英语人>词典>汉英 : 特征锥 的英文翻译,例句
特征锥 的英文翻译、例句


characteristic cone · characteristic conoid
更多网络例句与特征锥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The formal solution of partial differential equations is given on characteristic line, the existence of the optimal control is proven by using Ekeland\'s variational principle, Gronwall Lemma and adjoint system, then the necessary condition of optimality is obtained by means of the conception of normal cone.


Engine order: 2#-8# wind force: 200-25000m3/h total pressure: 54-1200Pa characteristic: Colour uses impeller of canister of bosomy form wind, cone-shaped hub, wind pressure tall, wind force big, noise province of report of low, bad news, structure is compact wait for an advantage, horizontal, vertical is installed all but, most apply to straight conduit and pressurization to send a platoon wind, material uses vitreous steeliness to become anticorrosive model, can use at carrying to contain caustic gas.


SJG of place of ventilated take a breath order of engine of inclined fan drifting type: 2#- 8# wind force: 200 - 25000m3/h total pressure: 54 - 1200Pa characteristic: Use impeller of canister of bosomy form wind, cone-shaped hub, wind pressure tall, wind force big, noise province of report of low, bad news, structure is compact wait for an advantage, horizontal, vertical is installed all but, most apply to straight conduit and pressurization to send a platoon wind, material can use glass reinforced plastics or steel is made, also can make a place with a draught of housetop type, pass in and out can be added set muffle; Application: Industry and civil architectural send a wind the system.


Fossils are well preserved. 2. The results of comparative analysis of South China Karst Nominated Sites (Phase 1) with similar sites: among the stone forests all over the world, Shilin Stone Forest in Yunnan is neither the tallest nor the oldest one, but the most complicated in the evolution history and richest in the forms. It represented a unique evolvement mechanism of stone forest development; Libo cone karst, possesses not only the most typical karst cones, but also the most complex assemblages of the cone karst.


The results show that the particles character as the growth of anion coordination tetrahedron during solvent thermal treatment, where blende-type ZnS particle is in the shape of double cone or tetrahedron, blend-type CdS appears as the tetrahedron, but wurtzite-type CdS is in the shape of cone. In addition, the particles with the better crystallinity are obtained with the increase of solvent thermal treatment temperature and time.


This paper sets up the fixed point theorems for cone stretching or compression and more extensive fixed point theorems for cone stretching or compression in their normal forms on the condensing mapping.


An accurate measurement scheme is proposed for testing the error of cone prisms with Hartmann wavefront sensor. The measurement theory was discussed, the reconstruction of the wavefront reflected from a cone prism was studied, and the relation between the wavefront characteristics and the errors of a cone prism was given.


The existence theorem of generalized weak efficient solutions with respect to variable, cone for a linear G〓teaux differentiable mapping is proved with set valued mapping fixed-point theorem and the relation between a vector optimization and a variational inequality problem. The existence of weak efficient solutions for multi-objective convex vector optimization is characterized.


The earliest change of ERG in birdshot chorioretinopathy was the prolongation of cone ERG implicit time. Followed by the decrease of dark-adapted b wave amplitude. The b wave amplitude of cone ERG decreased later. The duration of the disease correlates with the amplitude of b wave in the same patient. The a wave was the last affected and the decrease of the a wave amplitude was disproportionate compared to that of b wave, revealing a typical negative type ERG.

结果发现最早的变化为锥细胞ERG潜伏期的延长;接着是暗适应b波振幅下降,锥细胞b波下降较晚,同一患者病程的长短和ERG b波振幅下降幅度一致;a波振幅下降晚于b波,且下降不成比例,出现负相ERG,可作为诊断此疾病的特征性ERG。

New methods for preventing and treating bottom water coning are found out through deeper understanding of the development practice and rational adjustment, which are to control liquid production in low water cut period, to produce oil and water simultaneously in medium water cut period, and to drill side - track well or to shut well down to kill coning in high water cut period.


更多网络解释与特征锥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bicharacteristic strip:双特征带

bicharacteristic curve | 双特征(曲)线 | bicharacteristic strip | 双特征带 | biche | 打捞母锥

characteristic cone:特征锥

特征值|characteristic value | 特征锥|characteristic cone | 特征子群|characteristic subgroup

characteristic cone:特征锥;特征锥面

特征条件 characteristic condition | 特征锥;特征锥面 characteristic cone | 特征锥体;特征二次曲面 characteristic conoid

characteristic conoid:特征锥体;特征二次曲面

特征锥;特征锥面 characteristic cone | 特征锥体;特征二次曲面 characteristic conoid | 特征常数;特征值 characteristic constant

characteristic subgroup:特征子群

特征锥|characteristic cone | 特征子群|characteristic subgroup | 特征座标|characteristic coordinates

circular cylinder:圆柱

简称棱柱 返回 球体(sphere) 棱柱体 圆柱体 柱体(cylinder)锥 体(cone) 柱体 锥体 圆柱 棱柱 圆锥 棱锥圆柱 长方体 正方体 球体 圆锥 我们已经认识的立体图形有: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 南肖埠幼儿园 小组讨论: 你们能将这五个基本的立体图形按某些特征分类吗? 建议: 请其中一位同学记录并汇报 棱柱 ( prism ) 圆


通过本论文的研究工作,得出以下的结论: 1、经离子束处理后,铝合金试样的表面形态发生了明显变化,形成了类似于锥形体(cones)、凹陷(depressions)、脊背(ridges)、沟壕(trenches)、小丘(blisters)和环形坑(craters)等形状的表面形貌特征.


在孔之形状选项上,增加埋头孔(counterbore)及锥孔(countersink)两选项,此部份之图表板如图11所示. 另外,在螺孔之建构方面,则增加NPT、NPTF及ISO 7-1等类螺孔建构能力,此部份之图表板如图12所示. Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0新增之特征识别工具(Feature Recognition Tool,

Leishmania donovani:利什曼原虫

是由杜氏利什曼原虫引起,经白蛉传播的慢性地方性传染病.临床上以长期不规则发热,进行性脾肿,消瘦,贫血,白细胞减少及血浆球蛋白增高为特征.[病原学]杜氏利什曼原虫(Leishmania donovani)锥虫科利什曼原虫属,


phototurbidometry 光电比浊度测定法 | phragmocone 闭锥(贝壳特征) | phrenosin 羟脑苷脂