英语人>词典>汉英 : 环境温度 的英文翻译,例句
环境温度 的英文翻译、例句


ambient temperature
更多网络例句与环境温度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In traditional design for a wire-tube type condenser, the air's temperature around it is considered to be the ambient temperature. In fact, the air's temperature is affected by the distance between the refrigerator's back and the wall and is heated by the compressor and condenser, so its temperature is not equal to the ambient temperature. In this case, the traditional design method is not accurate.


Most reproducing females were allowed to lay eggs in laboratory enclosures of which each held skinks from the same population, and the remaining females were used to test for the influence of thermal condition and caudal autotomy on the timing of reproduction, reproductive output and egg size.


Based on the analysis of micro -bolometer resistance -temperature characteristics, a new readout circuit was proposed. It allowed micro -bolometer operate without a temperature stabilizer over a wide range of ambient temperature. And it need a Flash memory to store the correcting factors of different temperatures and a temperature sensor to detect the ambient temperature of the micro -bolometer. By utilizing the factors in the Flash memory, Digital Analog Converter controls the micro -bolometer bias current to compensate the fluctuation of ambient temperature.


The basic theory and the latest research progress in this field are presented in this paper,and the further research directions in application of manifold PCM, studies on insulation properties of building envelope with PCM and inosculation of PCM and building material are pointed out.


The results showed that the color changed and intenerate mostly happed in the beginning of processing,that is before turn over the pond.Beside,the effect of circumstance temperature is great to small radish of lanxi,the higher circumstance temperature the more quickly maturate ...


Methods In order to estimate core temperature T(subscript c from skin temperature T(subscript s, the paper simulated an environmental temperature T(subscript e change. From the change, the paper obtained the thermoresistance ratio of adiabator R(subscript e and body surface tissue R(subscript c, at the same time, deducted environmental temperature T(subscript e influences from the skin temperature T(subscript s. The feasibility and accuracy of the method was tested by a self-made body temperature simulator.

提出通过人为改变环境温度T(下标 e而获得个性化的绝热材料热阻R(下标 e对体表组织热阻R(下标 c比值的途径,实现从皮肤温度T(下标 s中扣除环境温度T(下标 e影响,从而达到从皮肤温度T(下标 s测值中估计体核温度T(下标 c的方案和具体测量方法,并用自行设计的模拟体温发生器对此方案进行了可行性和准确性验证。

To determine the relationship between body temperature and ambient temperature of big-headed turtle the seasonal and diel variations in its body surface temperature and ambient temperatures were measured in a field enclosure using miniaturized dataloggers and selected body temperature in the laboratory.


The characteristic of the dairy cow thermoregulation was base on environment and nutrition administration technology. Study regressions of dairy cow physiology on ambient temperature, effective temperature and temperature-humidity index, the difference between the high and low yield dairy cow of the circadian rhythm about thermoregulatory at hot summer, evaluated the efficiency of half open and open dairy barn preventing heatstroke, evaluated the efficiency of temperature dropdown by sprinkler and air-cooling fan. The thesis was described in the following three sections.


The results show that the pressure of SF6 gas, the tank of circuit breakers has no apparent influence on the relationship between the environmental temperature and moisture in SF6 gas but the moisture measured in 20℃ and solid materials in circuit breakers, especially F-3 adsorbent do influence the relationship greatly.


This study examines the criteria of water temperature for black carp, grass carp,silver carp, bighead, common carp, etc in the condition of thermal shock.The paper reported the optimum growth temperatures,the maximum lethal temperatures and the short exposure maximum high temperatllres for these fishes.All the criteria can be considered as appraisal values of water temperature for thegrowth and breeding of these fishes.


更多网络解释与环境温度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ambient temperature:环境温度

以下是三个明显的结果:其一,声纳化学反应速率随著环境温度(ambient temperature)升高竟变慢. 这是由於环境温度升高,更多气体进入气泡内,气体增多对於气泡破裂有缓冲作用,而降低破裂瞬间的温度. 所以当环境温度升高,反应速率反而降低了. 其二,

ambient temperature range:环境温度范围

ambient temperature,环境 | ambient temperature range,环境温度范围 | ambient vibration,环境振动

ambient temperature, power-supply:电源环境温度

ambient Property 环境内容 | ambient temperature, power-supply 电源环境温度 | ambiguity 模棱两可

limiting ambient temperature:极限环境温度,限周围温度

limiting 限制,界限,极限的 | limiting ambient temperature 极限环境温度,限周围温度 | limiting amplifier 限制放大器,截割(波)放大器,限幅放大器

limiting ambient temperature:极限环境温度,极限周围温度

limiting 限制,界限;极限的 | limiting ambient temperature 极限环境温度,极限周围温度 | limiting amplifier 限幅放大器

environmental lapse rate:环境(温度)

environmental improvement环境改善 | environmental lapse rate环境(温度) | epicdermis表皮

environmental lapse rate:环境 [温度] 递减率

environmental improvement 环境改善 | environmental lapse rate 环境 [温度] 递减率 | environmental perception 环境感观

Ambient Operating Temperature:工作周围温度,工作环境温度

周围噪音 ambient noise | 工作周围温度,工作环境温度 ambient operating temperature | 外界压力,周围压力,环境压力 ambient pressure


而下列因素又决定了热点温度值实际应用中的外界温度(环境温度Ta),从热点传递到周围环境的总的热阻(Rth)和由交流电流引起的能量损耗(PLOSS). 电容的内部温升与能量损耗成线形关系. 2.环境温度(Ta)和热阻(Rth)

Redue surrounding temperature:降低周围环境温度

温度保护器动作Temperature protector is working | 降低周围环境温度Redue surrounding temperature | 降低使用频率Reduce use frequency