英语人>词典>汉英 : 相互排斥 的英文翻译,例句
相互排斥 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
repel  ·  repelling  ·  repelled  ·  repels

mutual exclusive
更多网络例句与相互排斥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author of this thesis, accordingly, thinks that it is a kind of antinomic quandary.


No matter this is among them " cheat cadaver " or " renascence ", MYM of astounded turn one's head already content is person blame, even specific to project of contend for hegemony of whole demon animal also be to the land is swarmed with famished refugees already, time brings a great change to the worlds.


This paper studies the electrode combination of 3D tunnel DC focused method. At first, the authors calculate and analyze the current distribution of two point power sources with the same electrical property, and indicate that as currents exclude each other, current density has a maximum at a certain depth along the perpendicular bisector of the two point power sources and the depth is directly proportional to the distance between them.


"Usually, photons flow freely, but in the right circumstances, they repel each other, and form a crystal."


C. Electro-osmosis technology: the role of electroosmosis in the main material to be dispersed elements to help them successfully penetrate into the skin and internal, the nature of the charge the same mutually exclusive, so the nutritional elements of the cathode current is imposed, can be nutritional elements into the skin tissue .


The relationship between subjectivism and objectivism is not that of exclusion,but that of integration.


The affinity of eco environment refers to mutual attraction, mutual repellence and co existence among the elements of eco environment.


However, as a method of legal creation and interpretation, the case law is not antagonistic to the statute law.


When two particles couple themselves in a singlet at short distances (one with spin up and one with spin down) the new nonlinear, nonlocal and nonpotential forces due to deep wave-overlappings are so attractive to overcome possible repulsive Coulomb forces, and permit new bound states at short distances which simply cannot be conceived - let alone treated - by quantum mechanics and chemistry.


The repulsions and the energy transferring will are increasing with the varying of the temperature for the -phase-difference solitons.


更多网络解释与相互排斥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



no-good do-gooder:沒用的空想社會改革者 (無用空想的社會改良家)

mutually exclusive 兩不相干 (相互排斥) | no-good do-gooder! 沒用的空想社會改革者 (無用空想的社會改良家) | non-alcoholic beer 不含酒精的啤酒

mutual entailment:相互递衍/相互解释/互推

modus ponens 肯定前件论式 | mutual entailment 相互递衍/相互解释/互推 | mutually exclusive 互相排斥/互斥

mutual exclusion:互斥现象;相互排斥

peripheral device: 外围设备 | mutual exclusion: 互斥现象;相互排斥 | massstorage: 大容量存储器

independent events:相互独立事件

Mutually exclusive 互相排斥 | Independent events 相互独立事件 | Probability 概率

mutual intelligibility:相互理解性

mutual command 互相統御 | mutual intelligibility 相互理解性 | mutually exclusive 互相排斥;互相排拒

Mutually exclusive:相互排斥

他们检查了简单的、常规记录的变量分入到相互排斥(mutually exclusive)的组,这些组应与卫生保健围产期和婴儿死亡率的一项国际合作努力(ICE)是由美国国家卫生统计中心设立的,其形儿类型的一种亚分析(subanalysis)方法,

mutually conditioning:相互条件作用

mutualist 互惠共生生物 | mutually conditioning 相互条件作用 | mutually exclusive 相互排斥


相引相 coupling Bateson 和Punnett(1906) 在研究两对性状遗传时出现连锁的现象时并未能揭示其机制,提出相引和相斥(repulsion)来解释,认为亲组合的比例高是两个基因之间相互吸引,重组合少是两个基因之间相互排斥.

mutual repulsion:相互排斥

mutual interchange 相互交换 | mutual repulsion 相互排斥 | mwm 微波加工