英语人>词典>汉英 : 画 的英文翻译,例句
画 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
describe  ·  described  ·  draw  ·  fecit  ·  paint  ·  picture  ·  impaint  ·  pictured  ·  describes  ·  picturing  ·  fec.

be decorated with paintings or pictures
更多网络例句与画相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The steps of oil painting, aquarelle are that the scene at a distance is drawn first, and then draw and draw nearbily, and being different, Chinese painting near person who paint first is it carry far to draw progressively and then, level draw, think habit of each one, so at drawing bird , whether to draw the body first or draw the head first or not to all have.


In the Expo of 1888, Gaudi was charged by the Marquis of Comillas the design of the Pavilion of the Transatlantic Company in the Maritime section. That same year, Gaudi was flooded with a wide variety of projects. Of these the Episcopal Palace of Astorga was the only one censored by the Royal Academy of the Bellas Artes of San Fernando. Because it was a public work charged by the then Ministry of Justice and Grace, that his plans were so minutely refined that the project began in 1893, two years after it had been proposed. By this time, the Bishop had passed away and Gaudi had antagonized the clergy, leaving the project.

在1888年的万国博览会,高第受Comillas侯爵之邀,负责设计大西洋彼岸的海运部门的摊位棚帐,之后在同一年,高第受到大量的计邀约,而其中一件Astorga主教广场的计被San Fernando艺术皇家学院审核不过关,因为这是一件由教会的正义、恩典部门教士们所授与的公共建筑计,所以计不断地、精密地被审核,直到1893年---计提出的第二年才开始动工,此时主教已过世,高第也因此对这些神职人员不满而放弃了这个计

Many young people Aihe carbonated drinks, a female models hearsay that the bubble has to drink carbonated drinks to remove food residue, Huang Banya white, she also依样画葫芦, but also etching of teeth , The shape of teeth becomes almost broken.


Gui-Chuan Dou plastic painting is a completely hand-made arts and crafts, its production process is relatively complicated, there are roughly the following links: Work design, painting at the end of an inscription painted →→ pressure flat painting, bean moth treatment → selection → put beans beans →→ paste bean grinders, painting Accessories → Accessories → paste cut accessories, thrush eyes beard, mount.


Text and can be on the wall悟得Maizhokunggar Zhu Ying;画梅Huaguang "even in the moonlight, see the window between the Shu-Ying crossfall lovely regulation of its遂以T-shaped."


Show one's 'hand/'cards reveal one's intentions or plans 表明意图或计画: I suspect they're planning something but they haven't shown their hand yet.




People sometimes depict torsi, actions, organs, visible parts of the body, realistic exteriors and the superficiality of the subject as a whole.


I am a wilful child perhaps My mother was spoiled child I wayward I hope Every moment As beautiful as crayons I hope The white paper in love can draw Draw clumsy freedom Draw a never Tears in eyes Sky A sky plumage and leaves A green night and apples I want to paint in the morning Under the picture Can see the smile Under the picture all the young No pain of love She hadn't seen clouds Her eyes are clear color She looked at me forever Forever, watching Never suddenly fell away I want to paint distant scenery Under the picture of the horizon and the water is clear Painted many happy river Under the picture Lightly covered with fluff I let them get very close Let them fall in love Let each one Each a silent spring throb Have become a little birthday I also want to paint in the future I haven't seen her, it is impossible But know that she is very beautiful I painted her coat of autumn Under the burning candle painting and maple leaf Painted many because love her And out of the heart Under the picture Draw a woke up early The glass wrappers above And the fairy tales illustrations I am a wilful child I want to wipe away all the unfortunate I think in the earth Painted with Windows Let all habits dark eyes All light I want to paint surface Draw a frame under a higher than the mountains Draw down the Orient Under the picture A voice of limitless Finally, in the paper Angle I also want to paint Draw a koala He sat on the dark jungle in Victoria Sit quietly branches Become speechless He had no home No one in the distance He only, many The same dream. Berries And a big, big eyes I hope think But I wonder why I didn't receive crayons Don't get a color moment I only have me My fingers and trauma Only the pieces Love her Let them go looking for a butterfly Let them vanish from today I was a child A mother is spoiled child fantasies I wayward


The main products: Flat Flexible Transfer, Offset Transfer, trademark heat transfer, plant hair heat transfer, foam Tang Hua, Pearl Tang Hua, reflective heat transfer, sublimation heat transfer, heat transfer movement numbers, T-shirt heat transfer.

主要产品有:平面弹性烫、柯式烫、商标烫、植毛烫、发泡烫、珠光烫、反光烫、升华烫、运动号码烫、 T-恤烫

更多网络解释与画相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


分立 (ASYNCHRONISM) 指影片上的声音和影像不相符. 主要是由于音合成做得不精确而致,如演员的口形与所讲的话不相符(不对嘴). 但有时是为了特别的表现意图而刻意为之. 音同步 (SYNC) 为SYNCHRONIZATION与SYNCHRONISM的缩写,

Paint in busses:涂画在公交车上

Paint in subways涂在地下道中 | Paint in busses涂在公交车上 | With your Edding big black pentagrams用你的马克笔涂大黑五星


Bambocciata 世俗 | Capriccio 幻想 | Caricature 讽刺

Yeah, but it's a bad picture, which is what makes it so fiendishly clever:是啊 但画得太烂了 不过画的非常巧妙

This is just a picture of your pants.|这不过是了你的裤子 | Yeah, but it's a bad picture, which is what makes it so fiendishly clever.|是啊 但得太烂了 不过的非常巧妙 | Nice.|不错

freehand drawing:徒手画

"图"就是drawing,这个英文字有两个意思,一是徒手(freehand drawing),就是用铅笔写生,自然界美丽的东西. 因为要逼真,要美,所以可以训练观察力,同时提高审美的能力. 在徒手中,西方美学重要的比例观念就学到了. 二是用器,

genre painting:风俗画; 世态画; 以日常生活为题材的写实画

fruit painting 水果(静物之一种) | genre painting 风俗; 世态; 以日常生活为题材的写实 | glass painting 玻璃彩饰


(KEYS) 动片中交代运动中人物或物体的主要动态之片如起步、停止,或变换方向,通常关键动态由动设计负责绘制. 音错位 (OUT OF SYNC) 剪接声拷贝时,由于音合成的工作做得不够精确,以致声音与其相应影像对不齐.

long-headed inbetweens:长头"中间画拉长了头的中间画尖形中间画

Live Action 真人动作参考 真人表演 生动影像、逼真动作 | long-headed inbetweens "长头"中间 拉长了头的中间 尖形中间 | loosen up 放松 自如、放松 随性

reginal planning:区域规划 地域计画

regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 调整详细计? | reginal planning 区域规划 地域计? | urban system planning 城镇体系规划 都市制度企?计?

streak culture:画线培养,画线培养物

"线,条纹","streak" | "线培养,线培养物","streak culture" | "平板划线培养","streak plating"