英语人>词典>汉英 : 理发师 的英文翻译,例句
理发师 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
barber  ·  coiffeur  ·  hairdresser  ·  barbered  ·  barbers  ·  Barber  ·  coiffeurs  ·  hairdressers  ·  perruquier

更多网络例句与理发师相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A penny." Aberdonian take out half penny to hand tonsorial:"If you are disrelished little, you can return my mustache I.


Aberdonian had received hairbrush, ask barber a moment ago shaved to him want how many money.


I speak after the fashion of a barber.


Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in Aria.


Turner was a barber's son from Maiden Lane in Covent Garden, a uniquely talented autodidact who was already producing accomplished watercolours in his mid-teens.


Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ.


Do not take care to midway barber the head of that person blew a very long cut, that person frontier says you want to ask me to have a meal, that is tonsorial agreed, give not carefully later again blew one knife, that person frontier says you want to ask me to eat two eat meal, barber agreed again, tonsorial later blew that person again a few knives, that person says you should ask the meal that eats a few days, the old fire that final barber is said by that person, say: Good, I raise you all one's life, he what saying to taking a knife to be blown on the head of that person is knife scar all over the face.


The unmanned path humiliation that suffers in the jail, make barber produced psychological distortion, he comes back this, face evil, what always depress a heart hard is indignant, tonsorial hope lets justice be able to come true on his hand, then, the " Philistine " that he begins to be aimed at his -- those are evil person -- inflict is mad and solemn and just


Of or relating to barbering or a barber .


Very simple. The laundrymen wash the clothes of the barbers and restaurant waiters, the restaurants waiters wait upon the laundrymen and barbers while they eat, and the barbers cut the hair of the laundrymen and waiters.


更多网络解释与理发师相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Barber's cat:是"面黄肌瘦的人",而不是"理发师的猫

Cat gut是"羊肠线",而和 "猫" 无关. | Barber's cat是"面黄肌瘦的人",而不是"理发师的猫". | Cat's eye 是"反光路丁",而不是门镜"猫眼".


现代英文单词"理发师"(barber)就是来源于拉丁语"barba",意思是胡须. 可能让你惊讶的是,关于理发师早起的记录显示他们是族群中地位最高的人. 如同药师和僧侣. 但是原始人非常的迷信,早起的族群相信神仙和妖怪都是从头发进入人的身体,


Ban,ban,black sheep咩咩,黑绵羊 | Barber,barber理发师,理发师 | Blow,wind,blow风啊,呼呼地吹

barbier n.m:理发师

barbe n.f. 胡子 | barbier n.m. 理发师 | barbouiller v.t. 弄脏,乱画


coif | 头巾 盖以头巾, 戴紧帽 | coiffeur | (为女子做头发的)理发师 | coiffeuse | (为女子做头发的)女理发师

coiffeur:男理发师 (名)

coif 头巾 (名) | coiffeur 男理发师 (名) | coiffeuse 女理发师 (名)


coiffeur | (为女子做头发的)理发师 | coiffeuse | (为女子做头发的)女理发师 | coiffure | 以头饰戴的

coiffeuse:女理发师 (名)

coiffeur 男理发师 (名) | coiffeuse 女理发师 (名) | coiffure 理发; 头巾; 发型 (名)

A hairdresser needs a hairbrush and shampoo:理发师需要发刷(梳子)和洗发水

1. What does a hairdresser need? 理发师需要什么? | A hairdresser needs a hairbrush and shampoo.理发师需要发刷(梳子)和洗发水. | 2. What does a cleaner need?清洁工需要什么?

The Music Box:理发师

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