英语人>词典>汉英 : 特别 的英文翻译,例句
特别 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
especially  ·  extraordinarily  ·  particularly  ·  specialties  ·  specialty

in particular · most of all · worst of all
更多网络例句与特别相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Wild Mammals Act 1996 protects wild mammals by making it an offence to cause them unnecessary suffering by certain acts.Crimes include Badger baiting and other cruelty cases; and illegal snaring, poaching, poisoning and hunting.


Now established a long-term nature of the Special Committee, they are budget accounts of the Special Committee, the Special Committee on Ethics.


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Administrative Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Reporting, investigation and Handling of the Accidents Disrupting Production Safety, the Ministry of Supervision has, by earnestly fulfilling its administrative supervision functions and responsibilities, joined relevant departments in seriously closing the cases of the 5 major accidents which are: an extremely serious road traffic black powder explosion in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province on March 17, 2005, an extremely serious fire accident in Nanshan Coalmine in Lingshi County of Jinzhong City of Shanxi Province on November 12, 2006, an extremely serious steel ladle capsizal accident at Qinghe Special Steel Co. Ltd. in Tieling City of Liaoning Province on April 18, 2007, a major methane explosion accident at Pudeng Coalmine in Linfen City of Shanxi Province on May 5, and an extremely serious bridge collapsing accident over Dixituo River in Fenghuang County of Hunan Povince.


At a very young age I remember seeing Jill Clayburgh in "An Unmarried Woman" and it went right over my head, but knowing that there was something special about that movie and that there was something special about her performance and now I know who Jill Clayburgh is I realise she is very special.

我有和我的妈妈一起看过限制级电影呢。我记得我在很小的时候曾看过Jill Calyburgh主演的电影"An Umarried Woman",那时我并不理解那部电影,只知道那部电影很特别,她的演出很特别,现在我知道Jill Clayburgh是谁了,我也了解到她是真的很特别

An amendment to the Fund's Articles of Agreement establishing a new facility based on ecial Drawing Right entered into force on 28 July 1969, and on 1 January 1970 SDR 3414 million were allocated to 104 participants in the Fund's ecial Drawing Account.


In Chapter Five, the final chapter, the author concludes that, the obligee can choose theright of claim most favorable to him under general circumstances, or choose both of theclaims available to him under certain special circumstances; if the right of claims aretransferred, the inflicter shall demur with the existed right to claim indemnity, no matterwho lodge a complaint, either the transferor or the transferee; when the law has a specialprovision or the parties achieves a fairly special agreement within the limit of law, thespecial provision or agreement shall be obeyed.


I, instructed by the Government, have the honour to submit to Your Excellency the Instrument of Ratification of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the PRC") for the Seventh Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union, adopted by the 23rd Universal Postal Congress on October 5, 2004,(hereinafter referred to as "the Protocol"), and to state the following on behalf of the Government of the PRC


However, if the courts of the Region, in adjudicating cases, need to interpret the provisions of this Law concerning affairs which are the responsibility of the Central People's Government, or concerning the relationship be, tween the Central Authorities and the Region, and if such interpretation will affect the judgments in the cases, the courts of the Region shall, before making their final judgments which are not appealable, seek an interpretation of the relevant provisions from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress through the Court of Final Appeal of the Region.


Because other classmates made a match between him amd me.He was not too handsome,not excellent in study,not too rich,and not honeylipped. So I didn't know why I regard him actually.


In the actual life of our country,owing to lacking relevant theory supporting and legislation,a large number of special power relationships are dissociating except ruling of law.And ...


更多网络解释与特别相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

eager beaver:[口] 做事特别卖力气的人(特别指做事过于卖力气以讨好上司的人)

PTV Parachute Test Vehicle 跳伞试用飞行器 | eager beaver [口] 做事特别卖力气的人(特别指做事过于卖力气以讨好上司的人) | dough rolling 机团辊压

Blackjack 20:特别任务取得21颗星

Operational Asset 20 5项特别任务各取得3颗星 | Blackjack 20特别任务取得21颗星 | Honor Roll 20每项特别任务都取得至少1颗星

parlour boarder:特别受优待者

特别历史事件/historical phenomenon | 特别受优待者/parlour boarder | 特别讨厌的人/pet aversion

parlour boarder:特别寄宿生

特别工作组/task force;task force | 特别寄宿生/parlour boarder | 特别历史事件/historical phenomenon

Extraordinary Council of Ministers:部长特别理事会

extraordinary costs not allocable to programmes;不能分配于各项方案的特别费用;; | Extraordinary Council of Ministers;部长特别理事会;; | extraordinary expenses;特别费用;;

Special Events Lead Coworker:特别活动带领同工

Special Events Coordinator (VBS, Easter, Christmas, church special events, etc.) 特别活动协调同 | Special Events Lead Coworker特别活动带领同工 | Special Events Assistant Coworker 特别活动协助同工

have a thing about:对...特别感兴趣; 特别向往[爱好] 对...感到莫明其妙的恐惧或厌恶

good things 好吃的东西, 美味的食品.奢侈... | have a thing about 对...特别感兴趣; 特别向往[爱好] 对...感到莫明其妙的恐惧或厌恶 | have this thing about 对...特别感兴趣; 特别向往[爱好] 对...感到莫明其妙的恐...

particular specification:特别规格明细表,特别规格

particular preambles 特别序言 | particular specification 特别规格明细表,特别规格 | passive earth pressure, pp 被动土压力

Special Select Committee:特别专题委员会

Special Sectoral Source;特别部门资料源;; | Special Select Committee;特别专题委员会;; | special session;特别会议;特别开庭;;


战区资源:战区特别行动司令部(SOCs) 在联合作战司令部下设战区特别行动司令部,服务于地区作战总司令,负责战区内所有的特别行动,指挥、控制战区内来自不同部队的特别行动队.