英语人>词典>汉英 : 照明 的英文翻译,例句
照明 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
illume  ·  illuminate  ·  illumination  ·  illumine  ·  lighting  ·  lumination  ·  illumed  ·  illumes  ·  illuminates  ·  illumined  ·  illumines  ·  illuming  ·  illumining

clearing luminary
更多网络例句与照明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The company has the formidable project executive ability, successively in provinces and cities and so on Beijing, Zhejiang, Tibet, Sichuan continues the city illumination transformation (traditional street light to change solar energy illumination), the urban road illumination, the city park and the residential district solar energy illumination, the city public transportation station desk lamp box illumination, the solar energy light bends down the power plant, the communication relay station solar energy power supply, highway supervisory system photoelectricity application engineering project and so on solar energy power supply, tunnel solar energy illumination.


This paper addresses the principles and process of the constitution of this standard and introduces the contents from the aspect of nocturnal environment safety and security , light pollution control, floodlighting luminance of building, artistic effect of lighting, lighting devices, and lighting power supply in detail.

上海市城市环境照明规范》于2 0 0 4年9月1日开始实施,本文阐述了该规范制订的原则和过程,并从夜间环境的安全与安保、光污染的限制、建筑物泛光照明亮度、照明艺术效果、照明设备和照明供配电等方面详细介绍了规范的内容。

Dedicated to developing our own professional lighting designed capacity for many years, as well as gain great support by the engineering departments in many well-known light produce factories, our high quality lighting products in the fields of construction floodlighting, Industrial workshop lighting, roadway and bridge lighting, commerce lighting, garden lighting and hotel lighting are always satisfied by all of our clients and associates in the same business field.


Has been rated: Illuminating Engineering Society of China photovoltaic lighting, vice chairman; Chinas semiconductor lighting lighting Electric Association Committee; the World Bank Group of the "light of Africa" project members; countries "LED street lighting" AP unit standards.


Beijing recently started several training programs for lighting designers, and CIES(China Illuminating Engineering Society) received authorization from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to certify lighting designers in China.


Garden and landscape lamp series:garden lamp series, lawn lamp, landscape lamp, wall lamp, spot lamp, project lamp, underground lamp, top light etc


W8 g 1.12 局部照明灯泡 tungsten filament lamp for localized lighting

a- Z: y4 ?8 X3 |9 u a2 N 用于局部安全照明的白炽灯泡,其灯电压在36V以下。

Pada is driving to supply new applications to peculiar HID, PAR lamps system for airport, stage, building, underwater environment; Special lighting of train and automobile for headlighting and LED signal; Unique HID, UHP and LED lighting for fire fighting, medical lighting, optical fiber lighting, as well as photosynthesis improving and video projector lamp and electronic ballast.


As a new-fashioned solid state lighting source, LED has many unique advantages such as nearly no pollution of the product and in the production process; resistance to vibration; easily dimmering from 0 to 100%; operating under safe extra low voltage; continuously operating under the condition of switch-off; having a fixed direction of the light output etc.

引言 LED应用于照明领域,是目前我国乃至世界照明界的热门话题,通过从业人员的不断努力,目前照明用白光LED在通常的照明工作条件下的系统效率,已达到40lm/W,再加上照明用LED制造成本的大幅下降,所以照明用白光LED已具备应用到一些照明领域的商用条件。

According to this plan, green lighting will be popularised in Beijing's indoor and outdoor lighting, scenic spot lighting, street lighting, and square and public space lighting.


更多网络解释与照明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


首先是灯光照射方式,主要有两种,即泛光照明(floodlight)和聚光照明(Spotlight),泛光照明是一种散射的光线照明,用于大面积均匀的照明. 聚光照明是一种狭窄的集中的光线照明,用于小面积或者集中的照明.


floodlight 泛光照明 | floodlighting 泛光灯照明 | floodlit 照明


floodlight散光灯,泛光灯 | floodlighting散光照明,泛光照明 | floodlubrication浸入润滑


照明组长 (Gaffer) 照明组长是主照明员(chief lighting technician: CLT). 他直接与摄影指导一同工作,负责按照灯光图布光,并协助摄影指导获得理想的影片画面. 摄影指导,照明组长和总置景师一同参加前期制作会议并且寻找适合影片拍摄的场地.

illuminance level:照明度

illuminance 照明度 | illuminance level 照明度 | illuminated sign 照明标志


illuminated rocket 火号;照明火箭 | illuminated 被照明的加了灯饰的 | illuminating apparatus 照明设备

illuminating engineering:照明工程

二、 建筑环境照明设计的动向 (一) 全面评估照明质量,淡化、简化照度指标 2000年北美照明工程学会IESNA出版>,它的主编Mark S Rea在>前言中写道:"...过去二十年来在照明实践中有从照明工程(illuminating engineering)到照明设计(Lighting design)的动向,

illumination in macrography:宏观照相照明,宏观检验照明

illumination factor | 照度系数 | illumination in macrography | 宏观照相照明,宏观检验照明 | illumination index | 照明指数

illuminative:照明的; 启蒙的; 照亮的 (形)

illumination 照明; 启发; 阐明 (名) | illuminative 照明的; 启蒙的; 照亮的 (形) | illuminator 照明之人; 彩饰书稿的人; 照明器 (名)

indirect lighting:间接采光,反射光照明,反射照明=>間接照明

indirect light reflex ==> 间接光反射 | indirect lighting ==> 间接采光,反射光照明,反射照明=>間接照明 | indirect lighting stroke ==> 誘導雷