabilized sand and gravel and cement stabilized sand and gravel which are used in base of second road asphalt pavement.


On the Basis of lots of experiments and studies about using natural sandy gravel and mixture, application of natural sandy gravel to expressway pavement subbase is analysed with examples in project.


This paper gives mechanical testing results of sand-gravel materials in the Liangcha river that show good compaction, high shear strength and low compression behavior. The materials in both panical grades and engineering, behaviors can meet the requirements of different parts of the dam body. And it also discribes a stlbzone in the dam body, design specification, construCtion parameters as well as embankment, slope comp...


4D-G 6-泵吸入口直径 4-泵吐出口直径D-托架形式G-砂砾泵 GH-高扬程砂砾泵 Type Ggravel pumps are the series products introduced from warman intemational equipment ltd.in Austrilia.

产品信息 G型砂砾泵系引进国外。

更多网络解释与砂砾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


grahamite 脆沥青 | grail 砂砾 | grain 颗粒


在我提出结石一词之前,她给一个患有肾结石的人'阅读'时,她使用了'沙子'(sand)和'砂砾'(gravel)这些词. 当肾结石取出来的时候,我们看到它们就像沙子. "斯迪尔医生因娜达莎正确地诊断出肾结石来而非常信任她.

gravel pump:砂砾泵

gravel fluid screen 砾石充填液滤器 | gravel pump 砂砾泵 | gravel screen 砾石筛

gravelly sand:砂砾

gravel 砂石 | gravelly sand 砂砾 | coarse sand 粗砂



grittiness :有砂砾

gritstone 砂岩 | grittiness 有砂砾 | gritty 有砂砾


grittiness 有砂砾 | gritty 有砂砾的 | grizzle 灰色

gritty soil:砂砾质土

grit 粗砂岩 | gritty soil 砂砾质土 | grobal environment 全球环境

placer deposit:砂砾矿床;砂积矿床

砂砾矿 placer | 砂砾矿床;砂积矿床 placer deposit | 砂流 sand drift

chiselly:多砂砾的, 含砂砾的, 粗颗粒的

chiselly bread | 粗全麦粉面包 | chiselly | 多砂砾的, 含砂砾的, 粗颗粒的 | chiselmouth | 锐唇鲴