英语人>词典>汉英 : 热情 的英文翻译,例句
热情 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ardor  ·  ardour  ·  ebullience  ·  electricity  ·  fervency  ·  fervor  ·  fervour  ·  fire  ·  fired  ·  fires  ·  flame  ·  flamed  ·  flames  ·  glow  ·  intenseness  ·  pash  ·  passion  ·  verve  ·  warmth  ·  zeal  ·  zest  ·  glowed  ·  glows  ·  zests

更多网络例句与热情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ardent 热情的 Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake the dangerous mission.


So to analyze in the aspect of description, it is useful to delouse the fount how inarticulateness comes into being; Based on the economic relationship and from the viewpoint of the pursuit of aim, the object of studying, the original creation of aesthetics, as well as the articulate knowledge and inarticulate knowledge, Polanyi distinguished the acquisitive way of science and technology. The development model of personal Knowledge can be generalized as the enthusiasm of seeking knowledge; Polanyi revealed how personal factors of mathematician cut across logical chasm, and gained mathematics findings in math" s activities. Thus he proved mathematics was also activity-needed techniques as natural science; Last evaluating the theory of "Personal Knowledge systematically, it can reveal its realistic significance and limitation.


It was the last bit of passion left in these men: the passion for making a display. Sexually they were passionless , even dead.


There was on his face an expression of solemn and holy rapture, as if he were revealing to me the mysteries of his religion. I became far more interested in him than in the socks. I looked at him in amazement."My friend," said I,"if you can keep this up, if this is not merely the enthusiasm that comes from novelty, from having a new job, if you can keep up this zeal and excitement day after day, in ten years you will own every sock in the United States." My amazement at his pride and joy in salesmanship will be easily understood by all who read this article. In many shops the customer has to wait for someone to wait upon him. And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. Either he is absorbed in profound thought in which he hates to be disturbed or he is skylarking with a girl clerk and you feel like apologizing for thrusting yourself into such intimacy. He displays no interest either in you or in the goods he is paid to sell. Yet possibly that very clerk who is now so apathetic began his career with hope and enthusiasm. The daily grind was too much for him; the novelty wore off; his only pleasures were found outside of working hours. He became a mechanical, not inspired, salesman. After being mechanical, he became incompetent; then he saw younger clerks who had more zest in their work, promoted over him. He became sour. That was the last stage. His usefulness was over. I have observed this melancholy decline in the lives of so many men in so many occupations that I have come to the conclusion that the surest road to failure is to do things mechanically. There are many teachers in schools and colleges who seem duller than the dullest of their pupils; they go through the motions of teaching, but they are as impersonal as a telephone.


Everything about the Middle East is passion. It's my land. It's your land. It's my home. It's your home -- my religion, your religion and the Appassionato Sonata is all about Beethoven's passion at a time when he realized he was about to lose his hearing.


So to analyze in the aspect of description, it is useful to delouse the fount how inarticulateness comes into being; Based on the economic relationship and from the viewpoint of the pursuit of aim, the object of studying, the original creation of aesthetics, as well as the articulate knowledge and inarticulate knowledge, Polanyi distinguished the acquisitive way of science and technology. The development model of personal Knowledge can be generalized as the enthusiasm of seeking knowledge; Polanyi revealed how personal factors of mathematician cut across logical chasm, and gained mathematics findings in math" s activities. Thus he proved mathematics was also activity-needed techniques as natural science; Last evaluating the theory of "Personal Knowledge systematically, it can reveal its realistic significance and limitation.


"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," wrote R alph Waldo Emerson. It is the paste that helps you hang in th ere when the going gets tough. It is the inner voice that whisp ers,"I can do it!" when others shout, No, you can't.


Or rather, it bas mostly Mrs Bolton talking. She had unloosed to him the stream of gossip about Tevershall village. It was more than gossip.


If a warmly warbling warbler warbles to another armly warbling warbler, which warmly warbling warbler warbles warmest?


Repertory Theater, established at 20 years or footprints Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shandong, Tianjin and medium-sized cities, to perform nearly the Department of the spirit of the times given to large-scale drama,热情讴歌of our great motherland and the people industrious and brave, much of the repertoire performances are at full field for more than hundred, by the audience's praise.


更多网络解释与热情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fever all through the night:热情一直穿过整个漫漫长夜

Fever in the morning 热情持续到黎明 | Fever all through the night 热情一直穿过整个漫漫长夜 | Sun lights up the daytime 太阳在白天的时候升起


hysteria :歇斯底里 | ardently :热情地,热烈地 | enthusiastically :热情地,热烈地

arent aj:极热心的;热情的

urbane aj. 温文的;文雅的 | arent aj. 极热心的;热情的 | earnest 热情的,认真的

give sb a bear hug:给某人一个热情的拥抱

bear hug:热情的拥抱 | give sb. a bear hug:给某人一个热情的拥抱 | 11.business n.事(私人的事情)

dispassionate - responsive:不热情 - 热情

194. dishevel ( 使蓬乱 ) - | 195. dispassionate - responsive 不热情 - 热情 | 196. dispute - accept 争论 - 接受


可是如果 "热情"(passion)和"情感"热情无情感的人却是一个笑话和一幅讽刺画了. 他和都德(Daudet)的莎复曼丽玛黛玲(Mary MagAda-lene)是对的. 热情和情感免不了会使我们做勇气.


(一)热情(warmth)热情意味着心理治疗师能给患者提供一种使其放松、不受威胁并赏识自己的环境. 热情的治疗师对患者以常人的态度对待,而不管患者本身可能拥有的人格特质、生活风格、行为历史;他们无条件接纳患者所说所做的,


apparitor | 执行官, 布告者, 宫廷使者 | appassionata | 热情的 | appassionato | 热情热情


passingly /顺便/ | passional /热情的/易怒的/情欲的/圣徒受难记/ | passionate /多情的/善感的/易怒的/热烈的/热情的/热情/

e. Enthusiasm:热情:待人接物热情,是学生会成员的基本要求

牐牐牐燿 desire 干劲:学生会要求每个成员都要在行动中体现活力和干劲 | 牐牐牐爀 enthusiasm 热情:待人接物热情,是学生会成员的基本要求 | 牐牐牐爊 niceness 友好:待人接物友好,是学生会成员的基本要求