英语人>词典>汉英 : 环细胞 的英文翻译,例句
环细胞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

ring cell · garland cells
更多网络例句与环细胞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of the fine spicules forming a network in cancellous bone.


Epiboly Movement of the embryonic cell mass over the surface of the yolk?; the germ ring marks the boundary of the advancing sheet of cells.


RESULTS: The AF cells cultured in different substrates were morphologically undistinguishable. Toluidine blue staining showed that there was also no difference between AF cells cultured on flexible silicone membranes and in plastic plates. The cells growing in different substrates expressed the same levels of collagen typeⅠ,Ⅱ and aggrecan mRNA and integrin β1. AF cells grew well on silicone membranes.


Wenxin capsule can promote endolethial cells releasing CO and synthesing 〓, enhance activity of HO, induce angiectasis through activating guanylic cyclase and adenglate cyclate of intracellar of vessel smooth muscle cell to enhance content of intracellar cGMP and AMP. 3. Wenxin capsule can inhibit releasing of platelet activiting factor 〓 which inhibit platelet aggregation and have antithrombosis function. 4. Wenxin capsule can promote activity of t-PA, reduce activity of PAI-1, strengthen fibrinolytic function, therefore inhibit fibrin disposition. 5. Wenxin capsule can inhibit synthesis of smooth muscle cellular DNA. Its function don't kill it directly but prevent transformation from period Go to peried S. 6. Wenxin capsule is an effective prescription of anti-coronary atherosclerosis atherosis. The results of image pattern analysis tastifies that area of lipid plaque in treating group reduce 54% and 58% in contrast with that in control group. The results of light, electro- microscopy show that structure of endolethial cell and smooth muscle cell in treating group is more integral than that in control group.

其作用机制之一是由于该药具有良好的调脂降脂作用,其不仅能明显降低血清LDL-c及升高HDL-c含量,且能有效阻止TC沉积于血管壁,从而保护内皮细胞结构完整;此外,温心胶囊尚具有明显的抗氧化作用,该药不仅能明显降低血浆LPO含量,且能提高SOD活性,同时其对血红素在细胞内代谢的调节作用也参与了抗氧化过程。2 温心胶囊能明显促进内皮细胞释放CO及合成〓,提高HO活性,通过激活血管平滑肌细胞内鸟苷酸环化酶及腺苷酸环化酶引起细胞内cGMP、AMP浓度增加而引起血管舒张。3 温心胶囊能明显抑制血小板激活因子〓的释放,从而抑制血小板聚集,抗血栓形成。4 温心胶囊能明显提高t-PA活性,降低PAI-1活性,增强纤溶功能,从而抑制纤维蛋白沉积。5 温心胶囊能明显抑制平滑肌细胞DNA合成,其抑制作用不是直接杀伤抑制,而是阻止细胞由Go期向S期转化。6 温心胶囊是抗冠状动脉粥样硬化的有效制剂,图象分析结果证实,该药治疗组脂斑面积比对照组缩小了54%和58%,光电镜结果显示内皮细胞及平滑肌细胞结构较为完整。

That means Pho85 kinaseand calcineurin were involved in salt tolerance with an identical target protein or in 中科院上海生化与细胞所博士学位论文摘要 the same pathway. Inhibition of calcineurin decrease the YPH499, pho80? mutant,and pap1 (pcl7)? mutant Mn2+ tolerance but not that of pho85? mutant and thepho85? mutant was more sensitive to Mn2+ than YPH499, pho80? mutant, and pap1(pcl7)? mutant even with the addition of cyclosporin A. Therefore, the conclusioncould be drawn that PHO85 gene played a dominant role in Mn2+ homeostasisregulation in compare with calcineurin. As for Ca2+ tolerance, cyclosporin A canincrease the tolerance to Ca2+ of all the mutant mention above, that means Pho85kinase and calcineurin function antagonistically in regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis.In Bioinformatics, BRI3 gene is a novel gene without any function clue but givehigh conservation in mammalian.


RESULTS: HE stained cells were fusiform-shaped with pseudopodia, round or oval nucleus. The cytoplasm was blue after stained with the toluidine blue. The immunohistochemical test revealed that there existed positive expression of type Ⅰ collagen in the cells. In the presence of 10% calf serum, IGF-Ⅰ significantly improved cell proliferative activity in a dose-dependent manner within effective dose range.


Nowadays, the study regarding the effect of growth factors on annulus fibrosis is less than that of nucleus pulpous.


A reduction in actin expression was observed by immunoblotting in both nucleus pulpous and anulus fibrous cells, especially in nucleus pulpous cells.


There is growing scientific evidence that lycopene neutralizes harmful free radicals that can damage cells and trigger cancer.


One of the two silicified halves of the cell wall of a diatom.


更多网络解释与环细胞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




chlortetracycline 氯四环素 | choanocyte 环细胞 | choc-ice 巧克力雪糕

collar cell:领细胞

collar bush 主轴套,轴环套 | collar cell 领细胞 | collar crushing forceps 压环钳

contractile ring:收缩环

大量的肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白在中间体处装配成微丝并形成微丝束,环绕细胞,称为收缩环(contractile ring). ⑵ 收缩环收缩,分裂沟逐渐加深,细胞形状由原先的球星变为椭圆形或哑铃形,直到两个子细胞相互分裂. 细胞质分裂的机制,被认为和肌肉收缩的机制相似,


血球 hematocyte | 骨髓环细胞 hematocytoblast,myeloblast | 血球崩解 hematocytolysis,hemocytolysis

Cytotoxic Drugs:细胞毒药物

17、cyclodextrin derivatives 环糊精衍生物 | 18、cyclodextrins 环糊精 | 19、cytotoxic drugs 细胞毒药物


gummatous meningitis 树胶肿性脑膜炎 | gyrochrome 环染细胞(神经细胞) | gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis 枕颞外侧回


gyrocenterpin 回转中心销 | gyrochrome 环染细胞 | gyrochromecell 环染细胞


heterocycle /杂环/ | heterocyclic /杂环的/不同环式的/ | heterocyst /异形细胞/

girdle band:环带

孢子囊壁为多层细胞,环带有或无,环带(girdle band)为孢子囊壁上一列内壁及侧壁加厚的细胞,有助于孢子囊的开裂和孢子...介绍薄囊蕨纲(Leptosporangiopsida) 孢子囊为薄囊型,包括囊柄均由一个细胞发育而来.