英语人>词典>汉英 : 皇帝派的人 的英文翻译,例句
皇帝派的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Against the Britons Calpurnius Agricola60 was sent; against the Chatti, Aufidius Victorinus.61 But to the Parthian war, with the consent of the senate, Marcus despatched his brother Verus, while he himself remained at Rome, where conditions demanded the presence of an emperor.


The sixth party, the partisans of Bennigsen, maintained on the contrary that there was after all no one more capable and experienced than Bennigsen, and that whatever else were done they would have to come back to him.


One day, the emperor knocked the ring off the jade Goddess of Mercy.


The seventh class were persons such as are always found in courts, and especially in the courts of young sovereigns, and were particularly plentiful in the suite of Alexander—generals and adjutants, who were passionately devoted to the Tsar, not merely as an emperor, but sincerely and disinterestedly adored him as a man, as Rostov had adored him in 1805, and saw in him every virtue and good quality of humanity.


A large proportion of the Byzantines, however, rejected the union and a party opposed to the emperor's religious policy gathered around the so-called Arsenites.


In ad 70, the temple was destroyed by the Roman armies of Emperor Titus. But the destruction began years earlier when the Levites assigned to guard it failed to do so after coming under the corrupt influence of the Syrian king Antiochus iv.


Year award in the Church of Christ and the legitimacy of sketching, but 730 AD, Emperor Leo III issued injunction against Notre Dame, St. son, saints, angels figure to emerge since the two groups of men opened up 200 years of bloody struggle between church li paintings were destroyed, the holder and painting portraits of artisans who are subjected to various forms of persecution, the result is a worse trust between people collapse and social unrest.


更多网络解释与皇帝派的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在欧洲和美国是圣诞食品特有的调味剂. 西元前210年,爪哇派赴中国汉朝的使者於觐见皇帝时口食丁香,以使口气芬芳. 过去丁香几乎仅於印度尼西亚栽培,17世纪初,荷兰人拔除了安汶(Amboina)岛和特尔纳特(Ternate)岛以外岛屿的丁香树,以减产而获利.


公元1532年,亨利八世指派克蓝麦担 任坎特布里(Canterbury)大主教;在此以前,克蓝麦是剑桥大学的一位讲道师;在欧陆旅行时,他遇到教皇、皇帝以及路德派领袖们,这些人都加强他 对改教运动的倾向.


imperialism 帝制 | imperialist 皇帝派的人 | imperialist 帝国主义者

imperialistic:帝国主义的; 帝制的 (形)

imperialist 帝国主义者, 皇帝派的人, 帝制主义者 (名) | imperialistic 帝国主义的; 帝制的 (形) | imperially 帝王般地; 威严地 (副)


imperialist /帝国主义者/帝制主义者/皇帝派的人/帝国主义的/ | imperialistic /帝国主义的/帝制的/ | imperialistically /帝国主义地/

Justinian I:查士丁尼一世

527年,查士丁尼一世(Justinian I)成为东罗马帝国的皇帝. 查士丁尼一世是一位有野心的皇帝,进行了一系列复兴罗马帝国的战争. 首先他派将军贝利萨留(Belisarius)对汪达尔人出兵,在534年灭亡了汪达尔王国,汪达尔人从此在历史舞台上消失.


在欧洲和美国是圣诞食品特有的调味剂. 西元前210年,爪哇派赴中国汉朝的使者於觐见皇帝时口食丁香,以使口气芬芳. 过去丁香几乎仅於印度尼西亚栽培,17世纪初,荷兰人拔除了安汶(Amboina)岛和特尔纳特(Ternate)岛以外岛屿的丁香树,以减产而获利.