英语人>词典>汉英 : 瓦片 的英文翻译,例句
瓦片 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tile  ·  tiles

更多网络例句与瓦片相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm also looking to establish scale which, if I follow it, will lend consistency and believability to the piece.


More emphasis is given to study the rule of data blocking and common method of building tile-pyramid model and linear quadtree tile-index. On the other hand, this thesis also investigates such problems as target-tile searching, tile-request prediction and edge matching of block terrain drawing.


Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth.


Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground.


We invented the tile but we never made tile into roof.


The design and implementation of planar tile pyramid tile topological model, but this model was extended to the global level, and to achieve a global scale suitable for remote sensing images and terrain data expression of spherical tile pyramid model.


Research based on data from the organization of multi-resolution, multi-scale data storage solutions for a series of theoretical and technical issues, Virtual Earth focus on the technical framework, spherical tile pyramid model, with tiled OGC WMS services integration, and geospatial services portal integration aspects of a more systematic analysis and experimentation, and come to some conclusions. The main contents are: This paper aims at database security which is a hot topic of information security at present. The database is the most important part of information system and it play an important role.


Last Sunday I h*e gone to a new village on the east side of the lake, where many of the old houses were going to be removed, the tiles which the villagers just unroofed were flooded immediately, before they could h*e them transported.


Last Sunda I h*e gone to a new village on the east side of the lake, where man of the old houses were going to be removed, the tiles which the villagers just unroofed were flooded immediatel, before the could h*e them transported.


You and I can load our station wagon up with tiles from Home Depot at $3 per square foot, but even stores for the masses like Lowes and Color Tile have tile that run over $20 per square foot in their showroom so as you can imagine there are many varieties of tile at over $50 per square foot to please the hedge fund managers.

您和我能用瓦片装载我们的小型客车从Home Depot在$3每平方英尺,但是大量的甚而商店象Lowes和颜色瓦片有跑$20每平方英尺在他们的陈列室至于您能想象的瓦片瓦片许多品种在$50每取悦的平方英尺套利基金经理。

更多网络解释与瓦片相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be made from discarded tiles:由被废弃的瓦片制成

57. be made from old glass bottles that are glued together 由粘合在一起的旧玻璃瓶制成 | 58. be made from discarded tiles 由被废弃的瓦片制成 | 59. be built out of used soda cans 用用过的汽水易拉罐建成

Brake shoe lining:闸瓦片带摩擦片

brake-shoe holder 闸瓦托 | brake-shoe lining 闸瓦片带摩擦片 | brake-shoe link pin 闸瓦联杆销


count your chickens before they hatch 蛋还没孵化,先数小鸡 | crock 破瓦片(无用之物,废话) | cross the line 跨过线(做得太过分了)

discarded tiles:废弃瓦片

44.the roof of the world 世界屋脊 | 45.discarded tiles 废弃瓦片 | 46.wooden fence 木制栏杆

covering in scale tiles:瓦片屋面

covering 覆盖 | covering in scale tiles 瓦片屋面 | covering layer 覆盖层

the tile on the roof is her music instrument keyboard:屋顶上的瓦片是他的琴键

眼眯成一条线轻轻踮着脚尖 she narrowed her eyes in a line, and stan... | 屋顶上的瓦片是他的琴键 the tile on the roof is her music instrument keyboard. | 一步步一点点游走在爱情边缘 she wandered around on...

Roof Tiles:瓦片

Real Estate Projects 房地产项目 | Roof Tiles 瓦片 | Sand 砂


scalecide 杀介壳虫剂 | scaled 将瓦片排成鳞状的 | scaledsquamate 有鳞的

tilefish; Ocean whitefish:瓦片鱼,方头鱼

orange roughy 橘棘鲷,新西兰红鱼 | tilefish; Ocean whitefish 瓦片鱼,方头鱼 | ayu; ayu fish; aroma fish 香鱼

Placing the lath, and the mudding, laying the tile:把板条、翻浆,铺设的瓦片

How to build your shower curb from scratch怎样建设你淋浴遏... | Placing the lath, and the mudding, laying the tile 把板条、翻浆,铺设的瓦片 | How to put the right amount of Fall in the floor .如何把正确数...