英语人>词典>汉英 : 生物体 的英文翻译,例句
生物体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
organism  ·  biosome

更多网络例句与生物体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Autotrophic organisms are important ecologically as primary producers, their activities ultimately supplying the carbon requirements of all heterotroph ic organisms.


Formation of a chemical compound by a living organism.Not associated with or derived from living organisms .


A commensal organism that lives on the outer body surface of another organism.


Therefore, it is cautious to choose this parameter as biomarker of oxidative injury, and other biomarkers should be involved, so as to reflect the extent of oxidative injury more comprehensively.3. During the 12 d exposure, heavy metal not only induced the synthesis of MT in the copepod T.

经过12 d的镉或镍暴露后,桡足类体内MDA含量更多地与该金属处理无相关性,因此该指标作为生物体氧化损伤程度的标志物时,需要慎重,应该辅以其它生物标志物才能更全面地反应生物体的氧化损伤水平。3。

The newly soil biaomass nitrogen was easily decomposable, but the old one was stable relatively.


Haplont A haploid organism that represents the vegetative stage in life cycles in which diploidy is restricted to the zygote.


We have both lost ourselves and created something else, something that exists only as an interlacing of the two of us.


Living things on earth have grown by a process we call evolution from the simplest single-cell organisms up to the vast veriety of living things we know today -- including the miracle of man himself.


The theory asserted that all organisms were generated, naturally, randomly and purposelessly, and the generation of life was due to non-living matter, the wide variety of organisms were evolved from sparse kinds of ones, or even from a common ancestor, and more complex organisms were evolved from simpler ones...


Biopolymer active center elements are the composition of the alimental organism and the primary inherent cause of catalysis and activation, their ingestion, accumulation, transportation and distribution have relation to the biological function of the organism, so we can predict the characteristics of the elemental distribution by the fourth statistical mechanics founded by Professor Jin and further study the biological function of the organism with diet therapy effect.


更多网络解释与生物体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Bio-Gel P 生物凝胶P | biogen 生物体 | biogenesis 生体合成

essential fatty acid:生物体自己无法合成的脂肪酸

26. chain reaction: 当反应开始产物会变成下一个反应的反应物一直作用到完全无反应物 | 27. essential fatty acid: 生物体自己无法合成的脂肪酸 | 28. carotenoid: 胡 卜素

biological hazard in laboratories:试验室中对生物体的危害性

biological half-life 生物半排出期 | biological hazard in laboratories 试验室中对生物体的危害性 | biological hazard 对生物体的危害性

non-living body:非生物体

与时间(的)关系不是直线的 non-linear with time | 非生物体 non-living body | 生物不能生活的环境条件 non-living environ-mental condition of organisms

living organism:生物体

其机制的综合性学科.外源化学物(xenobiotic)泛指自然界存在着或人工合成的各种具有生物活性的物质.生物体(Living organism)包括人,动物,植物以及各种其他生物.法医毒理学(forensic toxicology)是主要应用毒理学及有关学科的理论和技术,

that you were a pathetically primitive life-form:你们是非常可怜的原始生物体

because our intelligence indicated|因为我们的情报显... | that you were a pathetically primitive life-form.|你们是非常可怜的原始生物体 | But I have seen that you are more than this.|但是我觉得到你们不止有...

Pathogenic organisms:病原生物体

盘尾丝虫病 Onchocerciasis | 病原生物体 Pathogenic organisms | 辐射病 Radiation sickness

somatic cell:体细胞, 生物体除生殖细胞外的一切细胞

Somalia 索马里 (名) | somatic cell 体细胞, 生物体除生殖细胞外的一切细胞 | somatogenic 躯体原的 (形)

organisms thrive:生物体生长繁殖旺盛

水的臭氧消毒 water ozone sanitization | 生物体生长繁殖旺盛 organisms thrive | 温湿环境 warm, wet environment

bion; biont:生物;生物体

生质分子 biomolecule | 生物;生物体 bion; biont | 细胞坏死;渐进性坏死 bionecrosis