英语人>词典>汉英 : 猿 的英文翻译,例句
猿 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
ape  ·  jackanapes  ·  monkey  ·  monkeys  ·  aping  ·  aped  ·  apes  ·  monkeyed  ·  monkeying

更多网络例句与猿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the transition phase is in the human ancestor Australopithecus, and would create between tools, so understanding the organism from the ape to man the change, understanding the way of life from the ape to man's way of life changes and the origin of human-made tools , all have very important significance.


Because the emergent rate of Simion Line is high among the crowd with the hereditary diseases, Simion Line has been an index of the medical dermatoglyphics for evaluating people's health levels and a signal of the health condition being not so well.


Without the assumption that Gigantopithecus and H. erectus lived together, everything changed: if early humans were not part of the Stegodon–Ailuropoda fauna, I had to envision a chimpanzee-sized ape in its place — either a descendant of Lufengpithecus, or a previously unknown ape genus.


Resembling or characteristic of an ape; apelike.


Of or belonging to the group of great apes of the family Pongidae,which includes the gorilla,chimpanzee,and orangutan.


An adult Macaca fascicularis, or long-tailed macaque, ensconces an infant in her arms in a roadside clearing between coastal Pattaya and Bangkok, Thailand. These primates get their common name from their extraordinarily long tails, which, at 1.3 to 2 feet (40 to 60 centimeters), are usually longer than the macaques are tall.


An adult Macaca fascicularis, or long-tailed macaque, ensconces an infant in her arms in a roadside clearing between coastal Pattaya and Bangkok, Thailand. These primates get their common name from their extraordinarily long tails, which, at 1.3 to 2 feet (40 to 60 centimeters), are usually longer than the macaques are tall.


For those contemplating breeding marmosets, you should be aware that occasionally female parents have been known to be "tail biters" in that they will actually bite off the tail tips of their offspring.


From the "wild man" described eyewitnesses, they also see It is this half-human, half ape, it seems people inhuman, it seems the bad ape ape non-classified image.


This virus is known as S.I.V., simian immunodeficiency virus. Simians include apes and monkeys.


更多网络解释与猿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


豚鼠(guinea pig)、(ape)和人不能合成Vc,从能合成Vc的肝脏微粒体中分离到合成Vc的三种酶,人和缺乏gulonolactone oxidase). 缺乏抗坏血酸将导致坏血病(scurvy),龄龈(gum)、腿部等开始出血,肿胀,逐渐扩展到全身,


槲叶 Dryophyllum | 森林蛮;森林石 Dryopithecus | 干雪崩 dry-snow avalanches

Zol Gibbon:泽猿

Ul Gibbon 幽 | Zol Gibbon 泽 | Gibbles 蛮甲

Ul Gibbon:幽猿

Mericus 绿蝎花 | Ul Gibbon 幽 | Zol Gibbon 泽

Gigantopithecus sp:巨猿

巨貘 Megatapirus sp. | 巨 Gigantopithecus sp. | 腊玛 Ramapithecus sp.

Hylobates hoolock:白眉长臂猿 别名呼猿,通臂猿,属于猩猩科,学名为

白掌长臂 属于猩猩科,学名为 Hylobates lar | 白眉长臂 别名呼,通臂,属于猩猩科,学名为 Hylobates hoolock | 穿山甲 别名鲮鲤,石鲮鱼,属于鲮鲤科,学名为 Manis pentadactyla

Hylobates hoolock:白眉长臂猿别号呼猿,通臂猿,属于猩猩科,学名为

白掌长臂属于猩猩科,学名为Hylobates lar | 白眉长臂别号呼,通臂,属于猩猩科,学名为Hylobates hoolock | 穿山甲别号鲮鲤,石鲮鱼,属于鲮鲤科,学名为Manis pentadactyla

marsh marigold; Caltha palustris L:立金花;猿猿草;驴蹄草(毛茛科)

欧洲蜀葵(锦葵科植物的一种) marsh mallow; Althaea officinalis L. | 立金花;草;驴蹄草(毛茛科) marsh marigold; Caltha palustris L. | 沼泽植物 marsh plants;


按照达尔文"一揽子"的论点,如图中的A所示,大约3 000万年以前(图中的时间单位是百万年),由古物种(ANCESTOR)分化为非洲(APE)、人科物种(MAN)和亚洲(MONKEY).

Tundra Yeti:苔原雪猿 冻原地区巨大的白色雪猿

Trilk 特理克族 灰矮人族名 | Tundra Yeti 苔原雪 冻原地区巨大的白色雪 | Ulgulu 乌古鲁 一名紫色犬魔幼兽