英语人>词典>汉英 : 相反的目的 的英文翻译,例句
相反的目的 的英文翻译、例句


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Objective:To explore whether there is contrary relation between west ginseng and hellebore.


The purpose of this de- vice is to demonstrate Sir Isaac Newton's third law of motion,in which he states that action and reaction are always equal and opposite.


Base on the principle of the superposition of waves, active noise control and active vibration control is achieved by adaptively tuning a secondary source which produces an anti-noise of equal amplitude and opposite phase with primary source.


Base on the principle of the superposition of waves, active noise control and active vibration control is achieved by adaptively tuning a secondary source which produces an anti-noise of equal amplitude and opposite phase with primary source. This thesis includes two parts of study which are shown as below.


Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I


And indeed towards strangers as well. The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the


The idiom "Try to go south by driving the chariot north" is used to describe those whose actions are in conflict with their goals, which therefore becomes unattainable.


The project aims to link these opposite building typologies and ground levels.


Unlike a utopian novel, in which the writer aims to portray the perfect human society, a novel of negative utopia does the exact opposite: it shows the worst human society imaginable, in an effort to convince readers to avoid any path that might lead toward such societal degradation. In 1949, at the dawn of the nuclear age and before the television had become a fixture in the family home, Orwell's vision of a post-atomic dictatorship in which every individual would be monitored ceaselessly by means of the telescreen seemed terrifyingly possible.


Second, the bishops, contrary to an "understanding" given him, began to charge violently, as of set purpose, against "Tract 90", which they accused of Romanizing and dishonesty.

第二,主教,相反,一个&理解&给了他,开始收取暴力,作为集的目的,对&道90 &,他们被指控romanizing和不诚实。

更多网络解释与相反的目的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cross-purposes || at cross purposes:目的相反;话不投机;有成见

cross-purpose | 相反目的, 不一致的目的, 不一致问答游戏 | cross-purposes | at cross purposes 目的相反;话不投机;有成见 | cross-question | 盘问, 反复询问 盘问, 审问


cross-post 交叉邮寄 | cross-purpose 相反的目的 | cross-purpose 不一致的目的


cross-purpose 相反的目的 | cross-purpose 不一致的目的 | cross-purpose 不一致问答戏


cross-purpose /相反的目的/不一致的目的/不一致问答戏/ | cross-question /盘问/讯问/审问/ | cross-refer /前后参照/


借项 (Debit) 和 贷项 (Credit) 是会计基本的知识, 如果把借项金额填写在资产, 成本或支出的科目会提高这些科目的值, 填写在负债, 股本或收入的科目会减少这些科目的值.把贷项金额填写在这些科目会有相反的效果,


对反生产这个概念的理解离不开巴塔耶(Bataille)的消费(expenditure)概念. 巴塔耶认为,社会不是围绕需求以及符合需求的使用价值的生产来组织自身的,相反,社会组织总是建立在过剩消费之上的,并且生产活动是从这种消费中追寻它的意义和目的的.


管教,原来是痛(pain)而不伤(hurt). 这点,很多时候,我们都没有好好地区分开来,很多时候,甚至我们所做的,是相反的. 管教的目的,为的是建立孩子的品性. 让他们真明白因为自己现在所做那些还有限的错误选择、行为而导致了自己的痛.

intuition thinking:直觉思维

与理性思维模式不同,直觉思维(Intuition Thinking)并不是按照已有的工作程序、标准,遵循严格的决策步骤进行思考的,相反,它主要是在信息获取方面,使个体快速地抓住任何闪入他脑海的"灵感",直觉思维模式的目的在于在短时间内迅速获得大量与常规不同的有创意的思想,

clock wise:顺时针标的目的

相反(的),对于面(的) opposite | 顺时针标的目的 clock wise | 逆时针标的目的 counter clock wise

Ume? University:于默奥大学

瑞典于默奥大学(Ume University)医学院的捷安缇乔泰对两千名志愿者做过一项调查,调查的目的是探究人们对冒险的喜好和出生日期之间有没有关系. 喜欢冒险的人不愿意干重复的事情,愿意结交新朋友,寻求刺激,而保守的人正好相反,他们乐意重复同一件事,