英语人>词典>汉英 : 申请者 的英文翻译,例句
申请者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
applicant  ·  claimer  ·  claimants

更多网络例句与申请者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These candidates will now be admissible under the criteria.


In the first year, 25 per cent of the total quota would be allocated to applicants that had not previously been allocated quota


Per cent of the total quota would be allocated to applicants that had not previously been allocated quota; however, an applicant that had imported under a quota on the relevant products in the year prior to China's accession would not receive a decrease in the absolute amount of its quota allocation;


B In cases in which average imports over the 3-year period immediately prior to the year of China's accession, for which data was available, exceeded 75 per cent of the relevant quota, applicants that had not previously been allocated quota would be allocated 10 per cent of the total quota in the first year and the majority of any quota growth in any subsequent year.

b 对于可获数据的中国加入之年前3年平均进口量超过相关配额量75%的情况,以前未予分配配额的申请者将被分配第一年配额总量的10%和随后任何一年任何配额增长的绝大部分。

The main purpose of the examination is to test the applicant's level of spoken English.


Once Migration Amendment Bill 2010 is passed, I strongly recommend a transparent mechanismshould be set up, which is a system transfer a clear and dynamic information tothe GSM visa applicants and potential applicants how many applications approvedand how many quotes remained when the Minister of Immigration Office set a capon a subclass visa on the basis of certain characteristics.


During the process of application checkage, the application approved abilities depends on the cooperation of government, the applicants" danwei and applicants themselves. The abilities is an integration of the"market abilities""positional abilities"and"status abilities", and the most important is the"status abilities.


Third party for any indirect, special and/or consequential loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of profits under any circumstances whether or not such loss or damage is caused by the error, negligence, misdescription, misjudgement or default whatsoever on the part of CMA Testing, it's associate


So far as the protection of pioneer investors is concerned, Resolution II of UNCLOS on Governing Preparatory Investment in Pioneer Activities Relating to Polymetallic Nodules (hereinafter referred as "Resolution II") stipulates relevant provisions, and the author orderly discusses the definition of pioneer investors, procedures of application and their rights and obligations. Concerning settlement of disputes on overlaps of mine sites, the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the law of the Sea (hereinafter referred as "Preparatory Commission") had held series of meetings or sessions with states interested since 1983, and they had signed the 1984 General Understanding, the 1986 Arusha Understanding and New York Understanding, and the 1987 Midnight Agreement. As a result, such agreements had be settled overlapping disputes of mine sites between the first group of applicants and potential applicants.


In order to ensure unsponsored skilled migrants have a level of English language and the skills needed to immediately fill skill shortages, the Government also increased English language requirements for trade applicants and introduced a new Job Ready Program for onshore trade applicants, to bring the skills assessment up to the same standard as that used for offshore applicants.

为了确保没被任何机构担保的技术移民人士拥有相当的英语水准以及需要立即填补技能的短缺,政府也增加了技工签证申请者的英语水准要求,并引入了新的'Job Ready'计划给在境内的技工签证申请者,使他们与境外申请者拥有同一个标准的技能评估。

更多网络解释与申请者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


若你打算申請任何"年老"(Aged) 的父母移民类別,你必须合乎"年老"的定义及要求. (这项要求通常是指年龄达到澳洲本地居民的退休年龄. 男性和女性的年龄要求皆不同,且对于女性申请者,此定义"年老"定义会随出生日期不同而变化. )


如欲浏览您公司的特定资讯,如您的UL报告(UL Reports/CDA)、案件进度(MyProjects)等,您必须完成「我的帐户设定档(My Account Profile)」里相关资讯的填写,并由您公司的把关者验证您的资讯后,才可浏览您的加密客户资讯. 请注意:唯有UL 申请者(Applicant) 才得以查询专案的进度.


美国移民法对在国外的难民申请者和到达美国国境的申请者规定了不同的申请程序,后者被称为政治庇护(asylum). 在美国的政治庇护申请者可以遵循下列程序寻求政治庇护身份. 注意这一程序不适用于已经进入驱逐出境程序(removal)后才提出政治庇护的申请人.

claimer:要物求者, 申请者

stereophony 立体声 | claimer 要物求者, 申请者 | plaster match 石膏胎模


这里的"假设"(presumption)指以某一种已知事实假设或推断另一种事实或结论. 就申请签证而言,已知事实是签证申请者想去美国,而假设/推定的事实或结论就是申请者有移民倾向. 那我们对那些事情就没有办法了?有办法的,可以说他们是滥用自由裁量权.

Initial review:先期审查

签证处先期审查(initial review)使馆签证处收到申请者全套申请材料后,会坚持申请者是否递交了全部必须的材料,如果没有问题就会发档案号(fn). 如果有问题,整套申请材料及申请费都将被退回.

School Day:学校日

因此投带者必须於其预期播放周7. 校园电视干事需要三个学校日(School day) 审查 言内容及作出街准备,因此申请者必须於其预期播6. 校园电视干事需要三个学校日(School day) 审查 言内容及作出街准备,因此申请者必须於 其预


大部分国外大学的博士学位课程只要求申请者具备相关的本科学位,不过亦有部份大学要求申请者具备有相关的理学硕士(MSc)或工程学硕士 (MEng). 若完成这项硕士课程,你已符合申请入读大部份大学的博士学位课程. 如果我的目标是考取博士学位,


商学院从招生工作开始,要求申请者(applicants)符合一定的条件. 美国各商学院的入学条件虽各不尽相同,...

job applicants:职业申请者

job applicant testing 就业测验 | job applicants 职业申请者 | job autonomy 工作自主性