英语人>词典>汉英 : 用球棒打 的英文翻译,例句
用球棒打 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bat  ·  batted

更多网络例句与用球棒打相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You get home one night, your wife hits you with a baseball bat.


On the night of the meeting Rodriguez struck out as a pinch hitter to end the game. He whacked the dugout railing with his bat, walked up the runway and into the clubhouse, and picked up a folding chair and threw it.

两人谈话的当晚, A-Rod以代打身分上场打击遭到三振而结束了该场比赛,离开打击区后, A-Rod用球棒重击了休息区的栏杆,并且在走回休息室的路上随手拿起一旁的折椅,狠狠地将其摔向远方

With a cricket bat because he owes him money.

Jimmy Lennon 穿过门用球棒打了一下酒保的头,因为他赌输了。

He hit a homerun with one stroke of his bat.


更多网络解释与用球棒打相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I heard he beat him up with a baseball bat:而且还用球棒打了他

I heard he lost it and stabbed someone 我听说他发飙砍人 | I heard he beat him up with a baseball bat 而且还用球棒打了他 | No he took a knife and stabbed him 不对,他是用刀捅的


2.13 触击 (BUNT) 打者用球棒轻轻碰触球,让球慢慢滚进内野的动作. 2.14 截止比赛 (CALLED GAME) 经由主审宣布停止的比赛. 2.15 确实接捕 (CATCH) 野手用手或手套接到打者击出的球,或投手投球及野手间的传球.