英语人>词典>汉英 : 牺牲者 的英文翻译,例句
牺牲者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
prey  ·  underdog  ·  victim  ·  preyed  ·  preying  ·  preys  ·  victims

更多网络例句与牺牲者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sonnenhoehe back in the Thirties. It is with great emotion that I say Alida has since passed out of my life after I put her quietly to sleep shortly before her 10th birthday, a victim of cancer.


Woe betide you if you touch my prey.


He was a victim of circumstance, ie What happened to him was beyond his control.


Their simple minds view brutal violence as entertainment, and Geonosians congregate in massive execution arenas to watch victims doomed to die by being subjected to savage creatures.


You Know it is a capital crime to mourn for, or sympathize with, a victim of the Guillotine.


The Queen paid homage to the victims of two world wars by laying a wreath on the Cenotaph.


The Queen pain homage to the victims of two world wars by laying a wreath on the Cenotaph.


As average vegetable imports rose by 169%, vegetable farmers in the Cordillera and Central Luzon found themselves victims of the lopsided and unjust global trading regime.


St Apollonia was an old deaconess who fell victim to the persecutions of Christians in Alexandria.


In the other hand, he was also the victim of the disordered times.


更多网络解释与牺牲者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alvah:上升的他的; 他的陛下

Alush -一起混合 | Alvah -上升的他的; 他的陛下 | Amad -证人的人们; 一个牺牲者

Angola:非洲 安哥拉

戴安娜离婚后把更多的精力投入到慈善事业中. 1997年1月她参加了红十安会组织的非洲安哥拉(Angola )之旅,为七万个地雷牺牲者奔走

Apothecary here:药剂师在此

The fallen shall be forever remembered as the Emperor's finest. 牺牲者(战士)将作为帝王最优秀的(战士)而被永远铭记 | Apothecary here. 药剂师在此 | The battlefield awaits. 战场在等待


那么,大家一定察觉到什么了吧,'谋杀C计划'的牺牲者,他的姓氏'戴利(Daly)'的第一个字母,不是'C'而是'D'!""事实并非如此吧. "吉尔伯特笑了笑,说:"之所以使用'谋杀ABC计划'的方式是为了遵循阿特金斯家庭的ABC的诅咒,

fall guy:被牺牲者

fall from grace 堕落 | fall guy 被牺牲者 | fall home 向里弯

a hair shirt:(苦行者穿的)刚毛衬衣

7 fall guy被牺牲者,替罪羔羊 | 8 a hair shirt(苦行者穿的)刚毛衬衣 | let your hair down辛苦工作后放松一下


"这些学生之一卡尔.桑(Carl Sand)确信作家科策布(Kotzebue)是德国人民的一个敌人,因此决定杀死他. 当他完成这一行动后,他在他的牺牲者身旁留下一张纸片,上面写着:"你可以成为一位救世主. "这一题词当然指卡尔.桑,而非他的牺牲者.

American Memorial Park:美军纪念公园

美军纪念公园(American Memorial Park)位于凯悦饭店附近,为了荣耀二次大战马里亚纳战役中的五千名牺牲者,并将牺牲者的名字刻在纪念碑上供人瞻仰,公园内24小时都悬挂着美国的军旗,包括美国陆海空军的旗帜.

Fashion Victim:时尚牺牲者

Helpdesk 信息咨询服务台 | Fashion Victim 时尚牺牲者 | Chav 衣着通俗没文化的年轻人

who are victimized by this very system:劝服资本主义体制下的牺牲者

the ability to convince people|它们有那种能力 | who are victimized by this very system|劝服资本主义体制下的牺牲者 | to support the system and see it as good.|让他们支持资本主义 并且认为它很不错