英语人>词典>汉英 : 爬上树 的英文翻译,例句
爬上树 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tree  ·  trees

更多网络例句与爬上树相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You're the first man to climb down that tree before climbing up it.


I climbed up a tree just in time before they converged on me.


Today, I read an article called "strong and the small snail's pace", the main author stresses small walk in the garden and found a snail is a small climb a tree, climbed up at the tree tops seemed to boost small author Zibuliangli think snails, but after a month later, when another author came to the small tree, the snail has climbed more than 30 meters, the authors looked at this small scene, this little life was touched by the strong.


When I thought it was safe enough, I would jump down, make a mad dash for the next tree, and then climb up before they converged again.


When her husband climbed menacingly towards her, she threw herself out of the tree.


When her husband climbed menacingly towards her, she threw herself out of the tree , daring him to follow


Once the Devil was in the tree, Jack pulled out a pocket knife and carved a cross in the tree trunk.


Satan was eager to climb to the tree and Jack immediately took out a knife and craved an image of a cross in the tree's trunk, trapping the devil up the tree.


She screamed, spooking the 211-pound bear, which ran to a nearby tree, climbed 40 feet up and wouldn't budge.


Do not climb up the tree, the bear is top gun of climbing tree.


更多网络解释与爬上树相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大头鱼(Bullhead)是鲇形目鮡科纹胸鮡属鱼类的总称. 这类鱼的胸部宽而平坦,形成一个吸着器,它们依靠吸着器将身体吸附在石头或树上,并能将身体左右、上下移动. 它们为了保护下一代,以免鱼卵被山洪冲走,便爬上树去产卵. 随着气温的逐渐升高,


这种豹外表看上去和非洲猎豹(cheetah)很相似,也是黄色的毛黑色的斑点,但是要比猎豹小很多. 最重要的是他可以非常敏捷地爬上树,这是一般动物都做不到的. 我们当时之所以能看见豹就是因为Samuel发现了一只瞪羚羊尸体倒挂在一棵树上.


坑谷中有藤蔓植物(CREEPER),TIM试着爬上去,可是掉了下来. 从地上捡起了藤蔓绳(LIANA),一头套在树上,另一头套在石头上,做成一个发射架. 爬上树发射!由于高度不够,TIM重重的砸在了对面山壁上(惨). 重新拿回藤蔓,再次做发射架,

family tree:族谱

树上的全家福:英文的"族谱"(Family Tree)一词是由"家族"和"树"两个单词组成的,照片上的一家四口突发奇想,爬上树杈一字排开,拍下了属于自己的"族谱". (新浪女性配图,图片来源:信息时报)

jump down from:从...跳下

11. at the doctor's 在诊所 | 12. jump down from... 从...跳下 | 13. climb up the tree 爬上树


treatyn.条约,协议,协商 | treen.树,树状物vi,爬上树 | tremblen.战栗,颤抖v,发抖,颤抖;摇动;焦虑

Tom climbed the tree without difficulty:汤姆毫不费劲地爬上了树

⑵He had alittle difficulty in solving the problem.解决这个问题,他有一点困... | ⑶Tom climbed the tree without difficulty.汤姆毫不费劲地爬上了树 | We'll meet with all kinds of difficulties.我们会遇到各种困...

The cat climbed up a tree:猫爬上了树

45.up 沿...而上 | The cat climbed up a tree. 猫爬上了树. | We started swimming up the river. 我们开始在河里逆流而游.

There's a tree-run,run,run:有一棵树,跑啊

Come on, Max-go,go,go! 快跑,快点. | There's a tree-run,run,run! 有一棵树,跑啊. | Climb the tree- one ,two, three! 爬上树,一,二,三.

He climbs the tree like a cat:他像猫一样地爬上树

Mary's dress is red, like mine. 玛丽的衣服是红色的,和我的一样. | He climbs the tree like a cat. 他像猫一样地爬上树. | look like 看起来像