英语人>词典>汉英 : 相当产量 的英文翻译,例句
相当产量 的英文翻译、例句


equivalent production
更多网络例句与相当产量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aluminum cutbacks are equal to about 5 percent of production, Barclays said.


The mycelium and fruiting body of P. eryngii cultivated in this medium formula adding 50 % pear branchlet sawdust grew well and its yield was equivalent to that of using corn cob wholly, which could save the cost and realize the reuse of resources in the production of P. eryngii in pear-producing areas.


The 120,000 tpy Shanxi Zhenxing has idled 50 pots, equivalent to an annual production loss of 37,500 tonnes.


In 2006 Alberta's oil sands were the source of about 62 per cent of the province's total crude oil and equivalent production and about 47 per cent of all crude oil and equivalent produced in Canada.


Studies show CO2 output from oil sands production is equivalent to 0.5 percent of U.S. aggregate emissions from energy use and less than 0.1 percent of total global emissions.


The result showed that the enhanced UV-B radiation significantly affected the flowering process and greatly decreased the number of the differentive and propagative floweret.

我国也开始进行这方面的研究。目前有相当一部分研究集中于UV -B增加对植物伤害机理的研究,也有少量关于UV -B增加对作物产量影响的研究。

In the USA a high amount of electric steel is produced corresponding to a share of 56%.


The 2008 harvest volume was relatively low at only about 5.3 million hectolitres, while the average over the past five years has been 6 million hectolitres.


For example, IRRI's scientists have found a gene that allows an Indian rice strain to survive total immersion[3] for several weeks, and have cross-bred it into a strain favoured by farmers in flood-prone Bangladesh.


For example, IRRI's scientists have found a gene that allows an Indian rice strain to survive total immersion[3] for several weeks, and have cro -bred it into a strain favoured by farmers in flood-prone Bangladesh.


更多网络解释与相当产量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chevrolet Camaro:卡玛洛

与它的姐妹车型"雪佛兰.卡玛洛"(Chevrolet Camaro)一样,当年的产量都相当庞大. 2007年1月,佛罗里达州的克鲁斯.劳德代尔堡(Kruse Lauderdale)拍卖会上,一辆内装空调,带有自动车窗,并新近重新喷漆的"火鸟"跑车拍出了11340美元的价格. 11340,


客观地说,西特在并入大众汽车集团之前在汽车行业只是个小角色,产量从没有超过20万辆,如今的确有乌鸡变凤凰之感,这点同斯柯达公司的际遇相当类似. 像依比萨(Ibiza)、科多巴(Cordoba)如今都变成响誉欧洲大陆的知名车型.


以狂牛为标志的意大利兰博坚尼跑车绝大部分车迷只能从报张杂志上欣赏到. 它的产量相当有限以至每辆兰博坚尼一出厂即成收藏品. 售价高达 350万港币的兰博坚尼.魔鬼(Diablo)跑车,谁也舍不得将它开到拥挤不堪、危险万分的马路上去.


如果能拥有此叶绿素萤光测定仪,将在深度上大幅地改进[光合作用]的实验课程领域:以萤光特性定量完整(intact)叶片中的叶绿素;测定环境温度、光强度对陆生、水生和各类植物光合作用的影响-光子产量和容载量(quantum yield由於操作相当方便且容易了解,

logistic curve:曲线

Crane认为,Price虽然指出科学知识的产量是以逻辑性曲线(Logistic Curve)来发展,但Price并没有对这种发展作出解释. Crane指出,科学家之间确实存在著非正式的但却相当具体的交流网络所形成的无形学院,并且对科学知识的发展有重大的影响,

Plutella xylostella:小菜蛾

白菜田周围种植芥兰莱,小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella)的种群数量保持在经济阈值以下,白菜的产量与化学防治田相当,节约杀虫剂75%~100%,显示出良好的生态效益.

