英语人>词典>汉英 : 物主 的英文翻译,例句
物主 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
owner  ·  owners

更多网络例句与物主相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The methanol adsorbate is mainly composed of CO.


Useless and free, it has spent seventy years as a minor family relic handed along collaterally to owners who looked at it sometimes, or didn't bother to.


I can only hope that there will come one day when France will disburden herself of the heavy load on her conscience and cleanse herself of the crime by returning to China all the spoils taken from the WinterPalace.


I can only hope that there will come one day when France will disburden herself of the heavy load on her conscience and cleanse herself of the crime by returning to China all the spoils taken from the Winter Palace.


Don is the owner of several free information websites and the sole proprietor of Java Jakes Gourmet Coffee Co.


Modifying a noun, the possessive pronoun or the noun in the possessive case in English may indicate the patient, in addition to the possession, the agent, etc.


This is the word for majesty, followed by letter f, indicating the possessive pronoun his.


Hydrolysis of the mischarged amino acids in theediting reaction will rely on the proper binding and correct recognition of both mainchain and side chain of the substrate. In general, the editing active site ofLeuRS-ED has a very rigid structure with a defined stereochemistry and usesa number of conserved residues to precisely bind and recognize the misactivatedamino acids and discriminate and reject the cognate amino acid, specifically usingMet336, Asp345, and possibly Thr247 for main-chain recognition and Thr252,Met336, and Val338 for side-chain recognition.


A walking stick =a stick for walking=a stick which is used for walking a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for washing a reading room=a room for reading=a room which is used for reading a measuring tape=a tape for measuring=a tape which is used for measuring sleeping pills=pills for sleeping=pills which is used for sleeping


A walking stick =a stick for walking=a stick which is used for walking a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for washing a reading room=a room for reading=a room which is used for reading a measuring tape=a tape for measuring=a tape which is used for measu ring sleeping pills=pills for sleeping=pills which is used for sleeping.

二 , 动名词的逻辑主语带有逻辑主语的动名词称为动名词的复合结构。当动名词的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,要在动名词之前加上物主代词或名词所有格,这便构成了动名词的复合结构。其中物主代词是逻辑上的主语,动名词是逻辑上的谓语。动名词复合结构在句中可作主语,宾语,表语等,分别相当于一个主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句。

更多网络解释与物主相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absentee owner:未在场物主;无机能资本家

absente reo 在被告缺席的情况下 | absentee owner 未在场物主;无机能资本家 | absentee ownership 不在所有权;遥有制度;未参预管理主权

adjectival possesive pronoun:形容词性物主代词

名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun | 形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun | 冠词 article

possessive adjective:領屬形容詞;所有格形容詞;物主形容詞

possession 屬有;所有 | possessive adjective 領屬形容詞;所有格形容詞;物主形容詞 | possessive case 屬(有)格;所有格;屬格

hers porn:她的(名词性物主代词)

here ad. 这里,在这里;向这里 | hers porn. 她的(名词性物主代词) | herself porn. 她自己



nominal possessive pronoun:名词性物主代词

物主代词(possessive pronoun)有两类,一是定语性物主代词(attributive possessive pronoun),一是名词性物主代词(nominal possessive pronoun). 传统语法认为前者相当于形容词,可做定语;后者相当于名词,可以单独做主语、宾语和表语. 本文所讲的物主代词是前者.

adjectival possessive pronoun:形容词性物主代词

名词性物主代词 nominal possessive pronoun | 形容词性物主代词 adjectival possessive pronoun | 冠词 article

Adjective possessive pronoun:形容词形物主代词

Nominal possessive pronoun 名词性无主代词 | Adjective possessive pronoun 形容词形物主代词 | personal pronouns 人称代词

a possessive pronoun:物主代词

He is possessed of a large vocabulary.他的词汇量很大. | possessive a.所有的;占有的;所有格的;物主的 | a possessive pronoun 物主代词

Possessive Pronouns:物主代词

教学建议 教学内容分析 该单元核心教学项目是 "找寻物主"(Asking about ownership ), 这就不免牵扯到物主代词(Possessive pronouns)的使用,但要让学生正确区分两种物主代词(形容词性的物主代词、名词性的物主代词),并不能仅仅从有没有"s"来作为标准,