英语人>词典>汉英 : 疾病妄想 的英文翻译,例句
疾病妄想 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与疾病妄想相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Often enough, when one sees a neurosis with hysterical or obsessional symptoms, which is not excessively marked and has not been in existence for long - just the type of case, that is, that one would regard as suitable for treatment - one has to, reckon with the possibility that it may be a preliminary stage of what is known as dementia praecox ('schizophrenia', in Bleuler's terminology;' paraphrenia', as I have proposed to call it), and that sooner or later it will show a well-marked picture of that affection.

常见的,当某人看到一个有癔症或着强迫症状的神经症时,如果症状并不过度显著,持续时间也不长--就是案例的典型,也就是说,这将被视为适合治疗的--此人必须考虑这种可能性:这可能是被称为早发性痴呆( Bleuler 的术语中成为精神分裂症,我推荐称之为妄想呆痴)的初级阶段,并且迟早他会表现出该疾病的显著景象来。

After the ethyl alcohol toxicity envy delusion is chronic alcoholism causes the personality to have the change psychological disease.


Ie. In the mysterious land like China, the cure for democrazy, a dangerous sickness can be found in mental-illness hospitals or pris**.


The symptoms may include a cold or inappropriate affect; anhedonia; odd or eccentric behaviour; a tendency to social withdrawal; paranoid or bizarre ideas not amounting to true delusions; obsessive ruminations; thought disorder and perceptual disturbances; occasional transient quasi-psychotic episodes with intense illusions, auditory or other hallucinations, and delusion-like ideas, usually occurring without external provocation.


For example, the itch of notalgia paresthetica is described as deep, below where one can scratch; whereas patients with delusions, depression, and sometimes those with a metabolic basis of pruritus describe their pruritus as being "like a worm crawling under the skin."


Results: We revealed that clinical features of paraphrenic delusions are different in both mentioned psychoses.


In continuously progredient schizophrenia paraphrenic syndrome arises in third paraphrenic phase of disease, and the course of disease is strongly subordinated to Magnan's syndromes alternation.


Paraphrenic disorders in schizophrenia and exogenous-organic psychoses are different in the course and stereotype of transmission pathokinesis, syndromokinesis or syndromotaxis of leading syndrome in dynamics.


Results:Among the studied cases,most patients are male,little educated or physical laborers;the major clinical types are alcoholic hallucinose,and with alcoholic paranoiacs in the next place;clinical symtoms are varied,with somebody complications usually seen as the animentary canal and liver diseases.


更多网络解释与疾病妄想相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

delusional perception:妄想知觉

⑤迅速缓解;⑥可能由社会心理事件诱发;⑦再次发作的可能性较大;⑧有疾病分类学的独立性,尽管在1次或多次发作后,有演进为分裂症的可能,但与分裂症不同.妄想知觉(delusional perception)异常地直接体验到知觉的特殊目的或意义(一般为启示的,

grandiose delusion:夸大妄想

⑧夸大妄想(grandiose delusion) .内容主要涉及非凡的才智,能力和发明创造,至高无上 的权利和地位,大量的财富等.不同疾病的夸大妄想各有其临床特点:躁狂症患者的夸大妄 想与现实有一定联系,与心境相配合,内容和程度经常变化;


nosogeography 疾病地理学 | nosology 疾病分类学 | nosomania 疑病妄想

Delusional parasitosis:寄生虫妄想症

不过,同时也会开启企业级现在大部分医生遇到这种症状,包括本地、网络和互联网搜索功能都会告诉你这是一种人们所熟知的心理疾病"寄生虫妄想症(delusional parasitosis)",(不使用分部类或继承机制),能够在最新版本的患者会坚持认为他们皮肤上或者下面的蠕动感觉是由寄生虫引起的,

hypochondriacal delusion:疑病妄想

8、疑病妄想(Hypochondriacal delusion)毫无根据地坚信自己患有严重疾病,虽经医学检查否定,仍不能纠正的一种病理信念. 严重者声称"自己的内脏烂了"或"自己身体的一部分不存在了,只剩下一个躯壳"等时称虚无妄想(Delusion of nihilistic)或称Cotara综合征.


nosography (疾病記述学,疾病論) | nosologist (疾病分類学者) | nosomania (疾病狂,疾病妄想症)


nosology 疾病分类学 | nosomania 疑病妄想 | nosonomy 疾病分类学


nosologist (疾病分類学者) | nosomania (疾病狂,疾病妄想症) | nosophobia (疾病恐怖<症>)


nosomania 疑病妄想 | nosonomy 疾病分类学 | nosoparasite 病时寄生物


nosomania (疾病狂,疾病妄想症) | nosophobia (疾病恐怖<症>) | nosotaxy (疾病分類学)