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甲壳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
carapace  ·  test  ·  testa  ·  carapax  ·  tests

更多网络例句与甲壳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: The infected penaeid shrimps showed a rapid reduction in food consumption, lethargy, a pink to reddish-brown coloration and a loose carapace with white spots in succession, followed by ultimate death. The characteristic features of moribund shrimps were empty stomach, a pink to reddish-brown coloration, white spots on a loose carapace and swollen cephalothorax. The relative content of WSSV DNA in blood increased rapidly after the infected shrimp showed its first symptom of detestation of food.

结果:斑节对虾感染白斑症病毒后,依次表现出厌食、不活动、体色变红、甲壳出现白斑、反应迟钝直至侧卧死亡;濒死对虾的典型症状为空胃、红体、甲壳白斑、甲壳下水肿及甲壳易剥离;感染对虾出现拒食后,其血液中白斑症病毒 DNA的相对含量急剧增加。

The Journal of Crustacean Biology, published quarterly, contains papers of broad interest dealing with any aspect of crustacean biology, notices of business transacted at meetings of The Crustacean Society, book reviews of works on Crustacea, and pertinent announcements.


Locksley believes that AMCase, comparable to the chitinolytic enzyme found in marine and soil bacteria—and likely conserved in human evolution—attenuates the chitin-induced innate immune response by degrading the chitin.


Locksley beliees that AMCase, comparable to the chitinolytic enzyme found in marine and soil bacteria—and likely consered in human eolution—attenuates the chitin-induced innate immune response by degrading the chitin.


Chintin used to produce thin films of material abundance in nature, there are quite a few Insecta or crustaceans of the shell is made by chintin ——— a non-crystalline polycarbohydrates, its chemical composition is celluiose, and chintin cellulytic, is the production of films by main ingredient.


From these experiments, the optinum condition was chosen. The comparison of the reactional results of different degree of deacetylation chitosan with those of N-substitute chitosan und...


The comparison of the reactional results of different degree of deacetylation chitosan with those of N-substitute chitosan under the same reactional condition has demonstrated that the amino groups of chitosan took part in the initiation process.


Chintin with chintin film processing is not complicated, first of all the industrial processing of accumulation of crab and shrimp when chintin inmnersion hydrochloride, and a strong base to calcium and protein deposits, you can be assured of semi-finished chintin powder; and then add the acetic acid powder soluble in chintin erjia polyamlnes vlproic bisprone nitrogen and licl mixture, mixed solution evenly onto a glass plate, and lixiviating propylalcohol solution would reflect on the glass panes for the transparent on the film.


The light blue Bug - No 21,529,464 in the car's 68-year history - came off the line at Volkswagen's plant in Mexico, and headed for the company's museum in its hometown of Wolfsburg, Germany.


The results suggested that chitinhad a good solubility in the new solvent when its at -30℃and below, but the solubilityof chitin no longer increasesd notable as the temperature reduced; The joined of urea, incertain degree, strengthened the solvency of alkali solvent to chitin. When theconcentration of sodium hydroxide is 8%~12%, Chitin had a good solubility, and theapparent viscosity of chitin solution could up to 4000 mpa·s~5000mpa·s at roomtemperature; In addition,the solubility of chitin in new solvent was high when therefrigerated time was three days and above, but the refrigerated time could not too long,otherwise, the deacetylize degree of chitin got more bigger. The properties of chitin solution were tested by revolving viscosimeter, FT-IR,X-RD and so on.

结果表明,在-30℃及以下甲壳素能很好的溶解于新溶剂中,但甲壳素的溶解度不再随温度的下降而有所增大,而是基本保持不变;尿素的加入,在一定程度上强化了强碱溶剂对甲壳素的溶解,当新溶剂中NaOH浓度为8%~12%时,甲壳素在试验温度下可以获得较好的溶解度,所得溶液在室温下的表观黏度达4000 mpa·s~5000mp·s;冷冻时间为3 d及以上时,有利于甲壳素的溶解,超过3 d,甲壳素的溶解度变化不大,另外,冷冻条件下,甲壳素在强碱溶剂中仍会发生脱乙酰化反应,冷冻时间不宜太长。

更多网络解释与甲壳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


由于该车造型颇像一只甲虫,故称为"甲壳虫"(Beetle),KdF厂生产甲壳虫,二战时期飞机厂的工人们参与了V-1导弹项目以及生产反坦克导弹的工作. KdF厂已经成了一个相当重要的兵工厂了,头一个月里,2000余枚V-1导弹击中了伦敦,炸死4000多人,


TT 甲壳虫(Bettle)TT 甲壳虫(Bettle) 网友评论:网友用以下产品与TT 甲壳虫(Bettle)做过比较:


头胸部的背面和两侧翼覆以坚硬的表皮层,名为甲壳(carapace),故有甲壳动物一名. 甲壳的万分为几丁质或其中浸染碳酸钙或磷酸钙,或完全为钙质,所以易成化石. 多水生,少数生活于潮湿地带. 寒武纪至现代. 本纲可分为八个亚纲,

Chitin derivatives:甲壳素衍生物

水溶性甲壳素:water-soluble chitin | 甲壳素衍生物:Chitin derivatives | 水溶性壳聚糖:Crystallite chitin


甲壳酶chitinase | 甲壳糖chitose | 甲裂schizonychia

Chitose:甲壳糖 壳糖

chitonitis 包膜炎 | chitosan 壳聚糖 甲壳质 几丁聚糖 脱乙酰壳多糖 | chitose 甲壳糖 壳糖


crustaceacrustacean 甲壳类 | crustacean 甲壳类的 | crustaceous 外壳的

crustacean materials:甲壳类材料

crustacean 甲壳类动物 | crustacean materials 甲壳类材料 | crustacean-parasitc disease 甲壳类寄生虫


并且游泳时这一侧朝上. 身体向上的一侧是棕色有白色斑点. 向下的一侧是均匀的白色. 鲽鱼吃软体动物(mollusks)和甲壳类动物(crustaceans),用它们不锋利的牙压碎甲壳. 它们可以长到3英尺(90厘米)长,重达15磅(7千克).


[主要成分] 甲壳素(chitosan)主要是含在蟹,虾等甲壳类的物质. 是一种天然高分子多糖的食物纤维,其是自然界中唯一含游离氨基碱性基因的阳离子的可食性动物纤维. 畠中甲壳素是世界上唯一的低分子水溶性甲壳素,不是普通的高分子甲壳素,