英语人>词典>汉英 : 矜持 的英文翻译,例句
矜持 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ice  ·  ices

更多网络例句与矜持相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstinence is key. Abstinence is…. The best way to not is to not.


And, because of the characteristic of network, the net friend's is super reality, there is no the worry in reality and act with dignity, eliminated Mi hang of age extremely, disappeared the margin of character, removed the difference of position, shows amiability and purely true one side.


All that I had I gave to you, keeping but the barest veil of reserve.


It never once crossed her mind to be reserved or haughty -- to be other than she had been.


The day is the wine lovers' festival, Beaujolais Nouveau can be shared by wine lovers all around the world.


They are in man's in front usually facial expression dissolute perhaps act with dignity, but the heart is very supercilious, saying for them, man be for-rent car,召 it namely come, flick it namely go to, but sex magic power is the carfare which beats a car, but the premise want the time that the driver drives and can't smoke and can't speak a telephone, work well hygiene inside the car, respect customer, otherwise, money of this car, the driver could not take, and will be also thrown to tell, leave bad record.


Chon, the silent one, played an invaluable role because she carried messages hidden in her clothes without making Luisa Santiaga uneasy or offending her modesty, for she could not read or write, and would die to keep a secret.

沉默寡言的Chon亦在其中起了不可估量的作用,因为她不懂读写,且又守口如瓶,由她将邮件藏于她的衣物中携带,既不会使Luisa Santiage不自在,也无损于她的矜持

While Chinese culture sets great store by empathy with others, using language to reinforce emotional ties that bind all together to forge social harmony, especially for women, restrainedness and implicitness are highly prized linguistic features; in American culture, equality and freedom are highly valued, where a competent American, either male or female, has been inculcated as one speaking frankly and assertively with no circumbendibus and hesitation.


This frail reserve of mine is no mere woman's coyness, but a slender stem on which the flower of my self-surrender bends towards you with reticent grace.


Toplofty...矜持 ice reserved restrained ...


更多网络解释与矜持相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Forsake my armoury:(放下我的矜持)

Lover, Lover (爱人啊,爱人) | Forsake my armoury (放下我的矜持) | Fasten my jewellery (为你而盛装)

Faye Wong:矜持--王菲

都怪我太渴望 得到你保护 it's all my fault on account of my endless need for your protection | 矜持--王菲 Faye Wong | 我从来不曾抗拒你的魅力 I haven't rejected your charm

She is play hard to get:她很矜持

9.You are a big head.你真自大! | 10.She is play hard to get! 她很矜持! | 11.It's not quite what I'm saying! 这不是我所说的意思!


英国人以"矜持"(reserved)著称,不习惯与陌生人交谈. 他们出门乘公共汽车总想找一个空座,乘火车总想找一个没人的隔间. 对英国人说来,要打破这种僵局,谈天气是最好的开场白,这是因为他们的老家天气多变,见面谈"天",习以为常. 不过,


冷戰 Cold War | 矜持 Reservedness | 無常 Not Consta


7. Trouble which the moon gets into 月亮惹的祸 | 8. Restrained 矜持 | 9. Go home 回家

indulging in a little smugness:沉溺于小的矜持

feeling satisfied 感到满意 | indulging in a little smugness沉溺于小的矜持 | enjoying the situation just as it is享受这个情景


unpresumptuous 不骄傲的 | unpretending 不矜持的 | unpretentious 不骄傲的


unpresentable /不像样/见不得人/ | unpretending /不虚装门面的/不矜持的/谦逊的/ | unpretentious /谦逊的/

Your Virgin Mary undone:放下你的的矜持

I wish I had your angel 我希望是你的天使 | Your Virgin Mary undone 放下你的的矜持 | I'm in love with my lust 我无法自拔的爱上