英语人>词典>汉英 : 率领 的英文翻译,例句
率领 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
captain  ·  captained  ·  captaining  ·  captains

lead on
更多网络例句与率领相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This battle was fought between the French army, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, and the English and Prussian forces, led by The Duke Of Wellington and Gebhard Von Blucher respectively.


In the Battle of Fredericksburg(December1862) Ambrose Burnside's Union forces were defeated by Robert E. Lee's smaller Confederate army in one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.


American Civil War: In the Battle of Cane Hill, Union troops under General John Blunt defeat General John Marmaduke's Confederates.


The earlier were written by him when a priest of the Church of Carthage, but about the year 200 he was led to believe in the Montanist prophets of Phrygia, and he headed a Montanist schism at Carthage.

早前写的,他当一名牧师的教会的迦太基,但大约一年200他率领相信,在montanist先知的phrygia ,他曾率领montanist裂,在迦太基。

British Secretary of War Sidney Herbert asked Nightingale to take nurses and help the hospital in Scutari, Turkey. On October 21, 1854 she set out for the hospital with the 38 nurses she had trained.


Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong and the incumbent black area senior official black must win, for the first echelon, will lead 2,000,000 starships, will go to nearby the solar system pluto orbit, will fight to the death with the planetoid; White area senior official white Peter with jumbles together, for the second echelon, leads 2,000,000 starships in Mars orbit area, completes the strategic reserves, and maintains and the first echelon of attack's inter-planetary communication traffic line; The surplus all starship, for the third echelon, will use in the Earth final defense, by alliance president the entire unification plenary powers direction, alliance president the entire unification will keep North Pole Headquarters, will be responsible for the entire campaign the coordinated duty, as well as will be responsible to manage Earth in all thunderbolts.


An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag.

一只狮子率领的一群鹿,比一只鹿率领的一头狮子 VfCUw*vm

An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag.


An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than oneof lions led by a stag.


An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lio ns led by a stag.


更多网络解释与率领相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这些军团叛乱时就各出于不同的诱因,在恐惧之眼中他们也并不齐心,相互之间的混战一直都在发生,邪神也任由他们各从其类,其中继承了何露斯遗愿的亚巴顿(Abaddon)所率领的黑暗军团(Black Legion,

Andrew Adamson:导演:安德鲁.亚当森

影片改编自英国作家C.S刘易斯的畅销系列小说,由导演安德鲁 亚当森(Andrew Adamson)率领第一集的原班人马再度打造,将有众多新人物登场!埃蒙德 派文西:你也一样不是我们所期待的. >精彩对白: >中饰演黑小矮人"尼克布瑞克"的沃维克 戴维斯,

Moses led the children of Israel out of the Egypt:摩西率领以色列的子民离开了埃及

41. My wife lost her first child a month before it should have bee... | 42. Moses led the children of Israel out of the Egypt.摩西率领以色列的子民离开了埃及. | 43. This set of ancient china is invalua...


近期,由知名游戏人Chris Taylor率领Gas Powered Games公司研发的大型空想题材RTS网络游戏>(Demigod)官方网站进行了更新... (101 字)近期,由知名游戏人Chris Taylor率领Gas Powered Games公司研发的大型空想题材RTS网络游戏>(Demigod)官方网站进行了更新.

price leaders:价值率领者

price fixing 价值设定 | price leaders 价值率领者 | price lining 价值枚举定价法

opinion leaders:定见率领者

operational excellence 运作打点水平 | opinion leaders 定见率领者 | opportunity cost 机遇本钱

Under the leadership of the generals:在将军们的率领下

"In the north, the great army|在北方,伟大的军团 | Under the leadership of the generals|在将军们的率领下 | Hirtius and pansa|希尔提乌斯和潘撒将军


lead off 开始 | lead on 率领 | lead out 开始

The man who captained the home team is my brother:率领主队的是我的兄弟

2159. A captain commands a company or battery. 一个上尉指挥一... | 2160. The man who captained the home team is my brother. 率领主队的是我的兄弟. | 2161. She was held captive for almost a month. 她被监...

General Bradley's done a tremendous job with 2nd Corps:布拉德利将军率领第二军团进展良好

He'll urge an attack on Sicily because that's what the At... | General Bradley's done a tremendous job with 2nd Corps.|布拉德利将军率领第二军团进展良好. | He's moved into Bizerte and taken over 41,000...