英语人>词典>汉英 : 牺牲品 的英文翻译,例句
牺牲品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
victim  ·  victims

sacrificial lamb
更多网络例句与牺牲品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You are far more likely to be the the victim of a Slammer than the victim of an Abuser .

你是到目前为止,更有可能成为受害者的 Slammer 1比一个牺牲品施虐者。

One sign of a lack of mastery is one who takes the abusiveness of other and rolls over becoming a victim; another is one who must abuse another emotionally to stay in control.


"In war, truth is the first casualty"-Aeschylus


The little girl fell victim to a bomb in a NATO air raid.


In fact, Guangdonger's concept is modern indeed, the head of a county, alcalde has owns value, sometimes, livestock, especially the hoggery just became victim, because in areas that are underdeveloped is not have enough large industry enterprise.


Is Hitler the Amok Satan or the Victim of Humanity's Atrocity?


The archive is, in a sense, the victim of its own success.


He went,and with the help of princess Ariadne of Crete, he killed the Minotaur and carried the Princess with him on his way back.


In his article, Engels denounced their extreme distain of reason and their surrender to superstition and empiricism.


The "entropic" regime is, thus, doomed to become the victim of its own lethal principle, and the most vulnerable victim at that, thanks to the absence of any impulse within its own structure that could, as it were, make it face up to itself.

因此,这种&熵&的制度注定地变成它自己的致命原则的牺牲品而且是最脆弱的牺牲品,由于在它自身结构之内缺乏任何动力,将转向自己的反面*(face up to是&正面&的意思)。

更多网络解释与牺牲品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fall prey to:成为牺牲品,成为......的猎物

excessive permissiveness 放任 | fall prey to 成为牺牲品,成为......的猎物 | father upon 强加于

fall prey to:成为...的牺牲品,深受...之害

fall out of the habit of%[]%戒除...的习惯% | fall prey to%[]%成为...的牺牲品,深受...之害% | fall short of%[]%不足,达不到%

fall prey to:成为...牺牲品;深受...之害

come up to 比得上, 达到 | fall prey to* 成为...牺牲品;深受...之害 | fall short of 达不到,不符合

fall prey to:成为...的牺牲品

5: heart attack心脏病发作 | 1: fall prey to成为...的牺牲品 | 2: sitting president现任总统

fall victim to:成为......的受害者/牺牲品

fall into step 步调一致 | fall victim to 成为......的受害者/牺牲品 | fall short of 缺乏 不符合

fall victim to:成为...的牺牲品

falcon n.[动](猎鸟用的)猎鹰 | fall victim to 成为...的牺牲品 | far-sighted founders 具有远见的奠基人

fall victim to:成为牺牲品

520. fall short of不足 | 521. fall victim to 成为牺牲品 | 522. fame 名声

fall victim to:成为...的牺牲品ffF中国英语学习网

falcon n.[动](猎鸟用的)猎鹰ffF中国英语学习网 | fall victim to 成为...的牺牲品ffF中国英语学习网 | far-sighted founders 具有远见的奠基人ffF中国英语学习网

to fall victim to:成为......的牺牲品

16. 正确利用 to make proper use of | 17. 成为......的牺牲品 to fall victim to | 18. 网上经营 web business

fall a victim to:成为......的牺牲品

evil adj.邪恶的;n .邪恶,罪恶 | fall a victim to 成为......的牺牲品 | follow like sheep 盲从