英语人>词典>汉英 : 煮沸的 的英文翻译,例句
煮沸的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Can also be boiled on the water, eat a bowl of eggs, brown sugar, red dates.


Sweets Look out for gelatine in boiled sweets and mints, and cochineal in boiled sweets and Smarties.


He would decapitate people and post heads along roads like sign posts and would boil people alive .


Boil some water and add few drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil to make breathing easier.


Gelatine is made from animal ligaments, tendons, bones etc which have been boiled in water.


To make the lavender water, place ? cup dried lavender in a glass container and cover with 1 cup boiling filtered water and steep for a few hours and strain.


For this reason, sucking any pastille, lozenge or boiled sweet can help to relieve a sore throat.

基于这个原因,吸吮任何pastille ,菱形或煮沸的甜可以帮助减轻喉咙。

If tap water is used, the caregiver must decide whether to boil the water to eliminate bacteria and thus concentrate any heavy metals in the water, or to use unboiled water.


And drinking tap water and boiled in the boiling process, can be further sterilization, disinfection, reducing the water hardness and reduction of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and other substances, so when we are in daily drinking water should be careful not to drink unboiled water, and do not boil the water, but should drink plenty of cold water.


Take codlins or any other apples , pare and core them, make a little cold butter paste, and roll it up about the thickness of your finger, so lap around every apple , and tie them single in a fine cloth, boil them in a little salt and water, and let the water boil before you put them in; half an hour will boil them; you must have for sauce a little white wine and butter; grate some sugar round the dish, and serve them up.


更多网络解释与煮沸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bohea /武夷茶/ | bohunk /东欧人/从东欧来的低层工人/ | boiled /煮沸的/

boiling water:沸腾的水

boil v. come to the temperature on which a liquid changes to gas 煮沸 | boiling water 沸腾的水 | boiled water 煮开过的水


他的会议通讯产品赢得了美国1000强中80%的客户,最终迫使微软于2002年停止开发NET MEETING. 连BILL GATES 都不得不说,"min,I 服了U". 美国人起初认为他们想做煮沸(boiling)海洋的疯狂事情,现在他们认为海洋的温度的确升高了(warm up ).

Madame Curie:居禮夫人

有史以来第一个曾经拿到两次诺贝尔奖金的科学家居礼夫人(Madame Curie)为了发现并提炼於射性的元素「镭」,曾经与她的夫婿居礼先生,在一个简陋的实验室中日以继夜的从事工作,他们失妇俩人天天劈柴生火,把一公尺直径的大锅炉中的沥赢\煮沸,

immune globulin:免疫球蛋白

如何避免感染A型肝炎,父母亲可以让小朋友接受A型肝炎疫苗或免疫球蛋白(immune globulin)的注射;或者是不要使用未经煮沸的水,或用该水制成的冰块,此外,也应避免吃未削皮的水果、沙拉、未经煮熟的蔬菜,和生贝类海产(如蚝、?


immerse 沉浸 | immersible 可浸入的 | immersion heater 电热煮沸器

boiled linseed oil:熟亚麻仁油,精炼熟胡麻油

boiled 煮沸的 | boiled linseed oil 熟亚麻仁油,精炼熟胡麻油 | boiled oil 清油,熟炼油,熟亚麻仁油

Boiled Okra:煮沸的黄秋葵

429. Bubotuber Pus 巴波块茎的脓水 | 430. Boiled Okra 煮沸的黄秋葵 | 432. Grits 玉米粉

water bag:硫化室, 煮沸室; 水袋

vanity bag 妇女随身携带, 盛放化妆品的小手提(皮)包 | water bag 硫化室, 煮沸室; 水袋 | window bag 开窗袋(透明薄膜制, 袋中部有空白未印刷部分, 可清楚看到内容物)

walnut oil:胡桃油

具有明显的黄色雄蕊, 花朵散生于茎顶50公分的区域,因而获得天(Ladder-to-heaven)的俗名,开花后, 割取地上部分,放在橄榄油中煮沸1小时左右,会使橄榄油变成黑色,可制成干燥发质的高品质发油,如同胡桃油(Walnut oil)一样地将任何灰色头