英语人>词典>汉英 : 甲虫 的英文翻译,例句
甲虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beetle  ·  coleopteron  ·  beetled  ·  beetles  ·  Junebug

dung beetle
更多网络例句与甲虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yellow powder worm, scientific name Tenibrio molitor Linne, Arthropoda,Insects, Coleoptera, draft step beetle department , powder beetle belong to the insect, commonly called as the bread worm, wheat bran worm, lives in the American state originally.

黄粉虫,学名Tenibrio molitor Linne,属于节肢动物门、昆虫纲、鞘翅目、拟步甲虫科、粉甲虫属昆虫,俗称面包虫,麸子虫,原产美州。

For example, scarabs in the form of the beetle insect were believed to be the symbol of new life.


Presently he bethought him of a treasure he had and got it out.


It was a large black beetle with formidable jaws -- a "pinchbug," he called it.


The Greeks started using the scarab as well, and as a result, the scarab made it onto mainland Europe, into areas where the dung beetle had never lived.


For more investigation on the linkage-structure of elytra, the opening-closing process of elytra is recorded. Besides, the strength of linkage between the elytra was measured, and Protaetia brevitarsis has the strongest coupling force. At last, the elytra linkage-structure model was analysed by simulating its movement and analyzing its structure using Pro/Engineer, it is proved that the structure is especial and efficient.


A species of rhinoceros beetle that lives in South America, the Hercoles Beetle can grow to over 6 inches in length, but its claim to fame is its strength: it can support 850 times its own weight on its shell!

大力士甲虫学名"Dynastes Hercules",俗称"独角仙",是一种犀牛甲虫。这种生活在南美地区的昆虫包括尖角在内的体长可达到6英尺以上(约合15厘米)。从名字我们便可以看出,令大力士甲虫著称昆虫界的绝非它们的体长,而是惊人的力量,它们的外壳可承受相当于自身体重850倍的重量。

Mushroom bodies and antennal lobes in Oxycetonia jucunda were conspicuous. Calyces and lobes of the mushroom bodies.were much developed. In contrast, calyces of Ambrostoma quadriimpressum and Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata were extremely undeveloped. However, the postretinal fibres and circumpharyngeal nerves of Ambrostoma quadriimpressum were highly developed. In the three beetles, 5-HT immunoreactivity was present in all neuropils of the brain and the suboesophageal ganglion. The pattern of 5-HT immunoreactivity and the localization of immunoreactive somata which often clustered into groups were similar among these beetles, while the immunoreactivity intensity was distinct, especially in the lamina.


The structure and 5-HT immunoreactivity in the brain and suboesophageal ganglion of three beetle s, Ambrostoma quadriimpressum, Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata and Oxycetonia jucunda, were first studied by means of colophony-paraffin embedding serial section technique and strepteavidin-peroxidase immunohistochemical method.


The structure and 5-HT immunoreactivity in the brain and suboesophageal ganglion of three beetles, Ambrostoma quadriimpressum, Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata and Oxycetonia jucunda, were first studied by means of colophony-paraffin embedding serial section technique and strepteavidin-peroxidase immunohistochemical method. The results showed that the brains of these three taxonomically closely related beetles were remarkably different in composition and size.


更多网络解释与甲虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carabid beetles:加拉比甲虫, 一种甲虫, 一种昆虫

carabao 水牛 (名) | carabid beetles 加拉比甲虫, 一种甲虫, 一种昆虫 | carabineer 马枪骑兵 (名)


colemanite 硬硼酸钙石 | coleoptera 甲虫类 | coleopteran 甲虫类之昆虫


coleopter /环翼机/ | coleoptera /甲虫类/鞘翅类/ | coleopterous /甲虫类的/鞘翅类的/


coleoptera 甲虫类 | coleopteran 甲虫类之昆虫 | coleopterous 甲虫类的

coleopteran:甲虫类之昆虫, 鞘翅类之昆虫

coleoptera | 甲虫类, 鞘翅类 | coleopteran | 甲虫类之昆虫, 鞘翅类之昆虫 | coleopterist | 鞘翅目昆虫学家


coleopterology | 鞘翅学 | coleopteron | 鞘翅目昆虫,甲虫 | coleopterous | 甲虫类的, 鞘翅类的

Corsair Beetle:海盗甲虫

340 巨型甲虫 Beetle Giant ビートル.ジャイアント 5000 2000 2... | 341 海盗甲虫 Corsair Beetle コルセアビートル 3600 3200 800 500 25 40 2000 炎 70 70 70 70 208 兽牙 勃艮第酒 | 350 剧毒蜘蛛 Venomous Spider ヴェノムスパイダー 1500 3...

Scarab Husk:(圣甲虫壳皮甲)

Sazabi"s Cobalt Redeemer-Cryptic Sword(沙撒壁的忏悔之钴-神秘之剑) | Scarab Husk(圣甲虫壳皮甲) | Scarabshell Boots(圣甲虫壳靴)


"如果埃及法老乐意以圣甲虫[ 圣甲虫(scarab)被古埃及人认作神物,该形象用以作为护身符或灵魂的象征. 前面莱拉骂查尔斯的精灵是"屎克螂",与圣甲虫同属金龟子科] 作为象征,我也会乐意的. "他说,"那么,你来自另一个世界,真是有趣.


scarab /圣甲虫/雕刻成甲虫形状的宝石/ | scarabaeus /圣甲虫/甲虫状宝石/ | scarabee /蜣螂线/