英语人>词典>汉英 : 用言语表达 的英文翻译,例句
用言语表达 的英文翻译、例句


put into words · give words to · clothe in words
更多网络例句与用言语表达相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My thanks to you are beyond any expression.


I found it hard to convey my feelings in words.


I find it hard to convey my feelings in word.


Right way says not to come out, designing culminating philosophy truly also cannot be conveyed with utterance.


When the 5 of us got together, we did not leave immediately, but sat next to the lawn outside the Nissan Stadium. None of us could express our feeling in words, it's sooo fantastic to see him dancing, singing, sweating, smiling and yelling, and his silhouette before exeunt.


I cannot express how encouraging your letter was.


I cannot express you how encourage your letter was.


Sometimes I have trouble expressing myself, but I want you to know I love you.


"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."


We should learn to show our love through material goods .


更多网络解释与用言语表达相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beyond words:无法用言语表达

patient=病人; | grow=成长; | beyond words=无法用言语表达

Bronx cheer:起哄架秧子:在稠人广众中,许多人一起胡闹,用言语表达不满情绪

齐活:工作完毕. Finished | 起哄架秧子:在稠人广众中,许多人一起胡闹,用言语表达不满情绪. Bronx cheer | S 尥货:不听话,顽皮淘气,惹是生非的人. People who makes waves

verbal exposition:言语表达

verbal error 用词错误 | verbal exposition 言语表达 | verbal expression skill 言语表达能力


8 . happiness (所以要你幸福) | 9 . inexpressible (可能用言语已经很难表达) | 10 . Just the same (说与不说都是一样的)

put into words:用言语表达

用完;溢出run out | 用言语表达put ... into words | 用英语写write in English

put into words:把...用言语表达出来

day-to-day life日常的生活 | put ...into words 把...用言语表达出来 | from time to time不时,有时

It's kind of hard to put into words:很难用言语来表达

Are you a homo like Mr. Robertson?|你像罗伯逊先生一样是个同性恋吗? | It's kind of hard to put into words|很难用言语来表达 | what makes you fall in love with someone.|坠入爱河的感觉


generating 发生, 产生 | unverbalized 未用言辞表达的,非言语化的 | brake pulley 闸轮

give words to:用言语表达

give witness on behalf of sb. 为某人作证. | give words to 用言语表达. | give a bad account of oneself [俚贬]干得差劲, 表现不好.

You've got a way with words:你已经找到了一种用言语来表达的方式

It's in the way we make love 它就在当我们ML的时候 | You've got a way with words 你已经找到了一种用言语来表达的方式 | You get me smiling even when it hurts 你仍对着我微笑即使当你很痛楚的时候