英语人>词典>汉英 : 由分子组成的 的英文翻译,例句
由分子组成的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与由分子组成的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some of these forms are higher in apparent molecular weight than would be predicted from ATG-initiated primary translation products of these genes.


Sucrose, table sugar, is a disaccharide composed of one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose.


Matter is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms.


A substance consisting of molecules characterised by the sequence of one or more types of monomer units.


Matter is composed of molecules, which are composedof atoms, which are composed of atomic nuclei and electrons.


Matter is composed of molecules, which are composed of atoms, which are composed of atomic nuclei and electrons.


The ribosome is a complex molecular machine made up of proteins and RNA molecules.


The many lattice twist and dislocations can be observed by the studies on high-resolution electron microscopy of solution-crystallized PEKK crystals. It is the lattice twist and dislocations within crystals that give rise to gradual branching and narrowing of spherulitic lamellae towards to tips of crystal growth and consequently, the characteristics of morphology and crystal structure of poly s can be posed in the molecular level.


How can we slow the growth of tumors?


Matter is composed of molecules, which are composed of atoms, which are composed of positive nuclei and negatrons.


更多网络解释与由分子组成的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bionomy; biomonics; ecology:生态学;植物利用学

(由生质分子组成的)生质粒子 bionome | 生态学;植物利用学 bionomy; biomonics; ecology | 个体生态学 biononics

miller indices:米勒指數

立方晶体的米勒指数(Miller indices) 晶体由顺序排列的原子或分子沿各个方向无限延伸而成. 这种排列是周期性的.因为原子或分子的相同排列以规则的间隔沿一定的轴重复出现. 可以想象晶体是由大量称为晶胞(unit cell)的亚微观模块组成的.

make clear:弄清楚

52. molecular adj.[化]分子的,由分子组成的 | 53. make clear弄清楚 | 54. connection between联系

molecular formula:分子式

分子式(molecular formula)是用元素符号表示物质(单质、化合物)分子的组成及相对分子质量的化学式. 有些物质确实由分子构成,在分子内原子间以共价键联结,而分子间以范德华力或氢键联结,这些物质就具有分子式. 如氧分子用O2 表示,氯化氢分子用HCl表示.


moderation 适度 | molecular 分子的、由分子组成的 | momentarily 即刻

Host molecules:主分子

这种包合物是由主分子(host molecules)和客分子(guest molecules)两种组分组成,主分子即是包合材料,具有较大的空穴结构,足以将客分子(药物)容纳在内,形成分子囊(molecular capsules).


molecular 分子的、由分子组成的 | momentarily 即刻 | mould 肥土、壤土;用土覆盖


高耐热聚酰胺(PA)9T树脂"Genestar®"使用由9个碳所组成之独自的单分子(Monomer)之二胺(一.九壬烷二胺)做成的新的聚酰胺(Polyamide).""Genestar®"的化学构造如下, 由芳香族环跟高级脂肪族锁来组成的半芳香族聚酰胺(Polyamide).

aleuritic acid:油桐酸

由于虫胶树脂易聚合,故每分子虫胶树脂主要由4分子匝烯酸,即由3他子紫草茸醇酸(jalaric acid)或表虫胶酸(epishellolic acid)和1分子紫草茸酸(laccjialaric acid)或表紫草茸虫胶酸(epilaqccishellolic acid)和4分子油桐酸(aleuritic acid)所组成的多酯,也有

triatomic:由三个原子组成的; 一分子含有三个原子的 (形)

Triassic 三叠纪的 (形) | triatomic 由三个原子组成的; 一分子含有三个原子的 (形) | triazine 三氮六环; 三氮六环衍生物 (名)