英语人>词典>汉英 : 生生世世 的英文翻译,例句
生生世世 的英文翻译、例句


generation after generation
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So when I say I love u I mean it for ever and ever, ever and ever.


Dark clouds would disappear sooner or later, the clear blue sky would appear and the sun rise, finally. Your life-long accumulated information would not happen to one person who does not have self-awareness. With the disappearing self-awareness, they do not have any targets and the life wheel would stop rolling. However, lenity and love can cure everything and people with high-morality could change the negative energy to the positive one.


Regardless of the many lives spent on Mother Earth, you did not originate from it.


When shedoesn't love you anymore, dear,please take a deep breath, there are overspread the love buds on the road of life ,andone of them is predestine to belong to you , i'm not comfort you , as it's the truth of all the lives....real....


Of Sambo real faith, will enable us有缘生生世世often with Sambo about improving law practice smell.


He is my favorite person in this world, but also I will never forget the only sentimentally attached to.


Viva forever, I'll be waiting


Last night, I dream, and you said to me: We are friends and wept.


If the passionatere-freshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you formy life's time. If graceful white cloud knows my heart, I can tell you I love you and would be together with you forever.


Maybe we students don't have that much insight or don't completely understand the Sutra's meaning, but these true principles will be stored unalterably in our eighth consciousness, and they will guide us toward the light, giving us endless benefit in life after life.


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Coming back:回來了

在>(Coming Back)这本书,他发现进入前世催眠的人,都相信轮回的存在. 更有趣的是,每天在我们身边穿梭不停,或与我们朝夕相处之人,竟然生生世世都是同一批人,因为彼此有某些功课要学习,而一再碰面,一直到我们将累世重修的功课完成为止.

The Cutting Edge:鐵漢柔情

Almost Forever 生生世世永相伴(SARAH系列) | The Cutting Edge 鐵漢柔情 | Midnight Rainbow 午夜的彩虹 (Kell Sabin系列)

Yet is the bout foreordination for generations:(却是生生世世的宿命一场. )

The predestined relationship rely on the hill and water (依山傍... | Yet is the bout foreordination for generations (却是生生世世的宿命一场. ) | Singing the songs convey the feelings all the night (唱一...

roses : Free love:爱情自由

111 roses : Eternal love. 无尽的爱. | 123 roses : Free love. 爱情自由. | 144 roses : Love you day and night eternally .爱你日日月月, 生生世世.

for generations:生生世世

3207778想和你去吹吹風Want to go out with you | 3344生生世世For generations | 338想想吧Let's think about it a bit

I pray the whole family lives nobly:愿全家生活高贵

Not endure the same fate as mine... 免受此命运如我... | I pray the whole family lives nobly 愿全家生活高贵 | To be human in many lifetimes 生生世世能做人

Viva Forever:生生世世

10 No U Hang Up 不要等待 | 11 Viva Forever 生生世世 | 12 A gritos de esperanza 希望的呼喊

violates the Commandments:违背戒律

皈依道教:convert to Taoism | 违背戒律:violates the Commandments | 生生世世:all lives

one hundred and forty-four:爱你生生世世

one hundred and eight------无尽的爱 | one hundred and forty-four------爱你生生世世 | three hundred and sixty-five------想你在每一年的每一天

n'importe quelle paysages:狂风暴雨 烈日海啸

生生世世天荒地老avec tous mes efforts | 狂风暴雨 烈日海啸n'importe quelle paysages | 不曾让我留下je n'arreterai jamais